A Halal Love Story #Wattys201...

By leenaatif

187K 11.8K 1K

REACHED #26 IN SPIRITUAL ON August 1/2018 ---- Laila gets a wedding proposal from someone who wants to stay a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Saafiya's Story-A Moment of Time

Chapter 16

4.4K 358 33
By leenaatif


"I can never hate you." I say so quietly that I think that he hasn't even heard me. I see him nod so slowly that I if I wasn't looking at him, I wouldn't have noticed this at all.

I get up and check up on my pastries and see that they are almost done. I get out the plates and cutlery and am about to set the table when Hamza grabs the plates, and tells me that he'll set the plates, while I can do the cutlery.

By the time we are finished setting the table, Uncle Nasir, Auntie Lubna, mom, and dad come to the dining table. We both serve our dishes and sit down. Mom and Auntie Lubna sit together again like they did at breakfast, and I have no choice but to sit right next to Hamza.

Everyone told us that the food was perfect and tasted so nice. I even complimented Hamza on his pasta because surprisingly it tasted so good and I wished that he made this everyday.

When he heard me compliment him, he smiled and looked down at his plate but the small blush on his face didn't go unnoticed by me. I guess he saw that I saw him blush because he complimented me next and when I blushed even darker than he did, he smirked and went on with eating his food.

Mom and Auntie Lubna told us that they would clean up everything and that we could go upstairs. I went to my room and read Isha Namaz fully and read some more Quran. I saw that it was almost 11 o'clock and decided it was time for me to change my clothes and go to sleep.

I changed quickly and went to lay on my bed. After around 10 minutes of thinking how the day went, I decided to read Surah Mulk, the 4 Quls (Surah Falaq, Surah Naas, Surah Kaafiroon, and Surah Ikhlas), Iman-e-Mufassal, Iman-e-Mujammal, Aaital Qursi, and the Dua before going to bed.

Allah (swt) has promised us that if we read Surah Mulk at night, we won't receive the torment of the grave; that is how merciful He is. After a couple of minutes of rethinking how the day went and of Allah (swt)'s mercy, I fall asleep.

Chapter 16

As I come home from school, I see Asma (my sister), and say Assalam O Alaikom to her. I then go up to her and hug her. Well... I try to at least. Her pregnancy is showing more and I can see that her skin is glowing.

"Your huge." I tell her and she smacks me.

"Hey." I whine to her.

"When your like this one day, I'll say the same thing to you." She says and I glare at her.

"How come you're here." I ask her.

"You don't want me here." She says frowning and I see that she looks like she's about to cry.

"No Asma I love you; I always want you here."

"These pregnancy hormones are seriously getting to me." She says and we sit down on the couch. I give her a sympathetic smile as I make a fruit salad.

"Do you want some?" I ask her and she nods yes.

"You honestly look so good." I tell her.

"Let's just say Ibrahim is Subhan Allah, so perfect." She says and I smile at her. Her and Ibrahim are one of the cutest couples ever.

"Speaking of Ibrahim, where is he?"

"He's upstairs. He took the day off so we can stay here for the day."

I hand her some of the fruit salad in a bowl to her and she carefully takes a bite.

"Layla this is amazing."

"Jaza Kallah Khair." I tell her.

"Wa Iyaki." She replies.

"So who is this boy that has asked you for your hand in marriage." She asks me.

"I honestly have no idea who it is; he wants to keep his identity a secret." I say and my smile falters a bit at the end and I hope that Asma doesn't notice this.

"What's wrong?" She asks me.

"I like someone Asma but he's not the man I'm probably going to marry." As I say this, hot boiling tears leak out of my eyes. Asma hugs me and brings me closer to her.

"Allah (swt) will guide you Layla. He will." She says but the tears don't stop coming.

"Asma I love him so much but he's not the man who wants to marry me. He already likes someone else. Asma, mom and dad don't even know that I like him. Just imagine what will happen when if they find out. They'll be so upset that I led the guy on that asked me for my hand in marriage."

"Layla make Dua that he is the one for you but remember that this Dunya is supposed to cause you heartbreak and it is full of trials. This is Allah (swt)'s test for you my dear Ukhti (my sister)." She says and rubs my back.

"What's going on." I hear Hamza's voice but I don't look up. I just keep crying quietly. I can't face him right now.

"It's about the guy that-" I nudge her arm before she can finish her sentence.

