These Things That We've Done...

By epiconfire

487K 9.9K 2.8K

Sequel to This Time I'll Hang, Close the Door. Summer Quinn has been through a lot. There's been secrets, li... More

These Things That We've Done
Chapter 1. Tell Who What?
Chapter 2. A Celebration
Chapter 3. The Lucky Ones
Chapter 4. Congratulations
Chapter 5. The Best Vacation
Chapter 6. Guess What
Chapter 7. Taking Care Of Things
Chapter 8. By Myself
Chapter 9. Sweet Little Surprise
Chapter 10. Hate To See Your Heart Break
Chapter 11. Sexy Birthday
Chapter 12. Welcome To The World
Chapter 13. The Ocean
Chapter 14. Calm
Chapter 15. Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 16. Last Night
Chapter 17. River Martinez
Chapter 18. Sunflowers & Tears
Chapter 19. Roses & Goodbyes
Chapter 20. Rock To The Top
Chapter 21. Making Mistakes
Chapter 22. Secrets
Chapter 23. Twitter
Chapter 24. Cheating
Warped Tour 2013
Chapter 26. Sorry We're Late
Chapter 27. Infinite
Prompts, One Shots, & Imagines *CLOSED*
Chapter 28. Bryan Stars Take Two
Chapter 29. Feel
Chapter 30. Here We Go
Please Read
Chapter 31. Free Now
Chapter 32. Alone
Ignore This
Chapter 33. I'll Take You There
Chapter 34. The Best There Ever Was
Chapter 35. Low
Chapter 36. Déjà Vu
Chapter 37. These Things I've Done
Chapter 38. Sorry
Chapter 39. Satellites
Final Author's Note for TTTWD

Chapter 25. Marriage Counseling

8.1K 187 122
By epiconfire

A/N: Before anything else I would just like to say congrats to @_Camryn and @Laura_Saurus_Rex because I picked their characters, They made pretty great characters (as did everyone else who submitted) but their's obviously caught my attention with their incredible uniqueness. Expect to see them coming into the story in the a few chapters.

Chapter 25. Marriage Counseling


"Why exactly did you cheat, Mrs. Quinn?" Elizabeth, the marriage counselor, asked.

"This is stupid," Summer hissed. 

Liz sighed. "For the third time, saying marriage counseling is stupid is not an answer!"

"Then how about you ask a different question?"

Sorry We're Late just got done with their tour and now Summer is back home. We haven't really talked since I attacked Vic. I did manage to tell her that I cheated. I can't believe I stooped down to her level with someone I didn't even know. 

We decided that for the sake of Della, Allix, and Scarlett we would see a marriage counselor. It seemed like the only thing left to do. We're not happy with each other, we both cheated, and our relationship is going downhill fast. Soon it will be our one year anniversary, so our marriage either needs to straighten up or end. Ending it seems too difficult though. 

"Okay, since this is our first session I would get too into your relationship." Liz turned to me. "What do you hope to achieve with counseling? Mr. Quinn?"

"Well… I just want our relationship to be nice and happy again," I mumbled. 

"When did things go down hill?"

I shrugged. It wasn't until… "When a friend of ours passed away," I answered. My lips took the form of a frown as I thought of River. It's still so sad and so hard to deal with, but I'm doing much better than before. 

She turned back to my wife, who was sitting in the seat next to me. Liz leaned in onto the desk in front of her before smiling at Summer. It was almost like she was thinking up some evil plan to ruin our marriage, not make it better. Long story short Liz doesn't seem to like Summer. Summer has been a tad bit rude, but who isn't when a stranger tries to get inside your relationship with your husband? "What about you, Mrs. Quinn?"

"First of all you could call me by my first name, Summer," she growled. "Second, I want to get back to normal and fix our relationship. Counseling was our last resort, so lets hope this works."

Liz leaned back and thought for a moment before saying, "When do you think the marriage started heading south?"

Like me, Summer shrugged. "When our friend passed away, like Kellin said." 

"Hmm… yes. Tell me more about this friend of ours," Liz demanded. 

