Dancing on the Gym Floor(Stud...

By Tatti3

31.7K 297 103

Everybody's heard this original Student/Teacher Love Story...Well You havent heard mine.... Natalia is your o... More

Element of Life
Stereo Love
Pursuit Of Happiness
The Diary
I Won't Tell
Night Off
Neighbors Know My Name
My Boo
Party No Mo'
Wounds in the Way
Trust Issues
Por Un Segundo
Sandstorm-Part 1
Sandstorm-Part 2
Boom Boom Way Ho!
Red Carpet (Pause, Flash)
Brown Eyes
Jar of Hearts
I'll Never Leave

Marvin's Room

1.7K 27 12
By Tatti3

Liberty and I are playing our rollercoaster to store in our science class. "This thing is heavy!" Lib complains. She's cranky. We both are. We didn't go to sleep until 2:30 AM. We had to calculate the speed for 5 trials. For 3 hours, we we're trying to figure out why our speed was looking funny. Instead of doing distance divided by time, we did time divided by distance. We were pissed.

"Hey Mr. Monahan." Lib and I greet our science teacher. We place our project on the rectangular table. Mr. Monahan is about 40-50 years old, but he looks pretty young and he's super cool. The room is filled with other students' projects. We look around at them. They're really creative and unique. My fave is the one with the tornado disaster.

To my luck Braxton and Jason walk in with their project. It's Gummy Worm Land. Epic! Braxton looks at me, but then looks away. I've really gotten over the kiss. Do I regret it? No. But do I want it to happen again? Yes. But do I wanna lose Braxton as a friend? Of course not.

Lib and I have gym first period. Gross, I know. She tugs at me shoulder, "Talya, come on! We're going to be late." And with that said, the late bell rings. We groan loudly. The gymnasium is on the other side of the school where we're at.

"Don't worry! I can't write yall passes. Liberty and Natalia where are yall going?"


"Oooooo...long walk. Braxton and Jason."

"Family Dynamics."

He hands us blue pieces of paper with our signature on it.

"See you later, Mr. Monahan."

We're walking down the hallway with Braxton and Jason behind us. It's silent. So I stop and turn around to look at Braxton. We stare at each other.

"Are we even friends?" he asks.

"I nod, "We always were. We always have been. Always will be." I smile

"Come On Natalia. We're already late."

We run into the gym.

"Coach LaBrandi calls us over, "ladies, you know the rules. Late equals 10 suicides."

"No coach, no need. We have a pass."

"You're lucky Now go get dressed. We're doing archery." He says taking the passes.

Cocah LaBrandi has built body, like John Cena built! He's Italian. So of course, you know that means he's tan. His tan defines his all around bicep tattoo. I think it's a dragon.

Have you ever seen an Italian-American guy with blue-green eyes? I think not.

Of course, girls think he is the smexiest teacher, but we don't take it to the far extreme like stalking him or trying to get him to notice us. Just casual whistles with eyebrow raises.


I'm chilling in my bed doing math homework in my boyshorts with a thrown up messy bun

"Fuck that new girl that you like so bad. She's not crazy like me. I bet you like that-"

My phone rings JoJo's remix to Marvin's Room signaling me that I got a phone call.


"Braxton, I know practice is Thursday after school." I say answering the phone.

"Wow, not even a hello. But I wasn't calling about that."

"Oh...oh I'm sorry! Hello Braxton."

"Hello, Nat. I was asking do you mind I if come cause I'm bout to pass up by your neighborhood. I just came from the Wal-Mart and the gas station." He asks innocently.

"Umm yeah sure no problem. Just walk in through the front door when you get here. It's unlocked."

"Okey dokey." I can feel him smiling through the phone on my pillow and continue my math homework. I'm stuck on a problem. I'm good at math but I have a friend, Christy, who is way better. So I call her up.

"Yo, Christy, are you doing your math homework?"

"Yeah but I'm stuck on problem?"

"Number 17?"

"Yes, but I think it's a mistake because no matter what method I do I keep getting 215, but the choices only give me between 308, 1281, 174, and 92,796."

"Have you called anybody else?"

"Nope I'm about to call Google though." She jokes. I reply with a laugh.

Braxton walks in my room and stops and looks at me with wide eyes. I look at him like he's delusional. Then I feel a breeze on my back. I look down at my boobs to remember that I'm only in my bra and boyshorts.

"Um, Christy, text me the answer if you ever get it." She agrees and then hangs up.

I quickly throw on some white and silver gym shorts with a Mardi Gras tank top

I giggle, "I'm sorry."

He smiles, "Naw, it's good." He sits on my bed.

"You know I miss talking to you" I confess.

He shakes his head, I'm sorry. I don't even know why I did it. That day is pretty much a blur."

"B, don't beat yourself up Yo. I don't regret it."

"You like me?" he asks.

"I didn't say that!" I say quickly protecting myself. "I just don't regret it."

"So you enjoyed it." He smirks.

"You can say that..." I respond not letting him in on my secret.

My mom walk in my room, "Oh hey Braxton." She awkwardly looks at me. I told her about the kiss.

"Hey, Ms. Nathalie."

"Well Braxton, are you staying for dinner." He nods. "Perfect, because we're having your fave- Stuffed Salmon with mushrooms and white sticky rice."

"That means tomorrow, I'm going to the gym." I say.

I work out of course. You don't get these just naturally you know!




1) which teacher is she going for?

2) will braxton try to make a move again?

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