I Fell For A Gang Member [EDI...

By SimplyAmber96

1.6M 28.4K 4.1K

When Marco Millet, Kennedy High's bad boy, shows interest in Bailey Hartlem, an inconspicuous school nerd, th... More

Chapter 1 (Rewritten)
Chapter 3 (Rewritten)
Chapter 4 (Rewritten)
Chapter 5 (Rewritten)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 2 (Rewritten)

69.5K 1.5K 201
By SimplyAmber96


Chapter 2

Like or Hate?


            He smiles and I clutch my books tighter as butterflies begin to fill my stomach. Why do I feel this way? He's a bully, a delinquent. He does nothing but terrorize the town. Just last night he dumped soda all over my friends and me. I should turn the other way.

            "Pretty." He compliments. "I'll see you around Bailey." He walks away and I turn to my friends who give me disappointed looks.

            "What the hell was that?" Spencer asks. "Were you flirting with him? He's a criminal."

            "It was just my name. What's wrong with that?" I shrug.

            "It was more than that." Kassia says, crossing her arms over her chest. "If you speak to him again, or even consider going out with him, I'll kill you myself. Okay?"

            "Okay, miss melodramatic." I roll my eyes. "Let's head to class, I want to make a good impression on the first day."


            I catch up with my friends at our lockers. Kyle has a freshman's head smashed against his locker as he explains the rules. Dustin takes another freshman's glasses and throws them on the floor. He then quickly stomps on them, breaking them into pieces.

            "These weren't doing you any good, given you can't see that these lockers are marked."  he says to the now blind freshman. "Now get out of here before I decide to smash something else."

            The freshman quickly runs away, tripping over his feet. Kyle then finally releases his own and I laugh at the marks from the locker on the freshman's face.

            "Think they got the message?" I ask.

            "If not, we can tell them again later." Dustin says with a shrug. "So where were you?"

            "I tried to get a girls number." I admit.

            "You failed?" Lance asks, bursting into laughter. "You know the girls here are too afraid of you to say yes. But I commend you on your bravery."

            "Thanks Lance." I roll my eyes.

            "What's so funny?" Kelsey asks, joining our group. Kyle wraps an arm around her waist as they exchange a kiss. Lacey stands by Dustin's side and like usual, Casey gravitates towards me.

            "Marco tried to get a girl's number and failed." Paul explains.

            "Who's?" Casey asks with furrowed brows.

            "She's just a girl." I shrug. "Don't worry about it."

            A familiar face walks by and I quickly follow. Bailey's guy friend, who may potentially be her boyfriend.

            "Hey!" I call, grabbing his attention. He looks at me then with a roll of his eyes, he walks away. "Hey, stop walking!" I grab a fist full of his shirt and yank, causing him to stumble back. "I need to talk to you."
             "What?" He asks irritably, fixing his shirt.

            "Bailey, are you two dating or what?"

            "What? Ew, no. We're just friends. If you're thinking about hooking up with her, don't. She's not your type and frankly, I don't want you anywhere near her."

            He has nerve speaking to me that way. I should punch the taste out of his mouth, but I have a feeling that would put me on Bailey's bad side.

            "Who are you, her father? What do you mean I'm not her type? I'm everyone's type. Just put in a few good words for me and I'll try not to beat you to death, deal?"

            "No deal. She's my best friend, I'm not going to let you corrupt her."

            "I'm not going to corrupt her. I just... want to get to know her. Please, just help me out with this."
             He glares at me and I begin to feel the urge to go ahead and beat him up. I'll just apologize to Bailey and try again. She can't resist this face.

            "Fine." He says. "But I still don't trust you."
             "Thanks. I promise I won't hurt her."
             "Prove it."


            I arrive to my first period class, chemistry with Mrs. James, and take a seat at the back of the class. Not long after I take my seat, the first bell rings. Students begin to flood into the classroom. As each person finds an empty seat, I wonder who will be the one to sit beside me. It's rare that I make new friends, but maybe this year will be different.

            As the seats fill up, the one beside me remains empty. Soon the final bell rings and the room is settled, the seat beside me is still empty. I guess I'll be working alone this year. I pull out my notebook and prepare for class.

            "You're late." Mrs. James says and I look up to see Marco bypass her and make his way to the back of the room. "This is your first warning Marco." She continues. Marco waves a dismissive hand at her as he takes the seat beside me. Yet again, those stupid butterflies begin to flutter.

            "Hi." He greets with a smile

            "Hey." I reply quickly before turning my attention to the front of the room. I can feel his gaze, but I refuse to look at him.

            "Alright class!" Mrs. James begins. "We're going to kick off this amazing school year by introducing ourselves. Groans resound around the room as we all prepare to stand and introduce ourselves in front of everyone. "Don't worry, I'm not that terrible teacher that makes you stand up in front of everyone to give a two second introduction. Instead, I'm going to hand out some papers to get to know the person beside you because, that person will be your partner for the rest of the school year. After, we'll go over the syllabus."

            Marco Millet is going to be my partner for the rest of the school year? Why me? I was hoping to make a new friend, but why Marco? Sure he makes these strange butterflies fill my stomach, but that doesn't mean I want to get to know him.

            "Here you go." Mrs. James gives us each a sheet. I look at it to see various questions to ask each other.

