Chapter 16

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A/n: This picture though., let's take a moment.... Okay. Now enjoy.

1 Year Later...


I starred at my phone of my lockscreen of Dom and I. I'm really missing the little guy. I know I can simply go and visit him but, it won't be the same.. But his birthday's coming up so ofcourse I will.

Looking up when the doorbell rang, I put my phone in my pocket before getting it.

Tessa stood there smirking.

"What Tessa?" I mumbled holding the door open.

"Damn Dell," She walked in. "I feel welcomed."

Closing the door I sat on the couch as she walked around looking at stuff.

"Why are you here?"

Walking over she straddled my lap kissing my cheek.

"I miss us Odell, remember what we used to be? What happened?"

"Um," I said pushing her face away. "I found interest in your sister, so you were basically dead to me."

She rolled her eyes grabbing the bottom of my shirt.

"Well she's gone now." She smiled pulling on my belt buckle.

"Ugh!" I groaned throwing my head back. "Is my dick really that bomb?"

Lifting her shirt off of her head she threw it on the floor revealing her breast. I bit my lip staring.

I have to resist. This is my son's aunt. Fucking her sexy, sexy ass would be highly inappropriate. I deleted my hoeness. I cannot do it.

Tessa grabbed my hands placing them on her waist.

"Come on baby." She said kissing my jaw.

Goddamnit. I gave in.


"Dion!!" I yelled running up to him before pulling him into an embrace.

Dom slowly came out of his room peeping.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised of his arrival.

"I missed you," He mumbled rubbing my back. "In plus Dom's birthday coming up, I'm ready to turn uppp."

I shook my head laughing. Looking over at Dom he was walking over to the window.

"Baby, you gon' come say hi to Dion? He came for you."

"Dada comin?" He asked pointing.

I sighed rolling my eyes picking him up.

"No he's not."

"How often does he do that?" Dion asked.


"Well," He sitting down. "Is Odell coming to his party?"

"Yeah, I guess," I shrugged sitting with Dom on my lap. "Everybody else gon' be here messing up my little house.."

"You siced you got your house ain't you?" He laughed.

"I actually am. I feel so independent." I chuckled.

Dion looked around before talking again.

"You got a job to pay for this place?"

"Y-yeah! Kinda.. I applied for a few places but, like one called me back but, they kinda said no.." I whispered.

Dion shook his head laughing.

"Baby, I can tell you now them bills gonna start piling in. If you want I could help you out."

"Uh uh. I moved out here to be independent that's just what imma do."

Dion put his hands up in defense.

Dom slid off the couch walking back over to the window.

"Dada!" He yelled jumping up and down.

I sighed staring at him intently.

"He is not here-"

My sentence was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

Lord please don't let it be this french fry head ass nigga.. Lordt I'm begging.

Opening the door, there stood Odell, Destiny stood next to him, close behind him Tessa, Jordan and momma.

Even Destiny's mom.

Thanks lordt.

"Hey Vallie." Odell smiled embracing me.

His hands traveled from my lower back to my ass. I gripped his shirt tightly before clawing his back.

"Stop.." Tessa mumbled walking by.

Odell backed away from me before following her. I furrowed my eyebrows before looking at Jordan carrying almost 10 gift bags.

Momma walked smiling.

"Ma, I said not to splurge!" I whined.

"Shut up and go help your brother."

I rolled my eyes shutting the door.

"AYE!" Jordan yelled before smacking his lips. "Can you open the door?"


I've been on facetime with Crystal for hours now trying to process everything and BODY in my house.

"Odell had the audacity to bring his baby mama up into my house! Don't get me wrong, Destiny is such a sweet child. I don't mind her being here because Dom is her brother. But the fact he brought DAYA? Hell no."

"Well.." Crystal dragged out. "Are they dating?"

"No! I mean.. I don't know actually. Odell and I haven't talked in awhile." I explained.

"Well think of it this way," Crystal started. "You have a man, a GOODT one at that. You don't need to be worrying about what Odell's doing. Okay? Okay."

As she stopped talking Tessa slowly walked into my room.

"I'll call you back." I said hanging up.

"We need to talk sis." Tessa said sitting on the bed.

I looked at her as if to say go on.

"Look," She growled. "Odell's mine. We've been fucking lately and I don't know what you think you've had with him, but, it's over. He's always been mine so move on."

Did she just seriously say that?

"I don't even care about that nigga!" I yelled.

"Well that little stunt you pulled earlier was pathetic.." She laughed.

"HE did that Tess! You're my sister and wanna argue with me about this shit?"

"Yes, I do," She said standing. "So back the fuck off."

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