By ZhOnia92

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THIS BOOK IS UNDERGOING MAJOR REWRITING... READ AT YOUR OWN RISK A squeak left my mouth involuntarily as the... More

Part 1 Beginnings
Part 2 English
Part 3 Party Acre
Part 4 Really??
Part 5 Daddy's Girl
Part 6 Game. Point.
Part 7 Feel my wrath
Part 8 He's Gay.
Part 9 And I thought I was insane..
Part 10 How I Feel
Part 11 Alexis?
Part 12 I didn't leave
Part 13 First Date
Part 14 Trust me ? (pt 1)
Part 14 Trust Me? (pt. 2)
Part 15 Not My Luna
Part 16 Lexi Farted
Part 17 Heat
Part 18 Unwanted Guests
Part 19 Standard Chick Rule #1
Part 20 My Pet
Part 22 Parasailing
Part 23 Roman
Part 24 The Chase
Part 25 Blue
Part 26 The Chase Part 2
Part 27 That man
Part 28 Dreaming
Part 29 Plot for Revenge
Part 30 Tattoo
Part 31 Eric
Part 32 Surprise Prt 1
Part 33 Surprise 2
Part 34 Birthday?
Part 35 I Am Sam
Part 36 No Human Flesh
Part 37 Repo
Part 38 Ring
Author's Note

Part 21 I Don't Like Surprises

803 25 5
By ZhOnia92

© Copyright 2016

Xavier POV

Today was the day Alpha Caine was going to take care of the rest of the Black Night Pack so to speak. Actually with Cole's plan he won't actually have to do anything. 

The rogues we kept with us from the outskirts of our territory will be the ones that do it. They finally get to look them in the eye and have their revenge and BNP will be wiped out completely. Two birds, one stone. They've asked us specifically not to get involved just to provide a controlled environment.

I had planned to go but that's not going to happen; Caine has it under control.

It's not exactly the type of thing I want to be thinking about right now. After the other night NOTHING can ruin my mood. I'm floating on cloud nine and the only thing I want to do is spend the day with my baby. I can't believe she said it. I can tell she truly meant it too. She's loves me. And I love her.

We've spent pretty much every day together and tonight's going to be no different. 

And no, I'm not telling you so don't bother asking.

Alexis POV

For once I actually managed to wake up before Xavier.

I was happy about losing sleep this once. 

I wanted to get up to make us breakfast but he always beat me to it. I don't know what it is. There's nothing more I love than gazing at his broad shoulders, the muscles in his back working in sync to prepare my food but I always feel like that should be my job. He literally does everything else and all I do is train or sit around with pack families. If I'm going to be Luna of this pack, I think I should start off by being an excellent housewife and all the rest should follow instinctively.

I have him under some kind of spell. He would never admit that he's whipped though. The guys never let him hear the end of it especially when I made him my pet for a week.

I giggled as I made my way down the stairs. His favorite is pancakes, but he likes them plain so I guess I'll be doing those. That seemed to be the only thing we have relatively in common apart from our clashing need of domination and particularly curious sense of humor.

I was interrupted from trains of thought by an unmistakable voice. I sighed before turning to face the direction it had come from.

'Lexi what are you doing?'

' Oh it's Lexi now? It was always Alexis' I giggled  at my impression of his stern voice before continuing. 'I'm making you breakfast my love' I sounded almost mocking as I proceeded to put on my most innocent expression twiddling my thumbs.

'I can see that.' he said in response before waving his finger from my toes to my head then asked again 'What are you doing?' Oh... My clothes.

I smiled shyly and turned my back to him to flip a pancake. 'Making my overbearing Alpha breakfast in his house where we are currently alone?' it was more a question than a statement.

'People could just walk in here at any moment and you're standing here in nothing but a t-shirt.' he sounded like my dad used to when he used to actually pay attention to me long enough to scowled me about something I was doing wrong.

'Why do you allow people to just walk into your place when you live here with your mate anyway?' I shrugged my shoulders at him sinking back into my cooking thoughts and blocking him out.

'BECAUSE I...' his voice amped up the volume a little with that response but he soon realized nothing he could say would justify it. I couldn't even just show up to Chanelle and Cole's place like that so why should people just walk into his place?

'I thought so. For an overly protective Alpha you sure do love to keep your front door unlocked. You should really rethink that, especially when you're at work. Shouldn't I have a key or something by now?' I had enough time to finish that sentence before I found myself slung over his back and being carried up the stairs. An involuntary squeal left my mouth at my sudden vulnerability.

'While you may have a point,' he said obviously trying not to admit his wrongs, 'Until people are notified of that change, you will wear appropriate clothing in our house.'

'A simple message through our mind-link would suffice, I don't see why I can't just finish making breakfast.'

I'm sure I was pouting at this point while I hung upside down across his back. He simply put me down and made his way right back out the room to where i'm assuming was the kitchen to take over my cooking.



Breakfast was fun while it lasted. By that I mean, Xavier's parents decided to ruin my appetite by showing their faces in the middle of our meal.

Why me God? Is this some kind of bad karma?