            "Let's get started." Marco says. "How old are you?"

            "I'm seventeen." I reply.

            "Me too." He smiles. "Any siblings?"
             "I'm an only child."

            "Me too. Wow, we have a lot in common."
             "Don't get ahead of yourself." Why is he being so nice? He's supposed to be mean and scary. I'm supposed to fear him, not feel safe.

            "You really don't like me."

            "Can you blame me? I mean, just last night, you and your friends dumped soda on me and my friends. You're not a nice person."

            "I can be. But only if you let me."
             "Let's get back to the worksheet. What's your favorite color?"

            "Figures." I roll my eyes.

            "What is that supposed to mean? Do I look like the type of guy who would like the color red?"

            "No, but you look like the type of guy who would like the color of blood."

He opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by Mrs. James calling the class to attention. I look to the front of the room, ignoring Marco's gaze.

            "You think I murder people or something?" he asks me, but I ignore him as I begin to write down some notes. "You really think that low of me?"

            "I don't know what to think." I whisper. "All I know is that you're not a good guy."

            "I can be. If you give me a chance."

            "There will be no talking over me in my classroom, Marco." Mrs. James scolds. "Please pay attention, thank you." Mrs. James goes back to teaching her lesson as I continue to finish up my notes. If I ignore him, maybe he'll leave me alone.

            Class finally ends and I quickly pack up my things and leave. Marco follows close on my heels. I leave the classroom and try to hurry to my next class, but a strong grip grasps my wrist.

            "Bailey, don't run from me." Marco says.

            "Why shouldn't I?" I ask, pulling my wrist free.

            "I'm not the type of guy you think I am. Let me prove it to you." His eyes are pleading and it almost makes me feel sorry for him. Almost.

            "I'm sorry. I sometimes get ahead of myself. I know that you're not a murderer, but you're also not a good guy. You're a bad guy, a very bad guy. Who knows how many people you've hurt, how many places you've robbed, or how many places you've vandalized. I'm not sure why you are so interested in me all of a sudden, but I'm sure it's part of some devious plan. I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave me alone, okay?" He begins to laugh and I furrow my brows. "Did I say something to amuse you?"

            "No, it's just that you're cute even when you're pissed."

            Cute? Did he just call me cute? I should be flattered, only I can't help but wonder if this is part of his devious plan, whatever it may be.


            She stares at me with wide eyes and my heart begins to race. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I sounded like such a softie. If anything, I've probably repelled her rather than attracted her.

            "I have to go. I'll see you later I guess." I leave her standing there and head to my next class. I really hope I didn't mess things up too badly.

            I woke to the bell signaling the end of second period. Students stand from their seats and file from the classroom. The last thing I remember is Mr. Taylor going on and on with one of his stories, that didn't relate to the topic at all. It makes sense given that he's a nutcase.

            I gather my books and head to my locker. When I get there, Dustin and Lacey seem like they're trying to swallow each other in their uncomfortable make out session, and Kyle leans against his locker with Kelsey wrapped in his arms.

            "You guys sicken me." I say with a frown as I open my locker.

            "You're just mad you don't have a girlfriend. I hate to break it to you, but you actually have to talk to a girl to get her to kind of like you."
             "I don't have to talk for them to fall in love with this." I gesture to myself. "Anyway, I'm starving so I'm going to get lunch. I'll see you guys there whenever you stop being gross."


            Marco can't possibly be interested in me, can he? A guy like him and a girl like me couldn't be remotely compatible. A student knocks into my shoulder as they pass by, breaking me from my thoughts. I grab my lunch and meet my friends at the table they claimed.

            "Hey guys." I greet them with a smile. "So, how has the day been for you guys?"

            "I have the best and easiest teachers." Kassia says with a grin. "I am going to sail through this school year."

            "It's been alright." Spencer says with a shrug. "Have you seen Marco anymore today?"

            "He's in my first period class." I answer warily. "Why?"

            "No reason, just curious. Don't you think it's weird how he's changed in the last couple days? He actually seems like a decent guy." Kassia quickly reaches over and takes Spencer's tray. She lifts it up and frowns as she sniffs it. "What are you doing?" He asks her.

            "Clearly you've been drugged. You're speaking nonsense."

            "No really, he seems like he's turning over a new leaf."
             A crash makes us all jump. I look to see a boy, scrawny and small. A tray lays on the floor before him, food splattered everywhere. Marco and his friends surround the boy, laughing as they tease and poke at him.

            "Turning over a new leaf?" I ask, looking at Spencer. He frowns as he watches the scene taking place.

            "I stand corrected." Spencer sighs as he shoves a fork full of peas into his mouth. I'd never expect Spencer of all people to be on Marco's side, especially after the party. What could have changed his mind?

            A gaze bores into the back of my head and I turn to see Marco. His bright blue eyes stare straight into mine as the corners of his mouth curve up into a small smile. I shake my head slightly in disbelief. He can't possibly think I missed the incident just moments ago. He wonders why I don't think he's a good guy when he gives me a reason at least once a day.


Hi guys! I just want to apologize again for any confusion later on in the story. I have removed two characters from the story so far so I'm sorry about the scenes they are in in future chapters and books.

Cover by: TheDesiredWriter

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