
By RosalineVonnMonroe

13.3K 527 40

Supernaturals were now the norm. You were either with one, want to be one or hated them. There was no in betw... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five

Chapter seventeen

328 14 1
By RosalineVonnMonroe

The nightmares had returned, but this time it was Abney getting slayed. Her frail screams reverberated in my head even whilst my eyes were open. Terrible, blood curdling screams would follow, waking me out of my nightmare.

Shaé had taken to sleeping in her own room, same could be said about the rest of them. They couldn't handle my nightmares anymore. I couldn't handle them. Cassidy had retreated into herself, but the doctor assured us it was because of the shock of loosing her legs. We tried believing him, but we knew better. Everyone felt the effects of her leaving...

Of Abney going away...

Even Xavier and Adrian was more quiet than usual. And that said something. We all grew to love her, we all expected her to come back after this was done. But she didn't want to. She kept saying she was human, and she was right. Our world moved too fast and burned too bright. So the nightmares grew worse and worse, along with my guilt.

If I had spoken to her before she left, if I didn't bottle it up like I always did, she might have came back to us after this. But I didn't and now we all felt the after shock of knowing what it felt like to love a human.

It felt whole.

The first letter came only four days after she had landed in Egypt. It didn't tell much, but just enough to convince us that her father would take all her comments under advisement. She was ascending fast into his good graces. As if nothing had happened to her. Which to him, nothing did. She was simply being a brat who ran away on vacation.

She spoke of a base in America and soon Xavier flew out to go and find it. The meeting with the board brought tension into my muscles. The prospect of Abney being pulled into their ranks clawed my insides, but this is what we were training her for.

For now we had no other choice but to wait and see what fate would bring to our doorstep.

Raven still hasn't emerged from the shadows, that was another upsetting topic to me. Where she was or how she was doing was beyond even my Intel team. Frustration had settled deep into my stomach and I couldn't take it anymore. Flying was out, seeing as we had no idea as to where the Black Guard was and swimming only reminded me of Abney.

Running has never been, nor will it ever be a legitimate out let. I don't 'do' running.

So I was left to paint. But with every stroke of the brush I seemed to either paint my doom or a reality in which I didn't have any of this. In the end I always ended up alone. My family consoled me to the best of their abilities, but between Cassidy and I, there were no longer a lot of sympathy available. Shaé and Adrian grew tired of our nightly crying sessions. I couldn't blame them. I was irritated with myself as well.

It was only when I finally received the next letter Abney sent that my mind flew back into ruler mode and all else was blocked from my being.

This crisis had to end... Soon.

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