Sin. {Urban Love Story}

By Nyahxoxo

170K 5K 941

My parents are those boogie, stuck up black people who think they the shit. They've always brained washed me... More

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Wεddιng Nιgнт Blιss

Ꭶιи #1

19.3K 371 83
By Nyahxoxo

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I was wondering why it was on since it was the weekend but then realized it was Sunday. Welp, time for church. I dragged myself out of bed and made it. I then went to my bathroom and did the whole hygiene routine including shaving my legs. I may be a girl but if I don't shave at least twice a week I'll be looking like a chimpanzee.

When I finished brushing me teeth I walked out my bathroom and walked into my walk in closet. I browsed through the enormous amount of clothes I had to figure out what I was gonna wear. After debating between a beige ruffle top with a black and beige pencil skirt and a blue and white floral dress I chose the the ruffle top and pencil skirt.

When I put on my outfit I didn't expect the skirt to be so short. It reached my mid thigh. Oh well, not everyone's a saint. I straightened my hair, put on some light make up and added a little bit of jewelry. When I was satisfied with my look I slipped on my pair of nude heels. I grabbed my phone and my small purse and walked out my room. "Well don't you look cute for church." Davion said when I walked out my room.

He was just walking out his room. He was wearing a white dress shirt with black jeans. He had his dreads pulled up in one and he had his glasses on. He looked spiffy. "You don't look too bad yourself." I said smiling.

Davion was my 21 year old brother. He had chocolate skin, dreads and hazel-green eyes. He was a real cool brother and we had a pretty good bond.

We both walked downstairs into the kitchen to see my dad making breakfast and my mom sitting at the island sipping on her cup of tea and reading a Home Sense magazine.

"Good morning." Davion and I said in unison.

"Good morning!" My dad cheered. He is always a happy man.

"Morning." My mom said not even looking up at us as she continued to flip through her magazine.

Davion and I took a seat at the kitchen table. Dad served us our food and then sat down with us. We said grace then started eating. Romeo came downstairs in his Calvin Klein boxers and some socks. I guess he ain't going to church this morning.

"You ain't coming to church?" Dad asked him.

"Naw, maybe next week." He shrugged and sat down at the table next to Davion.

"You said that last week." I said as dad placed a plate of food in front of him.

"No one was talkin' to you so shut up and mind your business!" He snapped and started eating like he had no table manners.

Dad smacked him in the back of his head. "Don't talk to your sister like that."

"She's so damn annoying." He whined.

"And you're not?"

"You got one more time Kiërra," He warned.

"I wish you would try something, I wish you would."

"That's enough!" Mom yelled. Everyone stayed quiet and looked at her. "Miracle, let's go! Davion, you're riding with your father."

I didn't bother arguing. It's not the first time Romeo and it got into an argument. Hell, this is probably the first time in a while it hasn't gotten physical.

I placed my plate in the sink then grabbed my purse and my phone and followed my mom out the house. "So, are we taking your car or..."

"We're taking your car." She said and walked to the passenger side.

I hopped in my cherry red Range Rover and started the car. As I started driving to church I knew my mom wanted to talk about something. That's the only reason why she would drive in a car with me alone.

I sighed. "What's on your mind mommy?" The tension was annoying me.

"What's going on between you and Christopher?" She asked bluntly.

I rolled my eyes again. Christopher was my jackass of a boyfriend. We were only together because when I was 14 and he was 16 we slipped up and had sex. The ass whoopings I got from mom, dad and granddaddy made me never want to have sex again. My mom and Christopher's mom came up with the brilliant idea that we should become a couple because they thought it would be less sinful. Kinda like an non-legal marriage. Who the fuck thinks like that? Either way it goes we're still living in sin.

Chris wasn't a bad looking guy. He had caramel skin, short curly hair with a fade, perfect teeth with two hot vampire teeth and perfect plump lips. He had a nice built body and a good singing voice. He's basically a fucking sex bomb. He's the mayor's son and he's an asshole. The things that turn me off about him is that we are too much alike and he's a big player. Both his and my dad are very good friends but my dad isn't to fond of him since he found out we had sex. His mother is also an egoistical, gold digging hussy and her and my mother get along VERY well since they're so much alike.

"We're fine mom, we just had a little disagreement." I said when I turned off our street and drove out the gates that guarded our gated neighborhood.

"Well we're having dinner tonight at the mayor's house and you guys are going to discuss this disagreement." She said in a bitter tone.

"Mom, you can obviously see that Christopher and I are not working so why do you continue to support this messed up relationship?"

"Miracle, the reason it's not working is because you're not trying."