"Okay… well he passed away back in February and was one of my best friends. He played rhythm guitar for my band so we were very close. I've known him since I was twelve. Finding out that one of our closest friends committed suicide messed both of us up."

I nodded. "Yeah. Things just aren't the same and are hard to deal with now."

"Your friend committed suicide?" she asked with the tiniest voice. We both nodded. "I'm sorry for your loss, but you both can't let something like that overpower your marriage and make you sad."

"It already has though," Summer said. She's right, sadly. 

"It may seem like that, but deep down there is still happiness inside your marriage. Mr. Quinn-"

"Kellin," I murmured. 

"Alright. Kellin, why don't you share with us your happiest moment in your whole entire marriage? Summer, you can go next."

I nodded. "Okay, well my happiest moment would have to be when our twins were born…"


"When I say push, you gotta push. Okay?" the doctor said. 

"She's got it," I said back. I hope she does does anyway. I can't believe that the time has finally come. Summer will be bringing two angels into the world. I'll have to remember to thank her later for this gift. Her giving me these twins means everything to me. Summer and I are going to be great parents to them, just like we are to Scarlett. You'll see. 

"Alright Summer, push," the doctor ordered. A look of pure pain washed over her face as she did what she was told. I felt so bad for her. Seeing her hurting like this is painful for me. I hate seeing her in pain. 

"Ow! Fuck," I muttered quietly without thinking. I wish I hadn't of said that, even if she's squeezing my hand so hard it might fall off. I'm not the one pushing a baby out of my lower half. I need to keep my mouth shut because compared to her, the pain I'm experiencing with my hand is nothing. 

"Oh, it hurts!" Summer shrieked. Her voice was so loud, so tired, and so broken. 

"Come on! The baby is almost out," Dr. Akans urged. 

"Deep breaths, babe. Deep breaths," I whispered. I couldn't handle her screaming and crying out anymore. It was making me want to cry. 

"Oh God!" The cries of a baby filled the room. Our baby. The doctor held up the little one and smiled after a minute. The baby was wrapped in a pink blanket and wore a tiny pink beanie. She was beautiful, and she's all ours. 

"It's a girl!" the doctor exclaimed as a nurse took the baby from him and held it closer to Summer. 

The nurse handed me the baby. I leaned down with her so her mommy could see too. This little baby was so incredibly beautiful. I hope her blue eyes stay that way forever. They went well with her dark hair. She was so tiny and fragile. She couldn't of been more than six pounds. 

In a flash baby number two was on their way. I handed the nurse back the little angel who I get to call my daughter. I grasped Summer's hand and prepared myself for white knuckles once again. 

The nurse had taken the baby out of the room to get weighed and measured. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted my baby girl to stay and be around for her twin's birth. 

I was suddenly pulled away from my thoughts. The doctor held a crying, naked, pink baby in his hands. Another girl. God blessed me with two princesses today. I'm a lucky man. 

*End of Flashback*

"That's sweet!" Liz gushed. She was smiling at the story. "What about you, Summer? I'd imagine that day being your favorite as well. It sounds so amazing and life changing."

Summer shook her head. "My favorite is our wedding day."

Confused, I looked at her. "Why? I mean, it was great but I think the twins' births were better than that," I said. That day we got our babies. What's better than that?

"So you're saying me being in pain for six hours was more important than us becoming husband and wife?" Summer asked. 

"No, I'm saying the birth of our twins is more important than-"

"Our love. Yeah, I get it."

"You are you mad at me?" I asked, annoyed. 

"Because the author of this fan fiction wants me to be," she mumbled. 



I rolled my eyes. I see no reason she should be mad at me. 


"Summer, why don't you tell me about your wedding day? Tell me what made it your favorite." Damn, this Liz person is getting on my nerves. 

"Fine," I sighed. "The ceremony was beautiful and I loved every second of it. The reception was incredibly fun. After the reception, though…"


"I love you, Summer…" Kellin whispered as we stood in the elevator. 

I turned and smiled at him. "I love you too. A lot. Today has been the best day of my life. Thank you." It's true. Today was magical and I loved it. 