"Oh my gosh Layla! I knew it!" She says laughing. Crap! She figured it out.

"Oh my gosh Layla!" She says freaking out while Hamza looks at her confused.

"Why are you crying?" He says looking at me and I feel like a deer caught in headlights.

"Um..." I say as fresh tears run down my eyes. Asma gets a hold of me and hugs me again.

I hear Hamza leave and am about to take a sigh of relief but he's back in a couple of seconds. He places a glass of water in front of me and I take it with shaking hands. I drink it slowly and in three sips because it's Sunnah that way.

"So what happened?" He asks

"Girl problems." Asma says sympathetically to Hamza and he looks even more confused than before.

"I'm sorry." I tell both of them before going upstairs.

I decide to change into flannel pants, a baggy full sleeve shirt, and a grey slip on scarf with maroon stripes. I go to the bathroom and do Wudhu, and read Asr Namaz and Zuhr Kaza. I grab my Quran from my bookshelf and decide to sit on my window seat and read it slowly.

Once I am done reading a couple of Surahs of the Quran, I feel at ease and calm. I decide to finish my homework and notes for all of my subjects which takes around three hours to complete but at the end, I have everything done for today and also tomorrow.

As I put my homework I my backpack, I see my folder of university applications sticking out. I relook over at the universities that I highlighted at lunch. I decide that I'm going to apply to five of them and In Sha Allah, I'll make it to the one that I really want to go to.

As I fill out the applications, I see a white envelope sticking out from my bookshelf where I keep my Quran and Hadeeth books. I open the envelope and see a typed up letter in it.

Dear Layla,

I know that you are nervous about not knowing who I am but I want to keep it as a form of a surprise for you. Just remember that when it gets hard, Allah (swt) is by your side as long as you keep him by yours.

I know that we have to fill university applications and all I can hope is that In Sha Allah, we'll go the same university but if we don't, may Allah (swt) guide us to be together nonetheless. Whenever you're stressed remember that there is someone in this world who cares for you deeply even if you might not share the same mutual feelings with him.

In Sha Allah, Allah (swt) will guide us both in the right path and aid us in making the decisions of the Dunya. I know that you are scared in making this important decision but remember that having trust in me Layla is what I hope you do.

Waiting to hear back from you.

Yours Truly (mystery man)

As I read the letter, my heart starts fluttering and a smile appears on my face. I hug the letter to my chest and make a Dua to Allah (swt) to guide me in the straight path. As I hug the letter with a smile on face, my door opens.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Hamza says coming in.

"Nope, I'm fine now." I say with a genuine smile.

"I'm assuming that something written on that paper made you happy." He says with a smile and I nod my head repeatedly.

"Yes! I'm so happy Hamza. My future spouse is amazing." I say like a little girl during Eid.

"Well I'm happy that it's starting to work out for you Layla." He says as heads for the door.

"How is your girl doing?" I ask him before he fully leaves and I see that he hesitates for a while before stepping back into my bedroom.

"She's amazing Subhan Allah, and I think she likes me back." He says seriously before walking out of the room.

For the first time for a very long time... Hamza saying that doesn't tear at my heart like I thought it would. I'm in love with my future spouse only, and I don't regret thinking of this one bit. I can't believe my other half might be this amazing and charming.

I know that Allah (swt) will find Hamza an amazing woman to be with because he deserves a woman that will love him back as he loves her. I hope that the girl and Hamza live a long happy life because someone as amazing as Hamza, deserves someone who is his equal.


AN: I know I said I was going to be uploading this chapter a bit late, but you see I decided to stop the chapter here because it's not too short but also not long like the previous chapter. I just want to remind you guys to vote, and comment please. I LOVE reading your comments and they truly make my day.

I just want you guys to know that your words of appreciation and encouragement is what gets me to truly write the chapters. I appreciate everyone who does read my book, or comments because it seriously makes me really happy.

We have received 1.6K READS, 118 VOTES, AND 59 COMMENTS!!!! Jaza Kallah Khair so much guys!!!

Goal for this chapter: 12 votes, and 10 comments!!!


Hadeeth of the Chapter

Some people asked Allah's Messenger (saw), "Whose Islam is the best? i.e. (Who is a very good Muslim)?" He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands." (Bukhari)


Remember to...




My next update will be In Sha Allah December 13 (maybe earlier)


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