Making Babies #NewAdult

נכתב על ידי LilyFullyLiving

8.9M 330K 35K

Highest rank #1 in ChickLit ● ● ● ● ● ● All it took was a few minutes for her life to change forever. ... עוד

Author's Note: All Rights Freaking Reserved.
~Twenty One~
~Twenty Two~
~Twenty Three~
~Twenty Four~
~Twenty Five~
~Twenty Six ~
~Twenty Seven~
~Twenty Nine~
~Thirty One~
~Thirty Two~
~Thirty Three~
~Thirty Four~
~Thirty Five~
~Thirty Six~
~Thirty Seven~
~Thirty Eight~
~Thirty Nine~
~Forty One~
~Forty Two~
~Forty Three~
~Forty Four~
~Forty Five~
~Forty Six~
~Forty Seven~
~Forty Eight~
~Forty Nine~
~Fifty: Cast List~

~Twenty Eight~

147K 5.9K 423
נכתב על ידי LilyFullyLiving

(Triggering subjects)

          "I thought you'll be happy to see me." He whispered, caressing my cheek so intimately that I wanted to gag in disgust. So closing my eyes, I did the only thing I still had control over. I recoiled, moving my head away from his touch, yet I couldn't really move from where I was standing.

          "Stay away from her you disgusting monster, or I'll call the cops on your fuckng ass." Billie growled as she pulled me away, hugging me tightly to her side while staring at him with pure distaste, pure hatred in her glare.

            She was sneering at him, her body so very tense standing next to me. I could tell it was taking a lot from her to just stand there and not jump on him to basically rip him to shreds, or at least gauge his eyes out.

          "I think it would be best if you leave right away and never come back here again." Mrs. Winslet, who was standing on the other side of me, added. In front of me still stood Dexter who had kept his eyes fixed on me as he smiled.

           Everything about him was taking me back to that dreadful night as I found myself back in the cold alley, begging him to let me go, to have pity on me. "You don't want to do this. " I had cried that night.

           "Oh but that's where you're wrong Gwendolyn, because that's exactly what I want to do. And then you can go tell daddy to come after me." He had replied, holding me forcefully against him by my neck, squeezing tightly until I was barely able to breathe.

           Still, I fought and scratched, and screamed out for help and cried. Oh God, how much I had cried, but nothing had seemed to make him want to stop. Instead, the last cry had come from me when he turned me around and punched me in my face so brutally that I heard and felt the bones in my nose Crack under the pressure of his fist punch.

           "Shut the fuck up, Or the next blow would be the last thing you'll ever feel in your stupid privileged life." He had warned me before pushing me roughly against the dirty wall of a store, the area smelling of urine, smoke, garbage and dog sh!t.

           I gagged as he held my head against the gravely wall while I tried to push myself away, which resulted in him using my head as a ball, connecting with the wall a second later. The pain was excruciating, yet I heard that very moment when he pulled down his zipper and pressed his body to mine.

       "Are you ready for this, Gwendolyn?" He had whispered in my ear, a psychotic laugh following a second later.

          And that was why I hated my middle name with such a passion. He had made it dirty, painful to hear. The second my name had come out of his mouth, it had lost all beauty.

           It was pain, and fear, and misery.

          "I'm going to call Frederick right away," I heard from Mrs. Winslet and saw in the corner of my eyes as she reached out into her little purse to get her phone, still, it didn't actually register, my mind was still in the dark alley, with him.

         "I've been looking for you, little sister. You've been a bad girl, hiding from your family and me all those years." He had stepped closer to me again, that evil grin still stuck on his disgusting face.

         He pulled his face in, and laughed, his breath, smelling like the many cigarettes he smoked, hit my face.

          I closed my eyes.

         "I. SAID. STAY. AWAY. FROM. HER." Billie growled before pushing him away from me, the force behind her act so strong and violent, that he landed on his ass a few feet away.

          The moment I registered what happened, or more so the fact that he was far enough for me, it felt like I was finally able to breathe, still, it wasn't fast enough and I started to hyperventilate, holding on to billie's arm as if she held the key to everything.

         "Fvckng b!tch!" He yelled out. "Wrong move on your part. Very wrong move."

         "Go away, I'm calling the police, psycho." Billie yelled back before turning me to face her. "Sweetie, it's okay." She whispered softly.

        "I- can't -breathe," My lips quivered, my body trembled, I gagged as I started reaching out for anything, anyone...well Mrs. Winslet and Billie mostly. "I..I. .Can_t, Billie, I can't."

        "It's okay, Eva, you'll be fine. You just need to focus on your breathing, sweetheart. Focus and breathe." Mrs. Winslet's sweet and soothing voice spoke to me but I still couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe as long as he was there, as long as he was next to me.

