By RhondaLaVyrleJane20

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Alexander Hunter,30 First class criminal. Had been jailed for 3 years on account of murder, a name which ever... More



37.8K 1.2K 156
By RhondaLaVyrleJane20

It was five in the evening. Rose sat on her porch and waited patiently for Brian to arrive.She had invited him over for dinner and he had gladly accepted the offer.
They had grown close since the past few days. Rose seemed to slowly recover from her inner turmoil and start a new fresh life away from the pain that always followed her.
Rose liked his company. He was caring, gentle, humorous and so much more, just the way she liked. She had never invited him inside her house after the day they first met, other than talking to him whenever they saw each other outside, so she decided to invite him today and he had agreed to return from his work earlier and help her cook dinner for them.

Rose sat silently and scanned her surroundings like she always did. There were very few houses around her's, eight houses to be precise. Brians' house was to the farthest left from hers, a huge pice of vacant land filled with bushes separated both of them. Towards her right, was again a vacant piece of land with a small house situated at the end of the road. A few more houses scattered around that place. It actually seemed isolated and lonely, but then again,she was fine with it. She enjoyed the peace and harmony it provided her with.
After a few minutes she saw Brians sleek black BMW maneuver it's way towards her house. She smiled and looked at the car as it stopped in front. Brian rolled down the window of his car.

"Hey!, how long have you been waiting for?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"Not long" she said and smiled at him.

He nodded and smiled back at her

"Alright then, I'll go home, shower, and be right back"
He said with the same smile governing his face.
Rose always got carried away by this man's beautiful smile,warm and gentle.

"Sure, I will....um..get the things ready for cooking."
"Yeah, that would be great,
will be right back Rose." He said and smiled at her as he rolled up the window and drove away on the gravel filled road.

Rose made her way inside her house and pulled out a few vegetables, chicken,rice and the required utensils for their dinner. After a few minutes the door bell rang and she made her way to the door and opened it.

A fresh looking, handsome Brian stood on her door step dressed in a black button up shirt with sleeves  rolled upto to his elbows, paired up with dark blue jeans.
Rose gulped, this man was extremely handsome she thought.
"Rose, I have told you before,  you can as well take a picture of mine and frame it in your bedroom." He said playfully as he winked at her.
Rose blushed as embarrassment took over her,
"I am sorry. ..."
" You need not be sorry Rose, I love attention." he said playfully as he grinned at her.
She rolled her eyes and smiled at him.
The man who stood in front of her was different. He was so good to her, trying to get to know her and solve her like she was a piece of puzzle. It has been only a few days since they got to know each other, but he seemed to break down her walls at a faster pace.

"This is for you, I hope you like vine." He said as he pulled out a bottle from behind him.

"Oh yes, I do, but you dint have to Brian.", she said as he got inside the house.

"Not a problem Rose, so let's get started?"

"Yeah, sure."she said, and made her way inside the kitchen.

"We are making chicken curry, rice and a little salad for dinner, I hope that's fine with you?"

Rose asked him as she washed her hands to start with the preparations.

" That's more than fine Rose." he said ,and smiled at her as he layed the vine bottle down on the table. They both started preparing their dinner and made conversations in between about his day at work and what she did all day. Last time when she had met him, she had told him to inform her if he knew any job that would suit her since she was in a desperate need for a job.
After an hour or so, rose and Brian were done with their dinner and they sat on the couch basking in silence.

"So Rose?" He called out to her. She turned towards him and rested her head on the couch.

"Remember you told me that you were in search of a job."

"Hmm..yes,I did. What about it?"
She asked him giving him all her attention.

"I think I found one for you." He said slowly with a smile on his face.

"Oh my god, really?"

"Yes.It's at the place I work. A vacancy for a personal assistant for my boss. The one who was working for him quit a few days back and he is in an urgent need for a replacement. So yeah, I have spoken to him about you and he would like to see you...tomorrow."he said grinning at her.
Brian seemed to like this woman in front of him. She looked so  innocent fragile and, and broken, that he always had an urge to hold her and protect her. To fix her back by helping her mend all the pieces of her broken and painful life. Every time she smiled ,something always tugged deep down his heart and the feelings for her started sprouting from within.

"Thank you so much Brian. This means so much to me." She thanked him genuinely.

"You need not thank me. All you should know is that, no matter what, i am always there here for you." He said looking into her eyes. Her smile grew wider and she nodded as she sank further into the couch living the happiness she was provided with .

Brian observed her from his side, she had shut her eyes close and that beautiful smile lingered on her lips.
She's beautiful he thought to himself. Jet Black hair, long lashes, soft pink lips and those beautiful eyes of hers. They never failed to capture his attention.
He let out a slow breath and smiled looking at her. He was happy that he could bring a smile on her face.
He then started to scan the surrounding. A few feet away from the couch, there was a wall filled with photo frames, and next to the wall, there was a small table on which two frames were kept.
He got up and made his way towards them to take a look at the neatly arranged frames. He shoved his hands into his pockets and observed a picture of a family. The wall was filled with their photos. They looked happy and in love. A few were taken at the beach, a few at the park and many other places.
While he stood there observing the pictures, Rose joined him with  a pained expression on her face.
After a few minutes of silence, she spoke up.