Only my mom and her stuck up ass friends call me Miracle while everyone else calls me Kiërra. Kiërra is my middle name along with Shanae which is my mom's name. I hate the name Miracle because it has a meaning behind it that my mother will never make me forget it.

"I am!" I stressed but that was a lie. I could careless if this relationship was falling apart. The only reason I'm still with Christopher is because I just want my mom to be proud of me for once so I'm doing this for her. But I was also waiting for my mom to realize that I don't want to be in a relationship with Christopher. "I do everything you want me to do but nothing works. All he wants is sex."

"Then give him that." I pressed on the breaks so hard that we jerked forward. "Miracle!" She scolded.

"You are the main one saying that sex before marriage is a sin and now you're encouraging it? That's some fucking fake ass shit!"

She slapped me hard across my face. "You don't realize how lucky you are!" She yelled while waving her index finger in my face. "Many girls would love to be in your place and you keep messing up. You are staying with
Christopher, Miracle. Do not disappoint and embarrass me."

I started driving again. No one understand how much I dislike my mother. I may love her but really don't like her and I'm starting to lose respect for her every time she talks to me. All I want her to do is to love me for who I am and support me in the decisions I make like my dad does but all she does is use me to make her look good for her bougie ass friends.

We pulled up at the church a few minutes later. "Get out." I said without looking at her.

"You'll be thankful that I'm doing this for you. Cover the mark on your face. We don't need people asking questions." Then she got out my car and slammed the door. The nerve of this female.

I pulled down the mirror from the overhead and saw I had a red mark on my cheek. Nothing a little concealer can't fix. After fixing the damage my mother made I parked the car and got out. I waited by my car for my best friend Kiona.

I saw her dad's car pull up. I walked over to them just as they were getting out. "Good morning Mr. White." I greeted Kiona's dad.

"Good morning Kiërra," he greeted with a smile. "How are you this morning?"

I remembered the conversation I had with my mom and mentally rolled my eyes. "I've had better mornings."

"I'm sorry to hear," he said gave me a somewhat sympathetic look. "I'll leave you girls to talk but hurry, service starts soon."

"Yes sir." Kiona and I said in unison.

"What happened?" Kiona asked me once her father was out of ear reach.

"Mommy dearest went off on me this morning because I subliminally told her I didn't want to be with Chris anymore."

"Pts, I feel bad for you. I know my momma can't tell me who I can and can't date."

"That's because she won't. Your mom is real cool."

Kiona's mom and dad are divorced. Her dad lives in our neighborhood while her mom lived outside our gated neighborhood. She was what we would call average but she had a lot of hood friends. Kiona liked spending time with her mom cause they were more friends than mother and daughter. I wish I had a close relationship with my mom.

Kiona is Colombian and black. Her mom is Colombian and black and her dad is black. Kiona was actually born in Colombia and came to America in the first grade. We've been best friends ever since then. She had long, curly, wild hair that she would always leave untamed. She had honey blonde hair like me but it wasn't her natural color. We both dyed our hair honey blonde last summer while we were at dance camp. The look on my mother's face had me and Kiona laughing for days.

"Speaking of my mom, she's going to Colombia next weekend so I can have the house to myself. You wanna come spend the weekend?" She asked.

"Yeah sure," I replied. "I shouldn't be busy."

Just then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Hey baby." Christopher's deep voice whispered in my ear before he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I got out of his grip and turned to look at him. "Did you tell your mom we've been having problems?"

"She noticed you haven't been coming around so she asked what happened." She said casually.

"What did you tell her?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I just said we got into an argument and you wasn't talking to me."

"You know what, I'll talk to you tonight." I then walked into the church. I wasn't about to waste my energy so early in the morning.

The things I do to make my mom happy.


Church was over and I was getting ready to leave. I walked over to my grandfather that was standing by the door that leads to his office. "Hey grandpa." I said and gave him a hug.

"Hello Kiërra, how are you this morning? Did you enjoy service?" He asked.

"Yes sir. You did your thing up there grandpa."

"You know it's always a pleasure to praise The Lord."

I nodded and smiled. "Well I'm leaving now, I'll see you later."

"Wait, your not staying for choir practice?"

"You know I can't stay on Sundays grandpa. I have dance rehearsals."

"I'm guessing dance is more important than this church." Here he goes with his guilt thing.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll stay for a little bit."

He half smiled. "I'm glad you got your priorities straight."

"Yes sir."

