robsten love story

By msclrobsten

29.2K 462 92

It's just a random thought about what happened between Rob and Kristen in the past time and in the future. Ho... More

1. the audition
2. I knew it's you
3. It's Over
4. Drama
5. Fix You
6. New Journey
7. It's Her
9. I need you
10. Back to Reality
11. Accidentally
12. Early Gift
13. Hesitation
14. New Chance
15. Another Accident
16. Steamy Car
17. Reconcile
Met Gala 2016 (Imagining Story)
Imagining Story
18. Promise
19. PDA
20. Little Treats
21. Into you
22. Feeling
23. Him
24. News
25. the L words
26. No Control
27. Bet
28. Ours
29. 9 months
30. New Members

8. Awkward Moment

846 18 1
By msclrobsten

Hi Guys..

Welcome back again.

As always, i'm hoping that you could enjoy this one.

Please let me know what you think in the comment ;)

(Kristen P.O.V)

I walked away from his room and close the door. I stop just in front his room door and trying to control my breath. I close my eyes and try to balance everything. "Calm down.. calm down.. Kris. It's just him. There's nothing you should worry about. Calm" I'm saying on my mind.

I can't believe it. I just met him. Robert. My ex. It's been a while since the last we met or at least communicate. We're never get in touch for a really long time. and i can't believe that he's hugging me. Something that i can't lie that like it. I miss it. But i can't show it to him.

I'm tidying up my self and knock on my door room which exactly beside his room. After a couple times of knocking. My friends coming out.
"Hey.. i'm just about to call you because i saw you left the room card on the kitchen coun..." "I met him. damn it!!" I cut suzie words before she finishes it and pilfer in to my room. "Who?" Suzie asked me with a confusing look. "Who else? Robert" "Robert??!!! robert your ex's?" "How many robert that you know which can make me like this. Yes of course bitch. It's Pattinson. He's here. And you know what, He's staying in the room next from us" "Whaaat?!! how... how can? let's get out of here Kris" Suzie grab my hand and led me to my room. She's grabbing my luggage and opened it up. "Hey. stop it" i said to Suz. "Stop it suz. You don't need to doing this" "Hey. i don't want to see my friends getting down again because of him. It's not good kristen. Do you remember why we're going here? because as long as i can remember you told me that you need to refresh your mind right? and you can't do it if he's here you stupid." Suzie a little bit pissed off with me because she know that i don't wanna leave.

"Suze really, we don't need this. I'm fine. I'm fine" I'm trying to convince her. "Look kris. How if paps found this? how if his girlfriend is here? it's just gonna be a boomerang again for you Kris." Suze said seriously. "No.. no it's not. We're fine Suze. don't be overreact. I already handle it anyway" "what do you mean by handle?" She's asking me again. "I'm lying to him. I said i have a boyfriend now. So he can't reach me after this" I explained to Suzie. "Cool. Lets just see how crazy this man can be" "He's not suz. He'll be fine. There's nothing to worry ok. Thanks" I give a friendly hug to Suz. "It's nothing K.. i just dont wanna to see you suffer anymore because of him" "I promise i'm not" I smile to her.


Knowing that we're staying in the same hotel it's totally not a good idea. We can just meet anytime. But i can't lie to my self that i'm happy to see him. and the hug, i miss it so much. But i've to realize that he's not mine. and we can't do anything about our status, and moreover what Rob's know about me is that i'm having a boyfriend. which is totally a shit.

I decided to go on the bar to take some drink by my self, because Suze doesn't wanna leave the bed. I sat and take sipped from my drink. I'm looking around the bar and i saw that someone watching me. It's Rob. He's here too. I'm trying to pretend that i'm not seeing him and move my gaze to the other side.

Not too long after, there's a waiter coming to me. "Excuse me mam, there's something for you" He said and handing me a piece of paper with a handwriting on that. "What is this?" I asked him. "It's for you. and the sender said to follow the instruction on it" He explained to me and leave before i could ask for more.

"Meet me in the beach Ms. Stewart. I'm begging you for this time. Could you please forget everything between us and meet me. As a friends, like the old time. I'm waiting. *Edward "

I'm smiling for what i see right now. Edward. Of course i know it's not Edward. He knows that i can't reject it. It so hard for me to choose. I really want to meet him, but how if this gonna end bad?. but it seems like nothing to me, because I stood up from my chair and walking to the beach. It's so easy to find him. Because i believe he's the only person who's sitting down on the beach and playing his finger trough the sands. Before i reach him, he's already know that i'm coming. He's turning his head and looking at me before finally smiling.