"Mom, dad and Lisa, my elder sister."

"Where are they now?" He asked her casually smiling at the pictures.

Rose sucked in a breath and dint answer him for a few seconds.
He turned to look at her.

" Far away from me Brian. So far that no amount of travelling and no mode of communication could take me to them. No amount of tears can bring them back to me." She said looking at the picture of her family that was taken at the beach. It was her favourite picture.

He narrowed his eyes at her answer and looked back at the photos, then looked at her again.

"They are dead Brian." She said, as a lone tear slipped from her eyes.

He took a few seconds to digest the new found information.

"Jesus..Rose I am extremely sorry..I dint.."

Rose kept her hand on his shoulder and said," It is fine, please don't be sorry. I am fine now. I have accepted their death."

She said and looked back at the photos removing her hand from his shoulder.
He could feel the pain radiating from her. He was shocked to know that she had lost all of her family. He dint want to question her any further but he couldn't stop himself from asking one last question.


He wanted to know from when she lived her life all alone without anyone to support her. A sudden urge to protect her and wipe away all her pain grew within him stronger than before.

"I was 18 years old, they died in a car accident. I stayed at home that night...."
He abruptly stopped her.

"We'll talk about this some other time Rose. I don't want you to feel bad anymore."  He said genuinely and watched her as she closed her eyes taking deep breaths.
"Thank you." She whispered back.
She could feel the pain trying to get back into her body and she tried to control it.. She took deep breaths and opened her eyes after a few seconds. She observed the happy faces on the photo again for the millionth time.

A wooden frame with beautiful carvings on them caught Brian's attention. He picked up the picture and looked at it.
In the picture, was a small boy and girl holding each others hands happily. The little boy had  messy hair and he was grinning at the camera while the little girl next to him, dreamily looked at him with a sweet gentle smile on her small face.
Brian narrowed his eyes as he concentrated on the photo. A small smile appeared on his lips. He looked at Rose, who was still looking at the wall and turned back looking at the picture in his hand. He could make out the girl from the picture. But the boy...

"Who is this boy Rose?" He asked

Rose looked away from the wall and saw the photo frame in his hand. All of a sudden she felt her heart crumble with pain. She could feel the pain conquer her body at the sight of that boy in the picture.
She sucked in a deep breath and said,

"Alexander Hunter."
Alexander sat on the chair in his study and twirled the paper weight on the desk with his fingers, while he thought about that one girl who managed to capture his heart and lock it down only for her. Alexander sighed and leaned back into his chair with the paper weight secured in his right hand which was now dangling from the arm rest. He closed his eyes and smiled at the thought of Rose as a full grown women. He longed to touch her, hold her in his arms and never let her go. An electric spark ran through his body and  tightened his crotch at the thought of him making love to her, the thought of her legs wrapped around his waist as he slowly transported them into a world of ecstacy, a world with only the two of them connected to each other. He wanted to touch, taste every inch of her body and make her completely his.
Alexander has had his share of women. He was no Saint. Women fell all over this delicious male specie and he never ignored them either.  But he longed for only one women, for his Rose. He longed to make love to her, to fulfill his thirst for her. The other women with whom he slept with,were all for temporary bliss. They were his failed attempts to forget Rose. When he realised that no amount of sleeping around would remove the picture of that 15 year old back haired beauty, he had stopped sleeping with other women. And that had only increased his thirst for her to an extent beyond his reach. He was determined to find her and claim her.When he found her,he would protect her and would never let her go again. He knew that she would not accept him fast, but he would do anything in his power and beyond to make her his.
He would then make slow passionate love to her and try to show her how much he needed her in his life. He would undress her slolwy feeling every curve of her body and would reveal the beauty for the beast inside him. He would glide his hands over her naked chest and hold her bosom with passion and twirl her erect buds until she screamed with pleasure...

" Boss, we have an issue."

Alexander clenched his jaw and his muscles tensed with anger for being interrupted from his little fantasy. With his eyes still closed he barked with rage.

"Get the fuck out of here!. Now."

The man eyed his boss with curiosity and left his study immediately.

Alexander surely needed a cold shower. His aching member did not seem to calm down anytime soon. Roseanne Hart was his addiction. She was the beauty for the beast in him. He would have her by any cost, at this thought, he let out a ragged breath and got up from his chair painfully adjusting his pants and making his way to the attached bathroom.
" The things you do to me Rose" he whispered and frowned with pain. He unbuckled his belt as he entered the bathroom and shut the door behind him.


Hey guys:)
I hope you all are doing fine.
Thank you for all the votes and comments :) it's a huge motivation for me.
I am sorry for the delay. Here's another chapter.
I hope it went well. Please let me know what you guys think about this chapter.
Vote, comment and enjoy:)
I love you all loads.

Until the next update,

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