I stayed for choir practice for about thirty minutes then left with Kiona. We were on our way to the dance studio uptown when Kiona said something that made question her intelligence. "I can set you up with one of Keondre's friends," Keondre is Kiona's on and off boyfriend for the last two years. "The Lord knows you need some new dick cause Chris ain't cuttin' it no more."

"Do not bring The Lord into your unholy ideas," I said and playfully hit her on her arm. "And if Chris ain't treating me right what makes you think Keondre's friends would. They're probably worst than Chris."

"What about Danté?"

I gave her the 'you ain't serious look'. "Try again."


"He's better than his brother but nah. He's my nigga and I'm not trying to ruin our bond."

"What about Khalil?" She smirked.

"You are really lookin' for a slap."

"Is that a no?" She asked while trying to hold in her laugh.

"Hell fucking nah, I'm not dating my brother's best friend."

Then she busted out laughing.

"So you're saying you won't give any of them a chance?"

"Exactly. We can be friends but being a relationship with them is just trouble. I'm better off with Christopher."

"Okay." Then she dropped the subject.

I pulled up in front of the dance studio about ten minutes later. I got my gym bag from my trunk and we went inside to change. When we finished changing we went into the dance room and was met with the whole gang. "Sorry I'm late guys." I said throwing my gym bag in the corner and walking over to them.

"Don't even trip, rehearsals are canceled today." Kevanté said and as he got up and hugged me.

Kevanté was probably the only guy I trust outside of my neighborhood. He's shorter than the other guys but was a little bit taller than me. He's light skin, has a nice built body and can dance. She was really cute but I never grew feelings for him.

"Why?" I asked and we pulled away from our hug.

"Smokey has a competition out of town with one of his other dance crews."


"How was church KiKi? Did you and your granddaddy praise The Lord together?" Keondre teased.

"Nigga, say one more thing about me being a pastor's granddaughter and imma show you how unholy I can get with these hands."

He chuckled. "Aight, I see you ma."

Keondre and I have a love hate relationship. He gets me so mad when he cheats on Kiona but when they together he's real cool. Since Kiona really likes him I have to accept him. He was a tall, lanky dark skin boy with two long braids. I keep threatening that imma cut off his hair and make a weave for his bald headed hoes.

"Aye KiKi, this is Tyson," Kevanté said pointing to some guy I never seen before. "Tyson this is my homie Kiërra."

Tyson was tall and built. He's light skin with a fresh cut and a lot of tattoos. He was really cute and his swag was on point too.

"I seen her this morning at church but she ain't even notice me staring." He said with a flirty smile on his face.

"My bad, I had a lot of things on my mind."

"Who you? I ain't never seen or heard of you before." Kiona said. She was always the type to say the first things that come to her mind.

"He just moved here about a month ago. He's living with his mom and grandmother on Queens Avenue." Khalil explained.

"Well welcome to Springfield. You're gonna love this crazy ass town." I said.

He chuckled. "Thanks."

"So what do talk wanna do?" Danté asked.

"Twerk contest!" Kiona cheered and skipped over to the speakers.

"I ain't twerking for no one." I said and took a seat next to Danté on the floor against the mirror.

He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I pushed him and away and he chuckled. Danté been having a crush on me since we was in middle school. I don't pay him no attention when he flirts with me cause he's a player. He's Kevanté's twin brother and they looked exactly alike.

"I don't give a fuck about what you have to say, you twerking." Kiona said while connecting her phone to the speakers.

"Well damn." I mumbled and crossed my arms.

"Danté, Kevanté and Khalil, you go first." Kiona pressed play on her phone and Pop That by French Montana blared through the speakers.

Khalil was booted out. The nigga wasn't on Danté and Kevanté's level. Next it was Keondre and Kiona. Y'all already know Kiona killed that. Then it was me and Tyson. Tyson started twerking and he looked hella funny. When it was my turn I went in. I knew I could shake my ass. I've been doing this since I was a toddler.

"Aight, Kiërra won that one!" Khalil yelled over the music.

"Damn! Why ain't no one tell me shawty was bad like that."

I chuckled and shook my head. We kept going until it came down to me and Kiona. Danté switched the song to Twerk It and when the chorus came on Kiona and I went at it. Kiona bust into a split and I already knew I lost this one.

"Aight bitch, I gotchu' next time." I said.

"Whatever bitch, you ain't on my level." She said and shook her ass my way.

I laughed and checked my phone. It was 6:30pm. Shit, I'm not gonna hear the end of this from my mom.

"Aye Ki, imma head out. You need a ride?" I asked her whole picking up my gym bag.

"Nah, Keondre is gonna take me home." He replied.