The elevator doors opened. I giggled as we made our way to our room. The door to our suite was at the end of the hallway on the top floor. Kellin dug around in his pocket, grabbed our room key-card, and opened the door. I was about to walk in but he grabbed my body. He picked me up bridal style, which made me giggle like a crazy woman. He carried me into our room, kicking the door shut behind us.

Kellin kissed me as I tangled my fingers in his hair. He laid me down on the bed, threw off his suit jacket, and laid down half on top of me all while we kissed. 

"Kellin, wait!" I gasped. I didn't want to pull away, but I needed to speak. I had something to say and he needed to hear it. 

"What?" Kellin playfully groaned. He's so adorable. 

I giggled before speaking. "I just want to tell you that I love you and this has been the best day of my life. You mean so much to me, and I just… thank you, Kellin. Thank you for making me who I am today, being there for me and with me, for being my husband, and for loving me." I couldn't help but blush. 

"Summer, I love you more than life itself. Don't ever think any less. I'm a lucky man to have you as my wife. Thank you…"

In his beautiful blue eyes I could see lust, love, and fear. I could understand the first two, but love? Maybe he's afraid of the future. He shouldn't be, not right now. We need to live in the moment, rid ourselves of all fears. I know exactly how to do that. "Okay, that's all I wanted to tell you. You may kiss me now."

And he did. He kissed me with all he had, trusting me completely with his current three emotions. I can be there for all three, that's a promise.

*End of Flashback*

Liz sighed and tried to hide the fact that she was blushing. "Well that was… romantic." She probably wishes she was in my place that night. It's obvious the she likes my husband. 

"Yes, it was. It was special," I said. 

"So was the birth of our children," Kellin mumbled. 

"I never said I wasn't!" I argued. When did I say their birth wasn't important? I didn't! 

Kellin faced me, anger written all over his face. "You just said-"

"Stop fighting! This isn't healthy!" Liz interjected. 

I stood from my seat, grabbing my bag on my way. "No, this isn't healthy!" I pointed out, motioning around the room. "Kellin and I don't need someone to tell us about our relationship or how to fix it. Maybe it can't be fixed, so why push? I cheated, he cheated, and we fight. This is beyond fixable! Thank you for trying to help us Liz, but we're done here. Come on Kellin, we're leaving." I walked out of the room and out if the building. I got into our car and waited in the front passenger's seat. I would drive away by myself, but Kellin has the keys. I don't think we can even last a car ride together. 


"I can't do this anymore! You don't understand how hard marriage counseling was for me!" I screamed at Kellin. Luckily Della and Allix are with a babysitter. When Kellin got into the car twenty minutes ago we began to drive home in silence. About halfway home we began to argue about counseling. He liked it, even though he agrees with me that some things can't be fixed. He says the Liz tried helping more than I did, and I'M the one in the relationship. 

"You think it was easy for me?!" Kellin yelled as he through the car keys on the kitchen counter. 

"How am I supposed to know? You kept rambling about me giving birth! Plus you said you liked it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry that I care about our daughters and our marriage!" Sarcastic, sassy Kellin strikes again. 

"What? You think I don't care about our girls?" I asked, appalled. I love them and Scarlett more than life itself. Even more than music. 

"Summer, that's not what I meant."

"Of course."

"That's it. I give up. We can't do this anymore. I'm done."

"What are you saying?" I questioned. He said that back when I was on tour but never did anything about it. He rubbed his hands over his face and sighed as I watched him. My body tensed up as he calmed himself down. I knew the words that we're going to come out of his mouth. I couldn't help but feel two ways about it. One way was that I agreed instantly, before the words were even spoken. Another way was like we were giving up. Giving up sucks. 

"I think we need a divorce."

A/N: There you go, chapter twenty-five. Can I get 10 comments for this chapter? Please and thank you all.

P.S. I was thinking about writing and posting some writing tips. Would any of you read and learn from it? Would any of you want to? Please tell me below in the comments.

~Calista AKA Catt

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