Living in a Dream - a Joe Sug...

By JKRtotallypink

4.4K 220 41

Hi, my name is Cora Foster. I'm 19 years old, and live with my best friend Aspyn Clicke in the heart of Minne... More

My Name's Cora
The Three Mystery Men
Dream Come True
The News
Surprises Good and Bad
Mistakes Were Made
Familiar Faces
The Hotel
Embarrassment and Excitement
Sometimes Nervousness is Okay
Take Risks
With Love Comes Great Sadness
Ask Them
The Dance
Cute and Clumsy
Hurt, Love, Choices
The Girl
Who are They Against
Lies and Sadness
I Will be There
Guess Who's Back
Where Did He Go?
Something Special
Nothing Lasts Forever
Make The Most of It
Is Everything Okay?
What is Happening?
Don't Be Afraid
Beautiful Silence
All Is Not Well
So... That Happened
I Can't Do This

Radio Lies

90 5 0
By JKRtotallypink

Joe P.O.V.

I sat by Cora's bedside, gently stroking her limp arm. She was sound asleep, when I got bored of all the silence. My eyes scanned the room in search of a radio or a television. I found a radio sitting comfortably in the corner. My hand lifted off Cora's forearm, and I walked to the corner of the room where the radio was. I turned it on, and listened to some music. I tried not to be too loud, I didn't want to wake Cora. Once the song ended, a male radio-announcer began to speak.

"Breaking news! I am standing here with miss Gryphon Butler, who has some extremely surprising news about Youtube star, Joe Sugg, who just happens to be in town." Fear raced through my veins, I darted my eyes toward the radio. What has she done this time? I turned up the volume slightly, and inched closer to the small radio.

"Hi, uh, Joe and I were just visiting, when Cora came into the room, and I thought she was sweet. She seemed kind of shy, and, secretive. Cora and her friend Britta ended up having to leave, I don't remember where they said they were going, but they left, and that was when they got hit! Anyway, I just walked into the hospital to see if Cora was okay after the accident. I could hear Joe and Cora arguing about something, as I crept closer, I heard the words 'pregnant, baby, and abortion,' multiple times," Gryphon said, her voice sickening to my ears. I couldn't believe what she just did! My phone started buzzing with tons of notifications from friends who heard the news.. the lies. As Gryphon spoke, she sniffled, and breathed heavily. I just couldn't take her crap anymore! There was absolutely nothing I could do! Everyone believed Gryphon's repulsive slander. Before I could dwell on this horrifying subject any longer, Aspyn burst through the door. She quickly ran to Cora's side, and shook her vigorously. Not hard enough to hurt her, just enough to wake her up. Cora opened her sleep-filled eyes, and yawned.

"Hi Aspyn," she spoke softly, forcing a little wave.

"You're pregnant!? Why didn't you tell me? I'm your best friend! Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're pregnant.. with Joe's baby!" Aspyn shouted obnoxiously. Cora looked at her with an extremely confused expression, and I don't blame her.

"What?" She asked quietly, furrowing her brows. Aspyn's eyes widened when she got Cora's response.

"Gryphon was on the news, and said you were pregnant with Joe's baby!" Aspyn blurted out, once I heard it again, I knew it was true and not a nightmare I could wake up from. I'm living in a nightmare, all because of that brat Gryphon.

"Joe?" Cora looked at me, confusion overtaking her face.

"You're not pregnant, I'm not the father, because there is no baby. Gryphon somehow got on the news, and spread this horrific lie," I said, clearing everything up for her. Her face went from confusion to normal, to utter terror really quickly.

"Joe this is awful! What are we going to do?" She asked me, the line on the heart monitor jumped up. I put my arm on her bicep firmly, trying to calm her.

"The first thing you're going to do, is not get worked up. You have to stay calm, I'll figure this out. I promise," I said to her, as I held out my pinky. Cora lifted her weak hand, and looped her feeble finger around my own. Her hand trembled slightly, she gave me a small smile, and retracted her arm back to her side. "I will get this all figured out," I whispered to her softly. She smiled up at me and spoke.

"I know you will," she said quietly, her eyes were closed, and she smiled kindly. I kissed her forehead delicately, and stood up. I met Aspyn's eyes.

"We've got to do something about this mess!" I stated to Aspyn.

"What do you mean we? Isn't this your problem? I'm sorry, I would love to help, don't get me wrong, but I have work and stuff," she said, trying to avoid the real issue.

"First of all, your best friend has got the brunt of this lie. Everyone thinks she's pregnant! You have work, yes, but I could completely lose my Youtube career if you don't help me out!' I shouted at her. She was starting to get on my nerves, just help a guy out!

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll help you. What were you exactly planning on doing to fix this whole predicament?" Aspyn questioned, putting her hand on her hip.

"I don't know yet, but I'll figure out something," I said, trying to think of how to get out of this mess. I was completely out of ideas, I had no idea what to do! The rumbling of footsteps caught my attention, I quickly made my way over to the hospital window. What I saw outside, I never could imagine. There, hundreds of girls stampeded into the hospital! Shouts came from below, as the girls ran over helpless nurses and elderly people. They were coming for me!


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