"Says who?" Keondre asked in a confused tone.

"Says me nigga now hush."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Aight then, I'm out." I chucked up the deuces and made my way out the dance room.

"Aye Kiërra, hol'up!" Tyson hollered behind me.

I smiled to myself and turned around. He jogged up to me and smiled. "Can I get your number? I would love to get to know you better."

"Get my number from Kiona and text me later." Then I turned and walked out the studio.

I would give him my number myself but I don't have time for that right now. I needed to get my ass home.


Sitting at the dining table at Christopher's house with both our parents was an awkward experience. I knew both his mom and my mom wanted to say something.

"Are you guys alright? Any relationship issues you want to talk about?" His mom, Mrs. Williams asked.

"Yeah, you guys seem awfully quiet? Anything you want to talk about?"

"Shanae, leave the kids alone. If they're having problems then let them resolve it themselves." Dad scolded.

"I agreed." Mr. Williams said and sipped on his red wine while giving his wife a menacing look.

"May I be excused? I'm full." Chris said. I looked at his plate and saw that he barely ate.

"Yes you may." Mr. Williams answered him.

"Miracle go with him. Let us adults talk."

I knew that wasn't the reason that she wanted me to go with him but I didn't say anything. I excused myself, got up from the table and followed Chris upstairs to his room.

Chris's room was like a big ass hotel room. I don't know why he needs all this space but it's whatever, I'm glad I got space to breath when we're up here alone.

I was sitting on his bed when there was a silence. It wasn't an awkward silence it was just a silence. I was really surprised by the fact that he wasn't trying anything with me. Usually when we were alone he would be all over me. "Why aren't you trying anything." I asked bluntly.

"I'm texting another female it wouldn't be right to try something with you." He said looking up at his phone for a quick second then going back to text.

Well isn't he considerate. I respect his honesty but I didn't want to put up with this bullshit anymore. "Chris, I want to break up."

He looked up from his phone. "Why?"

"Number one you are too old for me. Your turning twenty years old in a few months and I just turned seventeen. This relationship is basically illegal."

"You wasn't thinking about that when you was riding my dick when you were fourteen." She said with cocky ass smirk on his face.

"You lied about your age so that doesn't count!" I yelled. I then got up from his bed and grab my stuff. "Fuck you Christopher, I'm done."

I attempted to leave but he grabbed my arm and turned me around. "Baby, I'm just joking. Chill." He laughed.

I pushed him off of me. "Don't tell me to chill Christopher. You're an asshole! You are so lucky that you are Christopher Williams, the mayor's son cause I would've done put your ass in check."

I have a real bad temper. There's only certain people I control myself around and Chris isn't one of those people.

"Kiërra, calm down," I took a few deep breath and calmed down a little. I still wanted to shove my foot up his ass though. "This is just me and you, boyfriend and girlfriend. Tell me how you really feel and why you wanna end things."

"Because you're unfaithful and you're an asshole. I know you don't want to be in this relationship just as much as I don't but at least play the part. I treat you with respect, I don't talk to no other dudes on that level and I give you my undivided attention when we're together and I expect the same from you but all you do is fuck other females, disrespect me and treat me like I'm not important."

He leg go my arm. "I'm sorry baby." He said caressing my cheek.

I pushed his hand away from me and backed up a little. "Sorry doesn't mean anything to me anymore," I said and rolled my eyes. "I understand that you want to do your own thing but we're in a relationship whether we want to be in it or not. You talking to those other females makes me look stupid for being with you and trust me, I would be done with your ass if it wasn't for this little agreement our mothers' have."

He sighed and rubbed his hand through his hair in frustration. "I don't want us to be over Kiërra. You're fun to be around and you're a real cool girl and I know you don't want our mom's on our case when we end this. You have one more year then you can go and do your own thing. I'm sorry and I promise I'll try to do better."

"You better cause the next sign of bullshit and I'm leaving your ass and I don't care what your momma or my momma has to say about it."

"I promise." He brushed the hair out my face and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kiss him back. He lifted me up and without breaking our kiss. Lord know I can't get enough of him. One thing about Chris was that he knows how to make a girl feel good. He laid me on his bed gently and pulled away. "Cuddle with me." He whispered against my lips. I nodded and sat up and against the headboard.

He turned on the TV and got in bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and I laid on his chest.

I don't know why Chris would always convince me to stay with him. I mean, he wasn't such a bad person when it was just us. He only acts an asshole around his friends and once in a while he'll have his smart ass comments like today. Chris was a cool person to be with but relationship wise we just didn't work. To me, this relationship all about lust and pleasure.


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