Chapter 27

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(A/n: I decided to rename the story Self Righteous because the meaning has great relevance to the story. This was recommended by Shakurxo , so thank you every much love! There were alot of great story titles that I may use in the future. Thanks guys!)


Walking into the house from a long, tiring day of working I placed my purse on the table and kicked my shoes off.

Turning slightly I saw my favorite little man running my way.


I picked him up grinning widely.

"Hey baby," I kissed his cheek. "You have a good day with daddy?"

He nodded slowly.

"That's good bud. Where is he?"

As Dom leaned over, I put his down so he can lead me to Odell. Grabbing my finger he pulled me along. Looking at my watch I quickly read the time.


This nut should be sleep.

Shaking my head I continued to follow. Walking over to the hallway Odell stood infront of the kids door.
Letting go of my hand Dom walked away.

"What are you doing?" I asked wrapping my arms around Odell's waist.

"I'm waiting for Destiny to finish getting into her jammies. She wants me to put her to sleep but, she needs her privacy first."

Privacy? She's 6 nigga..

I wanted to say that but, for what I'm about to tell him, he needs to be in a good mood.

"I need to tell you something Dell.." I whispered.

"You pregnant?" He pulled away checking me out.

"Nigga, that's impossible. You ain't getting into this coochie."

Odell rolled his eyes laughing pulling me closer to his chest.

"I'm kidding baby. What's up?"

Sighing I let it out.

"Destiny's father call me and-"

Before I could finish Odell pushed me away.



"NO!" He interrupted. "I'm tired of you always chipping into my business!"

"Huh..You're business?" I chuckled coldly. "How is it your business when I'M always pulled into it?!"

"Nobody told you to.." He mumbled.

"And nobody told you to get me pregnant.. Jordan fucking warned you.." I laughed.

"Nobody told you to whore around.."

"YOU'RE ONE TO FUCKING TALK!" I yelled hitting his chest. "YOU FUCKING FUCK UP! How could one little fact cause ALL this bullshit?!"

"Because you don't understand this fact! That little girl in there is MINE. Whether true or not she's mine. Valerie," He sighed. "I'm all she has to depend on and I can't let her down. Do you understand that?"

Rolling my eyes and looking away I nodded.

"Okay." He walked into the room closing the door.

I'm gonna find Destiny's father. And I'm returning his possession to him whether Odell like's it or not.


After closing the door I realized that Destiny was standing close by. Frowning. She heard everything.

"You okay?" I knelt infront of her.

Eyes red she shook her head. She burst into tears. I pulled her closer to me reassuring that it's okay. It breaks my heart to see her upset.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." She mumbled into my shoulder.

"You didn't do anything Des."

Pulling away she wiped her face.

"W-well why was Ms.Valerie yelling?" She whispered.

"We just had a little disagreement. She doesn't get some things. Nothing for you to have to worry about okay?"

She nodded fumbling with her thumbs. I grabbed her hand rubbing it.

"What's wrong?" I asked frowning.

"D-do I have to leave? Because I don't wanna go back to where I stayed. It's dangerous for me. It's scary."

For alittle girl like her to go through things she has is just horrible. No child should have to live like that.

"D-Destiny," My voice cracked. "You're not going anywhere. You're gonna stay right here with me. I'm not ever gonna let anything happen to you again. Okay?"

She nodded hugging me.

I softly kissed her forehead.

"I love you little bit."

She chuckled.

"I love you too."

(A/n: Cute little short chapter. I hope you enjoyed and I'll be posting again tomorrow evening. I'm trying to keep this a everyday thing. I'm trying 😂)

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