'Richie! Rosie! What brings you here?' I asked cheerily trying to mask the annoyance I was honestly feeling.

'Cute. She never fails to make my day.' Richard mumbled under his breath only to find himself being elbowed by Rose. To my surprised he cleared his throat and mumbled an apology I'm assuming was directed to me.

'We're not here to cause any further trouble.' Rose sounded almost diplomatic as she seated herself at the table gesturing for Richard to do the same.

'Ohhh kay then?'

'Why are you here then?' Xavier didn't even look from his plate when he spoke. I could tell he wasn't really interested in their presence.

'About your marriage.'

'Oh joy here we go' I sighed deeply standing to my feet. I don't want to hear this. I'm sick of this shit.

'Luna.' my eyes snapped to a more childish version of the Richard I've come to know and love who sat very uneasy in his chair. He ran his hand through his hair like Xavier oh so often did when he was nervous and sat twiddling his thumbs.

The shock registered on my face causing him to speak up again. 'Please stay. This concerns you too.'

I looked over at Xavier for what my mind told me afterwards was an some kind of explanation but he looked just as thrown as I was.

'What's this about dad?'

'We've come to make amends. W-we should never have acted the way we did towards our Luna. However, some things cannot be taken back.'

'We're afraid we signed a contract about your marriage to Scalava and it simply cannot be broken.' Rose interjected.

'D-did y-you just call me Luna?' the shock resounded in my voice corresponding with both mine and Xavier's faces.

'Yes Luna.' Both stood to their feet and walked over to where I stood bowed their entire bodies to the floor.

'W-what are you doing?' This is getting weirder by the minute. What the heck is going now? In Korea this is the largest sign of respect when greeting ANYONE of grave importance. But Xavier's parents doing it looked like a sign of defeat... I half expected Aston Kutcher to bend the corner yelling, 'You've just been Punk'd!' followed by his camera crew.

'According to our traditions. They are yours to do with as you please for the next 24 hours.' Xavier spoke nonchalantly before stuffing his face with more food. What?!

'Do with as I please? What does that even mean?'

'New pets.' He smiled at me, mouth full of pancakes.

'Please stand up. You're Xavier's parents I can't do that.'

'You have to. At least one thing. Traditions are traditions Luna.' Rose looked up at me. She looked quite pathetic as did her husband. The wolf in me was loving this but my human side just couldn't. As much as I hated what they were doing and the way they treated me, they were still Xavier's parents. There were once the Luna and Alpha of this pack. They are my new family.

'Fine.' I said after a few minutes of silence. 'Since it's a Sunday I usually do our laundry. I'll do the breakfast dishes but your duty is to fulfill the rest. Keep in mind you're to stay away from the office and our bedrooms. Deal?' 

'Yes Luna.' They both bowed to me again and stood to they're feet.

'How humiliating.'


Xavier POV                                                                   

'Xav where are we going?' It felt like she was asking for the hundredth time. Is this what Cole meant by the nagging?

'Shut up already' I replied in a joking tone. 'Can't I surprise my lady?'

'I don't like surprises. Perfect start by the way, telling me to shut up.' She folded her arms across her seat belt exaggerating a huffing sound.

'I also don't like rain but it's an essential part of human life.'

'Bite me.'

'I'd be glad too baby' I responded licking my lips at her.

She pulled a disgusted face at me once i'm sure she heard the thoughts rolling around in my head. I'm a red blooded male, what can a Alpha do? Shrugging I observed her expression and the 'Eeeewwww' that followed.

'You need to get used to these thoughts of mine, they'll be more than just thoughts soon enough.'

'Filth. Pure and utter filth. Sxx means babies, babies mean pain. I won't be giving birth to anything. I'm definitely allergic to pain.'

I had to laugh at just how immature she sounded. She jumps right to the 'worst' part and forgets all the good.

'It's not funny, I don't want to push anything out of down there. That's not what it was made for.'

'Lexi I think that's exactly what it's made for. That and for giving me great pleasure.' I winked at her disgusted expression.

'No babies.'

'I don't plan on giving you any just yet. You can't get pregnant unless we do it on a full moon anyway.'

'Really??' she tilted her head to side sounded more curious than ever. I responded with a simple nod my eyes glued to the road before us. I must have forgotten to tell her that part.


We sat in silence again listening to the radio as I drove along.

'What are we gonna do about Scalava?'

I was able to rummage through her thoughts briefly during the drive so I knew she was thinking about it. There's nothing to think about though. It's fine. Everything's fine.

'Don't worry I'll take care of it soon.' I had already figured out a way to get it out of the way but there was a catch. I didn't want to tell her in case she felt pressured into anything again so I left my response at that.


'Like I said, don't worry.'

'How?' she repeated as if I hadn't spoken at all.

'The elders will take care of it.' she was about to respond again but the look I gave her told her to leave it alone. She closed her mouth as quickly as she had opened it and relaxed back into her seat.

'You big meanie. I don't like when you look at me like that. I reminds me of when you used to...'

'Used to what?'

'When you used to chew bricks for breakfast.' she crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip. She looked like a child that had just been told they can't have anymore ice cream.


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