Fairytail: The Demon King

By cmmacomber

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CREDIT FOR THE AMAZING COVER IS @Staria_Tube . Thank you so much! It means a lot that my story was so well lo... More

Chapter One: back to fairytail
Chapter Two: sacrifices
Chapter Three: the job
Chapter Four: is it really you?
Chapter Five: he finally talks!
chapter Six: team natsu together again
Chapter Seven: the enemy
Chapter Eight: the girls who makes demons
Chapter Nine: finding information
Chapter Ten: a world of white
Chapter Twelve: you made a mistake of hurting fairytail
Chapter thirteen: please stop crying
Chapter Fourteen: the start of a demons memory
Chapter Fifteen: stained with pain
Chapter Sixteen: the captured
Chapter Seventeen: the city of embers
Chapter Eighteen: all I want
Chapter Nineteen: I saved you
Chapter Twenty: The God who took all
Chapter Twenty One: Isabelle
Chapter Twenty Two: a heartbreaking truth
Chapter Twenty Three: scary stories
Chapter Twenty Four: an old friend
Chapter Twenty Five: The queen of darkness
Chapter Twenty Six: broken
Chapter Twenty Seven: The alliance
Chapter Twenty Eight: the tunnel
Chapter Twenty Nine: the scales of good and evil
Chapter Thirty: dancing with demons
Chapter Thirty One: morina
Chapter Thirty Two: fire dragon slayer
Chapter Thirty Three: a bond between immortals and the etherious
Chapter Thirty Four: the Queens rage
Chapter Thirty Five: secret agenda
Chapter Thirty Six: black carpet
Chapter Thirty Seven: a fight between the cursed
Chapter Thirty Eight: country demolisher
Chapter Thirty Nine: a creature of death

Chapter Eleven: oh holy night

873 26 8
By cmmacomber

Lucy, E.N.D, and happy make it to the front door of Zeref and Mavis's home. She just opens the door and everyone is already joined in.

"Hey Lucy! Hey Natsu!" Mavis yells. She had little soft antlers on her blonde head, "merry Christmas!"

Zeref walks up with a smile. He had a red Santa hat on, "merry Christmas," he says smoothly.

"I love your hat," Lucy giggles at Zeref.

"Uh... Yeah, Mavis is making me wear it," he explains with a blush.

"I am not! It looks cute on you!" Her shout was high pitch.

"You look so lame," E.N.D laughs.

Zeref blushes even more and his hand is itching to take off the hat.

"Don't you think about it!" Mavis warns him.

"Ugh... Fine." He gives in but, smiles.

"Anyways there's drinks, cookies, and cake but, Erza says the cake is hers...." Mavis tells them, "sorry I brought up cake when you can't have any...."

"It's okay. Erza can have it." Lucy reassures her and laughs.

E.N.D walks off and pours himself some punch and grabs a gingerbread cookie. He takes a bite, "that's good." He says. Then he takes a sip of punch and he could taste something in it.

"I put a lot of vodka in there," Erza comes up to him with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Oh great." He says half heartedly and rolls his eyes.

It was awkward the rest of the time they spent together then she just leaves saying some fake excuse about how she has to give her cake to a groundhog outside. It was a very odd one and it made E.N.D laugh a bit.

Lucy comes up to him then and steals his drink, chugging it all.

"Uh... Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm great. Why wouldn't I be?" She tells him. He could tell she was a little drunk already.

"I don't think you should have anymore. I don't want to take care of you if you start puking and stuff."

"What?? No... I won't puke. You're silly," she jabs him in the chest with her pointer finger.

"Hey! Lucy! Want to play truth or dare?" Erza asks from across the room.

"Heck yeah!"

"Why did you say yes?!" Everyone shrieks with fear.

"Come everyone sit in a circle!" Erza demands. Everyone does so. Erza has a bottle in her hand, "okay so the first person the bottle lands on asks truth or dare. The second person is the victim. Please make it good," she winks, "I'll spin it."

It lands on Mira. Titania spins it again and it lands on Lucy.

"Oh no," the blonde Mage says.

"Lucy, truth or dare?"

"Truth I guess."

"Do you have any feelings for E.N.D?"

Her face turns Crimson,"I... Uh... I don't know... No... I love Natsu..." She says nervously knowing he's looking at her.

"I feel like that was a lie!" Erza shouts.

"It's not!" Lucy yells back. She slaps her hand over her mouth. She couldn't believe she yelled back at her, "I'm sorry Erza."

Erza had her eyes closed, "it's fine. Next."

Mira spins the bottle and its lands on E.N.D. The second time was on Grey.

"Oh now this will be fun," the demon says smirking, "truth or dare?"

"Dare. I'm not afraid of anything you might throw at me." Grey points and shouts.

"Hmmm.... I dare you to grabs Wendy's boobs." His laugh was evil.

"What? I'm not going to do that!"

"Why? It's not like she's a little girl anymore."

Grey blushes, "I know it's just, she's like a little sister..."

"Do it!"

"I like this!" Mira squeals with delight.

"Uh..." Wendy's face was red and she felt light headed.

"Are you weak grey that you can't do something this simple?" E.N.D taunts him.

"No! Fine I'll do it. I'll show you!" He heads over to Wendy and grabs them, "I'm sorry but, a dare is a dare."

"Uh..." And she passed out.

"Well, looks like she's out of the game for awhile," Mira snickers.

"Love rival...." Juvia whispers.

"Not really..." Lucy hears her.

