Chapter 26

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"Val, baby. You don't understand! This is work." I pouted following Valerie around the kitchen.

"Odell, I work for a CEO," she chuckled. "I'm sure this business work I have to do is more important than football."

I stood infront of her with the straightest facial expression.

"Nothing. And I mean NOTHING. Is more important than football."

Valerie sighed placing her hand on her hip.

Sassy, but, sexy as hell..

She slowly smiled.

"What you thinking?" I quickly said side-eyeing her.

She wrapped her arms around my waist squeezing me, I rolled my eyes chuckling.

"You can take them with you Dell! It's a CHILDREN'S sporting event! They'll love it." She grinned.

"I don't know.. They are some picky kids.."

"Dom told me he wants to be just like you." She looked up at me. "I heard it from my very ears."

I looked down at her wrapping my arms around hers.

"He said that?"

She hesitated before nodding quickly.

"Have a wonderful day at work baby." I kissed her before finally letting her leave.

Walking into the living room I watched as Dom lined up the shoes. I smiled walking over to him, picking him up.

"What you doing buddy?" I kissed his cheek. "You cleaning up?"

He shook his head pointing at the shoes.

"Balls!" He hollered.

"Son. Those are shoes.. I got actual balls you can play with. Wanna do that?"

He nodded smiling. Stopping for a second I thought of what I said and how wrong it sounds.

"Not the boy balls!" I clarified walking over to the couch. "The sports ones. I better not catch you playing with boy's balls.."

He covered my mouth with his tiny hand.

"Ew dada."

"Right, that's ew." I laughed.


"Good morning Miss Brown." Mr.Russell greeted as I walked in.

Waving I smiled at him.

"Do you need anything?" I politely asked him.

He rubbed his chin thinking.

"I don't, I have a meeting to attend to right now, but, if you can complete the forms I gave you the other day that would be perfect."

I nodded walking into my office. This jobs means everything to me. I love helping and organization soooo much. Even though I'm not 100% in charge, I love the thought of being independent.

30 minutes into signing and reading papers the wall phone began to ring. Jogging over to the other side of the room I answered it, unable to see the number.

"Valerie Brown speaking how may I help you?"

It was quite for a moment before a deep voice spoke up.

"Um.. Hey.." They dragged out.

Really nigga? I looked at the phone.

"Hi?" I shook my head. "What could I do for you?"

"Don't take this personally but, apparently you've been caring for my daughter Destiny and honestly I just want my kid back."

I felt my heart sink.

I knew I was right. Odell needs to face the facts and believe that Destiny isn't his. But should I believe this stranger?

"I completely agree with you. Do you wanna like.. Meet up and talk about this?" I offered grabbing my notebook and pen.

It was silent again.

"That would be excellent." They spoke up.

After exchanging numbers and where I would meet the man, the conversation was nearly over.

"Wait, what's your name-"

Just I said that they hung up.

Bad connection maybe?

I looked at the paper sternly.

Friday night @9pm

This should go well. Hopefully..


"Daddy my leg is stuck!"

Turning my attention quickly to Destiny I jogged over and untangled her leg from the net so she could finish the obstacle course.

She might be last but, hey! A for Effort.

It was a beautiful sunny Wednesday evening. Children learning about different unknown sports and gaining exercise. Placing my sunglasses ontop of my head I walked over to Dom who was digging in the dirt.

"Uh uh buddy." I stood him up straight wiping off his shorts. "Go over and play with Dessi and the others okay?"

He nodded quickly putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I gotchu dada."

I shook my head standing up straightly. Feeling a tap on my back I turn around to see my teammate Victor.

"Vic!" I dabbed him up. "What's up?"

"This hot ass sun." He whispered squinting his eyes.

I laughed.

"I wanted to tell you that your kids, there-"

"A mess?" I suggested crossing my arms.

"I was gonna say cute but, that too."

"Yeah, those are my babies." I smiled watching them.

"You raised them well." He patted my back.

I sighed looking at him.

"Hypothetically what would you do if you loved more than one person?"

Vic's eyes widened.

"Uh uh! Ain't no hypothetically! Tell me."

Sitting on a bench, I thought for a second collecting my thoughts.

"I still love my ex from awhile ago. I mean, we've been though so much. And since she came back into the picture all I can think about her. But, then there's Dom's mom and damn she's fine." I smiled. "I just love them both."

"Okay.." Victor sighed. "What you have with your ex sounds like true love. If you love something let it go and if it comes back it's yours. You can't replace that. I don't think you love Dom's mother, you might just love the thought of her. The thought that you should adjust to her because you'll be stuck with her for 18 years. Don't settle yourself like that."

He was right.

"T-thanks. I need that." I smiled.

I know who I need to be with.

(A/n: I HOPE YOU ENJOYED! Who do you think was on the phone with Valerie?👀 what ya'll think about everything else? Let me know! 💓)

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