The... Sand.. Ninja... ARRIVE!!!

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Gaara, Temari, and kankuro in chibi form XDDDDDD -------->

We returned to doing normal missions afterwords. D-rank missions, like pulling weeds, walking dogs five times out size, and babysitting insane little kids that won't shut up for the love of god.

"Ugh...I'm tired..." I groaned and started walking home.

"Loser," Sasuke said.

"Shut up duck-butt!" I yelled back at him.

"I do not have a duck butt!" he yelled back. "Idiot!"

"You should look in a mirror sometime," I smirked and pointed at his head. HAH. YES. Major score!!!

"I'm going to go train," he turned around and started walking the other way.

"Sasuke, why don't we train together.... you know, to improve our teamwork," Sakura said.

"Why don't you practice on your own first? You should be training when all your doing is flirting all the time! You're worse than Naruto!" and with that, he left. Sakura suddenly became depressed from his harsh words.

I patted her on the back. 'It's okay, man. He's just being a duckbutt as always."

That boosted her spirits. "Yeah! He's just shy!"

I sweatdropped. I never said that, dimwit. Damn, Sasuke was right.


"I'm going to kill you!" Sakura yelled and chased Konohamaru, the third hokage's gandson.

"Gah! Crazy lady!" he shouted and crashed into a guy wearing purple make-up.

"Brat, that hurt," he picked Konohamaru by his collar and lifted him up.

"Hey! Let him go!" Naruto yelled.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault," Sakura apoligized.

I sweatdropped. Are these people freaking serious? Purple make-up... Is he in the circus or somethin'? And anyways, Konohamaru didn't even bump into him that hard. For God's sake, I bet he just wants to take his stress out on the poor kiddo.

A rock came flying from no where and smacked the guy's hand. He let go of the kid and grabbed his hand in pain.

Sasuke was sitting in a tree tossing a tiny rock in his hands. "You're a long way from home... and way out of your league," he crushed the stone. Hearts filled Sakura's eyes and a little girl's. I could've sworn that they would've fainted anytime soon.

It really irritated me how they were so inpressed by such a simple fleet. A tiny pebble.... Wow. I thought sarcastically.

"Hmph, cocky brats," he took out a bandaged mummy like thing.

"Kankuro! Are you really going to use the crow?!" shouted a girl with blond hair. Her hair was in two pid tails.

"Shut up," he snapped at her.

What ever that is... It doesn't sound very good.

I dashed forward and kicked the damn thing out of his hands. I held the bandages in my right hand. "Loser," I smirked. HAH. WENT ALL SASUKE ON HIM.

The guy wearing the purple make-up glared at me and looked like he was going to torture me slowly to death. Maybe he really was going to do that until a voice stopped him.

"Kankuro, stop it."

"G-gaara..." he stopped and turned around slowly in fear. A red head with green eyes stepped out. he had a gourd on his back and some kind of kanji symbol on his face. O.O Omg. He's cute. Cuter then this emo bastard here.

Ugh... These Stupid Geeks- I mean Ninja (Naruto fan Fiction-Sasuke)Where stories live. Discover now