Lily Winchester

By CaptainChilledChaos

161K 4.5K 556

“Daddy?” Lily asks from the doorway, staring at his crumpled form. Looking toward the ceiling, Lily’s eyes wi... More

Chapter One: You Haven't Changed at All
Chapter Two: Let's Get Going Losers
Chapter Three: The Damned Follow Her
Chapter Four: What Interview?
Chapter Five: Times Have Changed
Chapter Six: The Woman In White
Chapter Seven: Constance
Chapter Eight: Oh Fuck Thats Creepy
Chapter Nine: I Wish I Could Have Shielded You
Chapter Ten: Dirty Work
Chapter Eleven: Erebus
Hey You
Authors Note
Chapter Twelve: Chris
Chapter Thirteen: The Fire In My Heart
Chapter Fourteen: What Are You?
Chapter Fifteen: I'll Shove My Foot So Far Up There, I Swear To God
Chapter Sixteen: Guardian Angel
Chapter Seventeen: Sometimes Our Monsters Win
Chapter Eighteen: A Town Like This.
Chapter Nineteen" Fucking Craig

Chapter Twenty" Let Them Go

4.1K 132 43
By CaptainChilledChaos

Lily's P.O.V.

The sun had set into the mountains hours ago, leaving the moon's rays as our only source of light as we trekked up the path towards the house. Dean and Sam took the lead as I followed behind them. It was quiet, too quiet. There were no animals, and the trees stood still, their branches frozen in place. Time seemed to be stopped, surrounding the three of us in silence.

"Can't say I blame the kid." Sam says suddenly. I glance up at him and then scan the trees behind me. Everything was still, painted in the blackness of the night. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the outline of Erebus's shadow. He waves and I nod back, it was good to have him nearby, just in case. Taking a deep breath, I turn back around and focus in on the conversation.

"Yeah, so much for curb appeal." Dean murmurs as he looks down at the beeping EMF. I walk closer to him and look down at the gadget

"You got something?" I ask nervously. Could Erebus set it off? He taps the EMF before handing it to me.

"Ye-ah. The EMFs no good."

"Why?" Sam asks from beside me. Dean gestures to the overhead power lines in frustration.

"I think that thing's still got a little juice in it. It's screwing with all the readings."

"Yeah that'd do it." I say. "Come on, we need to keep moving." The two of them once again take the lead up the trail as I look back into the dense shrubbery. Erebus's shadow immediately catches my attention and I glare at him. Tilting his head in innocence he takes a step forward.

"Stop!" I whisper yell in his direction, and he does. I hold up the EMF and watch as his shoulders slump in guilt.

"You keep setting it off, idiot." I say.

"Lily?!" Sam yells

"Coming!" I shout back. "Keep your distance, you're like a beacon for all of our shit." I say in a low voice. Erebus nods and evaporates into nothing and I turn around and jog up to my brothers.

"Where were you?" Dean asks suspiciously.

"I had to wazz, gosh." I reply, Dean's face immediacy morphing into disgust.

"I did not need to know that." He murmured.

"You asked, I answered." We slowly walk up the steps of the house before Sam opens the door and we head inside. Dean whistles

"Looks like old man Murdock was a bit of a tagger here in his time." I look around at all of the symbols on the walls.

"And after his time too. That reverse cross has been used by Satanists for centuries but this sigil of sulfur didn't show up in San Franciso until the '60s." Dean and I stare at Sam blankly.

"That is exactly why you never get laid." Dean says before moving towards the other wall. "Hey what about this one, you seen this one before?" He gestures at a symbol. It is a cross with a dot in the middle. The bottom stroke looks like an upside-down question mark. Sam's eyebrows furrow.


"I have. I say quietly. The two of them look at me. "Somewhere...I can't remember where though." Sam rubs the symbol and inspects his hand.

"It's paint. Seems pretty fresh too."

"I don't know Sam. You know I hate to agree with authority figures of any kind, but ... the cops may be right about this one." Dean says.

"Yeah, maybe." A sudden noise set us all on edge. The three of us take up positions either sides of a door. I look up at Dean and he nods, I take a deep breath and kick the door down, immediately being blinded by bright lights.

"Oh, cut. It's just a coupla humans." A guy says. I squint and see him holding a small electrical gadget, the other a camera which he switches off. "What are you guys doing here?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asks from my left, I rub my eyes trying to get rid of the white dots swirling around my vision

"Ah-ha-ha. We belong here, we're professionals?" He says in a snotty voice.

"Professional what?" I ask. The guy seems to notice me for the first time and quickly puffs out his chest.

"Paranormal Investigators." He answers in a deep voice before handing me a business card. "There you go, take a look at that."

"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Dean groans. Sam grabs the card from my hand and inspects it.

"Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler? You guys run that website."


"Oh yeah, yeah, we're huge fans." Dean says sarcastically.

"And ahh, we know who you guys are too." He says. The three of us look at him sharply.

"Oh really?" I ask

"Amateurs." Dean immediately loses interest and my tense posture relaxes. "Looking for ghosts and cheap thrills." The man with the camera speaks suddenly

"Yep. So if you guys don't mind, we're trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here."

"Oh Yeah, what have you got so far?" I ask in mock curiosity as I take a step forward. The scrawny man gulps and turns towards his friend.

"Harry, why doncha tell her about EMF?"

"Well..." Harry trails off. I quickly play dumb and look at him confused.

"EMF?" Harry looks at me and fumbles with his camera.

"Electromagnetic field? Spectral entities can cause energy fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here." I smile sweetly and walk over to his side.

"Wow! Can you show me?" He looks over at me and nods before turning it on. I look up at my brothers and wink.

"Whoa. Whoa. It's 2.8mg." Harry says, looking over at Ed who was staring at me. A shiver runs down my spine.

"2.8. it's hot in here." Ed says. Dean whistles in admiration and Sam pretends to be amazed.


"Huh. So you guys ever really seen a ghost before, or..." I trail off, waiting for an answer.

"Once. We were, uh...we were investigating this old house and we saw a vase fall right off the table..."

"By itself." Harry interrupts Ed.

"Well, we, we we we didn't actually see it, we heard it. And something like changes you." I rub his arm comfortingly and frown.

"You two are so brave." The two of them look at me and Ed steps forward.

"Oh, but don't worry I'll protect you from all the ghosts." He says. Dean quickly wraps his arm around my waist and lifts me off the ground.

"Yeah. I think I get the picture. We should go, let them get back to work." He carries me over to the door I kicked down, Sam following

"Yeah, yeah you should. Wait, I never did catch your name." Ed points at me and Sam steps in the way of their line of sight.

"And you aren't going to." He says in a threatening tone before following Dean and I out of the house.

The cold air wraps itself around me as Dean sets me down on the porch of the house.

"Awe, my wittle brothers are so protective." I say, teasing them.

"Shut your mouth, did you see the way they were looking at you?" Dean scoffs and starts walking down the trail. Sam looks at me and sighs before tucking a stray hair behind my ear and following him. My eyebrows furrow and I watch as Sam quickly pushes Dean playfully, him responding with a shove back.

"It's not good for them to be so attached." Erebus murmurs, I turn to face him and watch as he takes a couple steps forward. large.thumb.gif.22aca60aecbdf1f71d158ab814bb1db7

"They're my brothers Erebus. What am I supposed to do?" I answer. Erebus pulls me into a hug and I breathe in his scent of leather and soot. original

"You have to let them go."

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