Self Righteous โœงOBJ Story B1โœง

By SufficientHappiness

177K 7.2K 1.4K

{Previously titled Better Apart} More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
โ™šChapter 13โ™š
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Character Q&A (Closed)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 1

17.6K 389 94
By SufficientHappiness



Stretching my arms, I rubbed my eyes before looking at my mom.

"Hush mom! Before you wake him up." I whispered pointing to my one year old.

My mom brushed it off.

"Elijah sleep through anything girl. Get up you or you gon be late for work."

As she left the room, I turned over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone checking the time.

10:42 a.m

"Shit... I am late!"

Pulling the sheets off my body, I hopped up running over to my dresser. I grabbed some clothes for Eli and I and threw them on the bed.

My door opened and in walked my brother Jordan with a crafty smile on his face.

"What ugly?" I asked looking at him.

"Hey," He said putting his hands up. "I was coming to see if ya'll wanted any smackables? I cooked some."

My eyes widen.

"No thank you Jordan, I will gladly pass."

He rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't gonna share anyways.." He said smacking his lips.

After staring at this dipshit for awhile, I started thinking.

"Big brother Jordan-"

"No, cause everytime you say that you want something from me. And it's not. Gonna. Work." He spat.

"Can you and Tessa please babysit. I'm already late for work. In plus Eli told me he loves hanging out with you." I lied.

Jordan's eyes widened as he ran over and jumped on my bed.

"No problem at all. Go to work." He said cradling Eli in his arms.

I shook my head giggling then went to get ready.


I walked into my best friend Mia's store that I also work at. I know, it doesn't make sense that I'd be worried about being late to my friend's clothing store but, I am. She's even made it clear a few times, "Friends or not this is strictly business." So I try not to come in late.

"Late again." She said crossing her arms.

I sighed placing my bag behind the counter.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I had a long night with Eli."

She rolled her eyes. "You use the same excuse everyday.."

I walked over to a box and took shirts out, folding them.

"Have a child and you'll see what I mean.." I mumbled.


After a few hours of people coming and going, I sat down for my lunch break on my phone. I stared at my lock screen of Eli when he was three months old.

Aw my baby. Sad that he don't look shit like me..

I looked up as a woman walked in. Putting my phone down I gave her a small greeting smile. Only for her to give me a fake one.

Hopping up I hurried over to Mia.

"Mia, imma kill this lady. She askin for it." I whispered.

"Oh stop." she said smacking my shoulder.

Looking at the woman she continuously picked up shirt only to toss them back unpleased.

"See if she needs help with anything." Mia demanded pushing me away.

I rolled my eyes walking over to the lady.

"Is there anything I can help you with today ma'am?" I offered smiling.

"Yes," she smiled. "To get better clothes in here. What the hell is this shit?" She asked tossing a shirt on the floor.

"WELL," I said shoving her. "If you have a problem, you can leave."

"Gladly." She said turning and leaving.

"VALERIE!" Mia whined.

"She had a problem anyway..." I stated.

"You know not to talk to customers like that!"

"She was basically disrespecting your fashion! I'm tryna help you.."

Mia massaged her forehead.

"You alway ruin shit Valerie!" She yelled. "No pay check for you this month."

I looked at her sternly.

"Are you fucking serious?"

She nodded, grabbing my bag from the counter. "Yes, leave for day. I'll day someone else in."


I walked into the house and walked into the living, putting my bag on the couch.

Seeing that Jordan and my sister Tessa were on the couch staring at the tv, I looked around.

"Ya'll where's my baby?"

Jordan turned around and pointed to Eli who was quickly crawling my way. He stopped once infront of me. I picked him up.

"Hey," I said kissing his cheek. "You have a good day?"

I took his pacifier out to see what he would do. And plainly nothing with his little juicy lips.

"That's good." I said giving him back the pacifier.

Walking over, I sat on the couch putting Eli on my lap.

"What are ya'll watching?" I asked realizing they're eyes glued to the tv.

"Giants vs Falcons, my buddy's playing." Jordan mumbled still staring at the tv.

I nodded slowly standing up, putting Eli down on the couch.

"Valerie come here!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

Walking in I sat on the counter stool.

"Yeah?" I sighed.

"Why aren't you at work?" She questioned.

"I was sent home for the day and was told I'd get no check this month."

She shook her head.

"All this playing around you do, how do you expect to get out of my house with no money? How do you expect to support that little boy?" 

"I don't know.." I whispered looking away.

"Hmm.. Might as well contact Elijah's father for child support. I been telling you." She mumbled.

"Mom no," I said looking into the living room at Eli on the couch. "I can't."

"Well you need to." She hollered. "You can keep him from that man his whole life, one day he's gonna wanna know who his dad is. And- Does the boy even know?"

I shook my head 'no' slowly.

"That's so damn ridiculous. I can't believe you."

"I would tell him but, he has a busy life mom. I don't wanna get caught up in it. In plus, I don't need his help." I explained.

"OKAY." She said walking away.

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