A few more rounds go on. Zeref had to kiss Juvia on the cheek. Mavis had to ride on Jellal's back like he was a horse and when Gajeel chose truth. He ended up having to propose to Levy. He wanted to wait later that night to so, they decided to end the game there.


Raynare walked into the streets of magnolia with a sword in her hand. She wanted to see Zeref tonight. She grips on the sword tighter and swings it. Killing a quarter of the population.


E.N.D goes out to the balcony. He sets a box on the railing and traces his finger on it, deep in thought. Then he hears someone behind him. He turns to see Lucy.

"Hey, what's up?" He says.

"I... Um... I actually have something for you." She looks at her feet with her hands behind her back.

"Okay." He says suspiciously.

"Here," she holds out a wrapped box with a bow on top, "merry christmas."

"It's a present?" He takes it out of her hands.

"Yeah, it was more for Natsu but, I don't know what I'm thinking you probably don't care about if..."

He opens the box and sees a sculpture of a dragon. It looked identical to Igneel. There was a little kid with pink hair sitting on his claws. He was speechless.

"Yeah... It's stupid. I'm stupid... I'm sorry," she regrets giving it to him. She should've waited till Natsu was back. He'd appreciate if more but, then she notices the look on the demons face before her.

His eyes turned soft. Memories of him and Igneel past through his mind, "you're not stupid. This is a great gift."

"I don't know if you were that close to him."

"He still raised me...." He says softly, "thank you. It does mean a lot..."

She looks at him with wide eyes, "you do?"

He nods, "I have something for you also."

"Huh?" She was surprised and he sets a box in her hands. It wasn't wrapped or anything. It was just a aim wooden box with a lid, "thanks? What's it for?" She asked confused.

"Open it," he rolls his eyes with a smile.

She does so and she finds celestial keys in it, "oh my god... There's so many..." It was mostly silver keys but, three stuck out to her the most. There was two gold ones and the thirteenth zodiac key. They were, "yukino..." Tears welded up from her eyes, "thank you... How did you...?"

"Natsu collected them for you over the years. They didn't burn or anything. I'm not hundred present sure they work though."

"I didn't know he did this... Wow... Thank you so much." She hugs the box to her chest missing the fire dragon slayer.

"It was nothing."



She sets down the box. Snow was falling gently, a slow Christmas song played from inside, "will you dance with me?"

He was shocked but, he took her hand and put his other hand on the small of her back. She was still crying softly. They rocked back and forth together, matching the music.

"You can dance..." She whispers.

"Yeah, kind of." He admits.

"Natsu couldn't. He always stepped on my feet."

"I still might do it and I I do I'm sorry," he laughs and she does too.

Inside Mavis watches the two on the balcony.

"I got a really bad feeling..." Zeref says. His fists clenched but, then he sees the first master looking at something. Her cheek in her hand.


"Yeah," then he looks where she was staring. He sees E.N.D and Lucy slow dancing together. Their foreheads were touching and their eyes closed.

"Isn't that sweet? A demon is falling in love or Natsu is pushing through. There is hope after all."

Zeref couldn't help but smile, "it seems to be." He agrees, "but, I still got that bad feeling. Someone is in this town and their not supposed to be. I can feel the magic power. They're cursed by Ankhseram."

"Do you think it'd be Raynare?"

"I'm thinking so," he gets up from his seat, "I'll stop her. I can feel death."

Now that he mentioned it she could feel it too, "do you want help?"

"No. She's mine," his eyes turn red.

"Just please come back okay?" She grabs his hand and squeezes it.

"I will, I promise," he kisses her and leaves to find her. He followed her magic power and it lead him to the fountain in the middle of town. She was sitting on the edge, playing with the water.

"Zeref," she says with a wicked smile on her lips.

"It's been a long time Raynare. I thought you died a awhile ago."

She giggles, "not really. I'm immortal now after all. How long has it been?" she turns to look at him. Her red eyes glowing in the dark.

"Two hundred years. Except you were a little girl then."

"Right. When you taught me some of your magic. I always looked up to you but, I did so much I pursued your magic which made me cursed. Now I'm in this body forever." She smiles, "nice hat by the way. It doesn't really suit you though."

He takes the Santa hat off, "and what do you know about the real me?"

"Maybe I don't big, I've been watching you for a long time. I waited so long for E.N.D to destroy the world. I left earth land before things got bad. I hoped everyone would be dead when I got back but, I was disappointed. I wanted to rule the world and here you are and your silly little guild getting in the way."

"That's very interesting."

"My plans got interrupted for a bit but, I'm taking action now. The world will feel more death once again but, it won't be because of your demon, it will be because of mine. He'll make me the ruler of this world. He'll slaughter your little brother even though seeing him actually and how strong he is, I think I've fallen for him but, it makes no difference. He will die and who will go with him. The Dragneel name will no longer exist. I can't wait," she giggles again covering her mouth with her hand.

He sits down next to her, "you will lose." He notices she was drenched in blood.

"You think?" She laughs and touches his hand gently.

All the sudden Zeref felt weak, "what the..?" He looks at his hands and sees his veins showing and they were black, "what did you do?" His voice was dragging. His eyes beginning to close.

"This is all part of my game. I'm sorry it has to be this way,"

Zeref falls over a bit. He was so weak, he couldn't move.

"Have you ever tried drowning? No? Well, there's always a first!" She grabs his black hair and forces his head in the water. It consumes his lungs. He fought for breath but, it was pointless. After a few moments his body went limp and his eyes closed. His lungs and heart stopping, "goodbye Zeref. It was nice seeing you again." She gets up and leaves him there.

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