"You came" he said. I lean down and sit next to him. but i'm trying to make a little space between us. I'm tidying up my hat to so it covers my face really well. Just in case there's a paps or fans that would be crazy if seeing us sat together. "Covering up?" he chuckled on his words. He's notice what i'm exactly doing. "uhhmm.. yea. Just in case and i don't want to made up a trouble for what i'm doing right now" "So.. uhm.. i'm a trouble for you now?" he's not looking at me while saying it. He's gaze is straight into the sea. "I know you're trouble" I giggled because what i'm saying it makes me look like a tayswift fans. He's giggled. "We're both trouble. for each other. don't you agree with it?" he ask me. "Yeaah. that's who we are. causing trouble for each other." i answer. "But i'm no regret it. having a trouble with you it's the best moment in my life" he's turn his head and looking at me. "Whats your trying to say?" i'm glancing on him. "nothing. i'm just trying to remember every second of our moment. Our best moment" he's smirking on me. "Please rob. don't started it" I shook my head and smiling to him. "Why? are you afraid that you would come back to me if i do it?" he's trying to tease me. I'm trying to hold my smile, he's really know how to tease me. and i always fall for it again and again. "say it. say whatever you want. I'm not gonna fall for you again this time" I'm smirking on him and challenge him by my words. "Are you sure?" he askes me and i nodded at him.

"beach.. it's remind me when we're doing a shoot for our honeymoon scene" "stop it. not that one please" I cut his words before he finishes it. "why? do you have a second thought? are you afraid now?" "Rob.. you... you're such a jerk. i hate you. don't do it man! we're not a lover anymore. and talking about that it so shame! i'm fucking hate you right now" i laughing on my words. he's laughing too. He knows that i'm not serious for what i'm saying. "i don't mind you hating me, as long as you would stay by my side kris.. I love you" he's look like not teasing me anymore, but he's serious for what he's said. "Stop it. I'm leaving now. You're.. you're drunk man" "i'm not kris.. please don't go. I love you" "Robert, it's not right. And coming here to meet you it's another mistake that i made. I shouldn't come here. and If you're still talking about the old time, then i should leave now" i look at his eyes. he's staring at me. without any words. "I'm sorry." he's finally say something. i nodded at him. "I can't hold my self kristen. I miss you, and seeing right now.. i can't describe how i feel." "Rob.. please, don't talked about it again. we're over. You have your own life now, so do i. can we just be friends? like the old time? talking about shit and not something serious like this" I look at him but his gaze is go for somewhere else for a moment before he turn his head and looking at me. "are you really having a boyfriend?" his question suddenly make me nervous. I don't know what i've to say. I'm not capable to lying in front of him.  and if do, he would know it. "i want you to look at me, and say it" he's continuing his words which make me more nervous. "Yes. i do" i'm trying not to cracked my voice in front of him. "You're not. You're lying" he smiling on me. "Yes i do i'm not lying rob" I'm little bit yelling at him to cover my nervousness. "Yes i know you're lying. what does it for? to avoiding me?" he said. "I'm not lying robert. don't pretend like you know everything about me" "because i do kristen, i do know you. and i know you're lying" "Pleaase, rob" i suddenly stood up and preparing my self to leaving him. He stood up too. "I'm having a boyfriend and i'm not lying. And it's such a waste to talk to you" I'm shaking on my words. "Ok, then if you're having a boyfriend. Kiss me" he keep his gaze on my eyes. "What the fuck are you trying to do rob? it's not funny. and i'm not gonna kiss you. say whatever you want, i don't care. I'm leaving now. bye" before i could turn my self to walk away i could feel that he's grabing my arms and pull my self to him. and then he's kissing me, on the lips. I'm shocked.

"Robert, let me go" i'm struggle to get loose from him. But he's holding me very strong. and still trying to kiss me even tough i'm trying to reject it. "robert!!" "Please kristen. kiss me if you're having a boyfriend. because i can't imagine you kissing another man" he's stopping his kiss but still hold my body close to him. "You're nuts rob" I said to him. "Yes i do, because of you. please kristen kiss me and i'll let you go with him" he said. I'm looking at him with full of confuse and anger. I don't know what should i do. "Robert.. i... i love you" I kiss his lips and wrapped my hand around his neck. I know i'm crazy. But this is all i can do to make him stay away from me. He's deepen up my kiss and stroking one side of my cheek while he's other hands is wrapping around my waist. I know we're both miss this. I couldn't lie anymore, i miss his lips, his smell, every part of him.

I pull my lips from him and trying to control my breath, he's still trying to reach my lips but i turn my face. My hands still on his neck and his hand still on my waist. We're still close. "please never kissed another a man like that ms. stewart. It's mine. you're mine." he's whispering on my ear. I don't know why, but that words make me giggled. He's leaning his forehead on mine. and both of us are closing our eyes. It's still feels like the old time for me. "I should leave now. You promise right?" I said and he's nodded. He then kissed my forehead for a while. A kissed that i always wanted. and that kissed always made me fall for him all over again. "I love you" he said to me before loosen his hands from me and i nodded at him. "Bye rob" I said and i walked away leave him behind.

"kris.." he's shouting my name again. and i turn to look at him. "what now?" i'm asking him. "Remember what i'm saying. or i will break his neck" he's smiling at me. "I'll break her neck too" I smiling at him when i said it. He's laughing and i turn again and walked away trough my hotel room. this night is crazy. I don't know if we're gonna meet again or not. But something that i could say, i should get out from this hotel if i don't want something crazier is happen. Because.. i thought i have fall for him again. Again.

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