Confused Love!

By MakaylaBieberXO

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Confused love is about y/n who meets Justin Bieber who isnt attractied to her at first but that denfintely c... More

Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!
Confused Love!

Confused Love!

125 2 0
By MakaylaBieberXO

~Chapter 14 Part 2~ {Your P.O.V.}

You finally got to 'The Lake'. Your face was covered with tears. You were thinking about everything that had been happening. You knew that you were falling in lovee with Justin but, you didn't want to. You were afarid of getting hurt. Cause everytime you got into a relationship you always fell to hard and they always in the end wount up breaking your heart. Well not all your relationships there was just one in partculiar you were always afarid of repeating.


You were dating Taylor. Yes the big Taylor Launter. You had meet him in Califorina (At the beach.) Your relationship started off great. But as yall got more involed it got to the point where it felt like he was using you. You were going over to his house because you wantted to surprise him fo his brithday (Unexpected/you didn't call or text him/'Warn' him). When you got there you saw a car that wasn't familar. You just figured that it was a close friend or something. You got his gift out of the backseat of your car (You got him a $500.00 Rollex watch!) You run up to his front door and it was un-locked. You let yourself in and you find Taylor ontop of some hoe (On his $ofa). You just sit there for a second then you decieded to do something you would have never thougt you would 'Have' to do. You walk over to Taylor and his 'hoe' (Taylor doesnt know that your here yet because he is "so into his hoe" LMAO!) "Yah. Know I really think it's funny...." You said with a big (FAKE) smile on your face while sitting on his coffetable that was facing there perfect direction (nearly cenimemters away from them. "UHH.... Y/N.... what are you doing here?!" Taylor had asked very shocked and worried. "Oh dont worry baby I was just here to tell you Happy Birthday but yah know your not my baby anymore cause yah know your on top of some hoe half naked! But anyways it was very rude for you too interupt meh now as i was saying yah Yah know what I think is really funny?!" You just coutiuned cause you didn't wanna here his voice. "I think that it's funny that you ran to this hoe for attention cause you could be getting all of this right now but no you ran to that. Soo You countiue what was going to happen before I got here and Hoe you might wanna leave!" "Whyy you need to leave you fucking bitch!!" She spat back at you. "Oh you think i'm a bitch okayy whatever you say but as I was saying I think ya might wanna leave cause I dont think Taylor is gonna want you to see him cry!" "Whyy would he be crying?" "Okayy bitch you really need to stop rudely interrupting me!" You spat at here in a gheto voice. "Well he's going to be crying cause he aint gonna be getting none of this!" You said while standing up and rolling your body. Then you headed for the door. "Oh yeah I almost forgot to grab your birthday present ( You had left it on the coffetable). "Yah see cheaters dont get to open birthday presents that are as amazing as minee exspecailly people who cheat on their BF/GF with hoess!!!" You said started to get a little more frustrated then you were before. "Here let me open it for you." You said while grabbing the gift. You grabbed the gift and started to unwrapp it. Once you unwrapped it you opened the Watch's box and showed Taylor and his Hoee. Taylor's mouth dropped open. "Oh sweetheart you might wanna close your mouth your gonna catch flies!" You said VERY gheto. "DUCES NIGGA'S!!!!" You said while turning the doorknob. You had reached Taylor's driveway and there he came rushing after you begging for another chance. "Nahh...... I think I'll pass." You screamed. "BYE TAYLOR! You said while blowing him a kiss. After that you you never saw him again that you never saw him again!! THANKFULLY!!!!!


You were so afarid of getting cheatted on. Exspecailly cause Justin just broke up with Selena so he probley still has feelings for her. You saw a pile a rocks. You always wantted to learn how to skip rocks (On the water) so you decieded that you would try and teach yourself. After a few times of attempinting to do it (You had epicilly failled each time) you thought that it was pointless of even trying so you stopped. Just as you were about to put the few rocks you had left back on the ground you heard a voice. "Whatt, giving up all readyy comeon i'll teach you it's actually quite simple." Justin had came after you which made you feel so specail. "YOu came after me?" You said with a smile started to appear on you face. "Yess, ofcourse why do you sound so surprized?" "I dont know i just figured that you didnt truely care about me." You said as your smile started to fade and you started to look down at your feet. "Y/N of course I truelly care about you. You mean everythig to me I know that may sound like i'm rushing things but, i've been holding in my feelings in for you for a while now and I just can't do it anymore I want you to know how I feel. I understand if you dont feel the same way yet but, I'm just really glad that i finally told you." What Justin just said was amazing but, then you started to think (ooverthink) the sitiuation. You started to think of Taylor again. Mabey he's diffrent mabey Justin does actually care! You thought to your self. You knew you felt the same way. So you decieded to tell Justin actually how you were feeling. "Justin I feel the same way its just that i'm scared to fall for you. Cause i dont wanna get hurt. I dont want my heart to get broken. I dont want you to cheat on me with some hoe either!" You said with a slight giggle., which put a smile on Justin's face. "I would never do anything to anything to hurt you. Y/N I think i'm falling for you and i'm falling hard!! I would never cheat on you. Cause I know how painful it is. I will treat you how I want my heart to be treated which is in specail condtiontion!" He said while giggling which made you giggle. You were so happy to hear Justin say that it was like he toke the words right out your mouth. "I think I can do that." YOu said while walking closer to Justin. "Good cause there something iv'e been wantting to ask you!" "Oh yeah and what's that?" YOu asked now cenimemters away from Justin's face. "Will you go to dinner with me tonight? I have something VERY specail planned!" Justin said,asked with a smrik on his face. "I would love to!" YOu said meaning every word. Finally Justin leaned in and kissed you. Slow but passonaite. Your lips were moving Nsync YOU decided to deepen the kiss. You bit down on Justin's lip. He happily let you in. Your tounges fighted for domiance. Justin let go of the kiss and whispered against your forehead...." THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST SUMMER EVER!"

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