Chapter 25

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{A/n: With all of your guys amazing, funny comments got me inspired to write. Your motivation keeps me going😊 I hope you enjoy this chapter and PLEASE let me know what you think!💖}


I hovered over Valerie on the bed as she covered her eyes laughing, I slightly smirked.

Ever since Val let me back in her life, I've been trying to gain full access, if you know what I mean. But she seems conserved kinda, almost like a virgin all over again. Imma slide through eventually.

She wrapped her arms around neck, smiling up at me. Leaning down I gave her a long passionate kiss. Pulling away slightly I pecked her lips a few more times before smiling at her.

"You needa stop lashing out at me." I mumbled inches from her mouth grinning.

"Hmm.." She looked into my eyes smiling as well. "Piss me off, and I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind."

"You know what?"


I chuckled.

"I love how you always speak the truth, even though you can put it in the bitchiest way-"

"Gee thanks." She laughed.

"You keep it real, no matter what."

"It's better to let people know how it is then to have them thinking and expecting otherwise." She shrugged. "I'm not one to play with."

I nodded catching her vibes. Just as I was about to kiss my baby again the doorbell rang interrupting me.

"Oh," she pushed me off. "Get the door."

Sighing, I held onto my shorts jogging over to the front door. Swinging it open Daya stood there looking dumbfounded.

"What?" I spat mugging her basically.

Sighing she spoke up.

"Look Odell, I'm not here to argue with anyone tonight-"

"Speaking of night, it's nearly 2. What. Do. You. WANT?"

"I need a million dollars.." She whispered.

I chuckled stepping back, my cheeks getting warmer and my anger rising.

"All the money I gave you, for the child that I raise, you wanna ask for money?! For what Daya? Drugs? You doing that again?!" I yelled.

"No Odell you don't understand-"

"I don't?" I placed my hand over my chest. "Is the money for the baby? I can handle that. In a few months when it comes out Valerie and I'll take it. And give it a life you can't."

"Odell stop!"

"NO DAYA! I'm tired of the constant bullshit!"

"Are you serious right now?"

I turned around to see Valerie standing close behind, a grimace look on her face. Pulling her closer I put my arm around her waist.

"You cone by everyday starting shit and it's so fucking annoying. Stop trying Daya, it's useless." Valerie spat.

Shutting her eyes for a moment her lips twisted into a straight line.

"You know what? Just nevermind. I'll handle it myself."

I shut the door as she walked out.


After waking up and getting dressed for the day, I went in the kitchen to make breakfast for the kids.

Walking into the kitchen I found Destiny eating a bowl of cereal. I pinched her cheeks smiling.

"Good morning Princess."

She nodded eating a spoon full.

I slowly nodded getting the eggs out of the fridge.

"You don't want any pancakes?" I frowned knowing she loves her morning pancakes.

She shook her head. Somethings up. She's not speaking to me. Sitting infront for her I sighed.

"What's wrong Des?"

"You're rude." She spat frowning.

"Okay.." I dragged out. "How?"

"I heard what you and daddy said to my mom and it's not fair. You didn't give her a chance."

I put my hand over her's.

"You don't understand baby, you're mom isn't a good person. She has bad intentions-"

She quickly snatched her hand away.

"How would you know if you didn't listen?!" She yelled. "You give respect to earn it and you've got none right now."

Throwing her bowl in the sink she walked away. I sat there with my mouth wide open.

Did she seriously say that? To me?

Was I that mean to Daya?


I smiled as I saw Kayla and Azaria walking into the coffee shop and over to me. Standing I greeted them.

"I ordered you your favorite." I passed her her frappé.

She sipped it smiling.

"You always did know me well."

I chuckled looking down at Azaria playing on Kayla's phone unbothered.

"She gets cuter by the minute." I smile.

Kayla smiled, then frowned looking at me.

"So.." She whispered. "Have you met Valerie?"

I nodded slowly.

"I have and she seems.. Intimidating." I quietly laughed.

"She's okay.. She makes Odell happy, but I feel like she's not enough. She's not... You."

I rolled my eyes irritated by the fact she brings this up twenty four seven.

"Don't start this today Kayla."

"No, but just tell me. Why did you and Odell break up?"

I always get asked this question but, tend to avoid it all the time. It's personal and is a big part of my life I want to leave behind because of the emotions felt by it. But, Kayla and I are close friends, like sister's. I can't hide anything from her.

"Odell and I were deeply in love, so deep that.. He proposed. I stupidly say yes because our love was so strong I felt like I couldn't live without him. But, he became selfish. His way or no way." I shook my head.

Kayla's jaw dropped.

"He said that?"

I nodded continuing my story.

"And when I found out I was pregnant, he was too busy trying to start a career for himself that a baby would ruin that.." I sighed shakily. "I didn't wanna get an abortion. So I didn't. I knew that I would stay with him but, secretly keep the baby. Even for an unborn fetus, we had the closest bond." I smiled. "But with high stress and blood pressure levels, I had a miscarriage."

Kayla covered her mouth wide eyed.

"I remembered that day so clearly. He told me 'you didn't need that baby anyway. I told you that.' " I shook my head. "I call all that's coming to him today, karma. He deserves it all. But, I can't shake that fact that I'll always love him."

Kayla nodded resting her elbows on the table.

"I felt that same way about," she looked at Azaria who's eye's were still glued to the phone. "You know who. But, that was my very first love. He'll always have a special place in my heart like Odell has in yours. It's normal. But, you gotta move on."

I sighed looking at her.

"I just don't think I can.."

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