         His presence blocked the air from entering my lungs. He was toxic and he was poisoning the air around me. I couldn't possibly inhale this toxin into me, my body was rejecting it and so was my baby.

         My eyes as wide as a puppy's who was about to get murdered, about to die, which is what was going to happen if I couldn't breathe and my baby would die along with me.

         Placing a hand protectively on my belly, I stared terrified into Mrs. Winslet's eyes, while still clutching Billie's arm. "Help me." I breathed out before everything went to black.


            I was hearing whispers coming from somewhere. And at first, I thought I was dreaming, until I squinted my eyes open to find myself laying on my bed which was a bit surprising since Mrs. Winslet, Billie, and my self were on our way to_

         All of the sudden, everything that happened came flooding back and it was like I was taken back to that moment his eyes met mine and he smiled.

         As panic took over my being in a Second, I scampered up quickly against the headboard of my bed as I wildly looked around the room, my eyes quickly settled on Frederick who pretty much ran towards me, the second he noticed me up and awake.

         "Eva." he pulled me in and a second later, I was enveloped by this armor that is Frederick's arms, so I hugged him tightly against me as I let out a Shuddering cry that had been locked inside me. My body was shaking uncontrollably, my lips quivering so much so that I couldn't possibly get a few words out without stuttering.

         "He found me, Frederick. After so many years, he finally found me." I finally got out, my tears were uncontrollable, drowning the shirt that he was wearing.

         "It's okay, love. It's okay. He's gone now, you're safe." He whispered in my ears. He kept running his hand in my hair, rocking me like a little child.

         I don't know how long we stayed like this until again I fell asleep. When I woke up the second time around, it was dark outside and I was alone in my room.

         I took a second, got off my bed, and walked out of the room and into my living room to find Frederick sitting in the couch, watching a cooking show.

         "Hey, You're awake." He jumped off and came to me. Just having him there and seeing his face was appeasing, but It wasn't enough for me not to remember why I was in this state to begin with.

          Dexter had found me again and this time, I don't know why he came looking for me and what he wanted to do to me. But it wasn't just about me anymore, I had my unborn child to think about. So what if he attacked me and end up hurting my baby in the process? My eyes filled up with unshed tears as I looked up at Frederick.

         "I'm scared." I wasn't ashamed to admit it because, I had a legitimate reason to be. The fear he put in me was more than I could ever explain. It paralyzed me to the core and left me unable to do anything but to stand there and let him torture me.

         I wondered how he found me, I wondered why he took the time to do so? Wasn't it enough that he took one of the most precious thing on earth from me? Wasn't it enough that he got away scratched free all thanks to our father, Mayer, Eric Chambers? What did he want now? Why after all this time did he come after me?

          "I promise you that nothing will happen to you . I'm here to keep you safe. You, the baby and Mrs. Winslet will move in with me. He doesn't know where I live and I'm going to hire personal security as soon as tomorrow to keep you safe when I'm not around. We will do that until we can find him. He's not going to ever hurt you again, Eva." Frederick promised, walking me to the sofa to sit and pulling me into him, the second we sat down.

         My eyes closed, I sighed heavily against his skin. It all sounded so good, but there was just one issue at hand. "My dad made sure he never got arrested for raping me." I spoke and couldn't even recognize myself.

          Frederick slightly pushed me off him to stare into my eyes, his eyes narrowing as he tried to understand what I was telling him. "Why the fuck not?"

        "Because he's my brother...well, my half brother. A son my dad had out of wedlock while he was married with my mom but before I was ever born. I guess he kept him hidden from the public because of his political career and I guess raping me was his revenge." I explained while I made sure to avoid his eyes.

         I was certain he didn't know anything about that, he might have known about the rape, but he didn't know the details or reasons why it happened in the first place. I myself didn't even know until my father had told me that in no way, I was to ever report the crime.

          "Family, sticks together, Eva. We don't just go around telling people our business. Trust me, you'll get over this little incident pretty soon and you'll forget all about it. Remember, my career is at risk here. And unless you want your family to be poor, you'll keep your mouth shut." My father had said to me.

         I remember being so shocked, so disgusted. I felt betrayed, I felt like I didn't matter and that was painful. What was even more painful, was knowing that my mother didn't have my back, and she sided with my father...or at least didn't say anything, anything at all in my defense. She didn't protect me.

        But that didn't really stop me. I was ready to still go to the police and file but my little sister caught me that night and yelled for my father. "Why are you so selfish? This is not only about you, think about this family." Mae had spat in my face. And that for me, was the ultimate betrayal.

        A couple of months later, I packed my things and left. That was the last time I had seen my family and I was happy with that.

        "It's okay, baby. You have a family right here and we'll never let anything happen to you." Frederick kissed my forehead before pulling me into him again. I believed him.


Vote and comment and please feel free to hate her family 😣😢😭


NEW BOOK ALERT: on my profile 😅☺

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