The Silent Storm. [✔]

By sashabwrites

520K 16.7K 6K

He's ruthless. He's powerful. He's demanding. He's in pain. Twenty-six year old African-American journalist V... More

The Silent Storm❌
Chapter One❌
Chapter Two❌
Chapter Three❌
Chapter Four ❌
Chapter Five❌
Chapter Six ❌
Chapter Seven (Part 1) ❌
Chapter Seven (Part 2) ❌
Chapter Eight ❌
Chapter Nine ❌
Chapter Ten ❌
Chapter Eleven ❌
Q/A (For Fun)
The Interview(For Fun)
Chapter Thirteen ❌
Chapter Fourteen ❌
Authors Note.
Chapter Fifteen ❌
Chapter Sixteen ❌
Chapter Seventeen ❌
Chapter Eighteen ❌
The End :)

Chapter Twelve ❌

21.1K 705 317
By sashabwrites

Lorenzo Catalona.

In the Name of Catalona.

~A past hidden in darkness, His present cloaked in secrets. The future only holds the truth that cannot be escaped~

Six Years Ago

~Lorenzo's 3rd P.O.V~

Ever since he was a little boy, Lorenzo always looked up to his father. The Great Catalona.

Luca Catalona. Tall, lean, muscular, and just out right ruthless. At the age of eighteen he took over his father's mafia taking over just like his father. At the age of twenty he made millions through underground drug trade all throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. He killed hundreds and injured thousands more. He was the most wanted man all over the world and nobody could catch him or even have the chance to see his face.

He was better known as the invisible man. That was until he purchased a hotel chain and renamed it as his own. They tried taking him down but no one succeed. He was untouchable. He later found a damsel in distress who actually loved him and looked passed his brutal ways.

That woman turned out to be Lucy Catalona. Together they could accomplished anything and everything.

They were married for five years before having their first and only child. He was named after the first Catalona to ever be born the great grandfather of the roaring 20's. Lorenzo Alesio Catalona the second. But, having a child never stopped them from what hey were doing.

Lorenzo was always the wild card when he was growing up. He could be caring and sensitive like his mother and then at other times he was strong and outspoken like his father and then he was just fun to be around and playful..just himself.

That was the Lorenzo everyone grew up to know and love not this other man he is today.


~Victoria's 1st P.O.V~

It was another bright sunny day in Rome. The sunlight was peeking through the little crevices of the curtains but, the bedroom was still dark overall. I yawned stretching my arms out expecting to feel Lorenzo beside me but, there was nobody.

Immediately, I jumped up and pulled the covers over my bare chest looking around the room. It was ten minutes passed noon. I slept all throughout the morning and the feeling of Lorenzo's hands were all over my body brought back the hot flashbacks from last night going onto the early morning hours. The amount of orgasms Lorenzo gave me was unbelievable as I lost count after ten.

The several positions he had me in...oh my.

I was still a little sore from last night especially between my legs. The water from his shower began running as I snapped my head towards that direction, a smile developed knowing that he hasn't left yet.

Taking my time I exited out the bed going inside his bathroom. I saw Lorenzo standing inside the glass shower as the water cascades down his body. My insides began to feel stimulated and already reacting. I slowly made my way over towards him when he turned around and saw me as I opened the glass shower door stepping inside joining him.

Lorenzo looked at me than his eyes wandered down to my body then back to my eyes. "Good morning Mr.Catalona" I said biting my lip. He groaned sexually. "If you bite your lip one more time" He said as his large hands cupped my ass and backed me up to the wall.

Water was now running down my back as he squeezed it and had his way with it. I moaned biting my lip once more. I was then lifted up against the wall and looked down at his fully hard erection and must I say he was huge and fully loaded.

Lorenzo positioned himself at my entrance right before diving inside sending my head back and arching my back to be closer to him. He began going faster and deeper having my face go through numerous orgasmic expressions.

"Oh fuck!" I screamed feeling everything begin to build up again.

Without any warning I began to bounce and move along to his rhythm sending both of us in an action packed frenzy. Lorenzo's grip on my waist(hips included) tightened with his nails digging into my skin making sure to leave a mark.

"Fucking shit! Victoria stop" Lorenzo bit his lips.

The only thing was that I couldn't stop. Not...RIGHT!

We came together as I gripped his hair and my back made full contact with the wall. Lorenzo's body against mine with no room for anything to come between us. He buried his head by the crook of neck were my breast started.

We were breathing unevenly inhaling each other's scent as the water was still running ahead of us. He still remained inside of me as he collected himself looking at me dead in the eye. I shook my wet hair out of my face so the moment would be more sensual.

"What would I do without you?" He sighed with a smile on his lips. One that I have not seen before. "Nothing...nothing at all" I responded back returning a smile.


I dressed up in my regular clothes once we were done. After our steamy morning shower sex we got dressed together which is making me adjust to being naked around him. Even though we had sex numerous times in such a short time span he was still able to keep an erection as he put on his usual suit and tie.

"So where are we going today" I asked him as we exited out the golden elevators leading out to the other side of the lobby.


I stopped him in his tracks before giving him a look. "Lorenzo". My voice served itself as a warning His lips curled into a semi-smile."Do you really want to see what I do almost everyday?" He asked. "Wherever you go...I go".

I leaned forward kissing his lips softly before we continued going to the side of the Catalona where a black maserati was out by the alleyway waiting for us.

A man held open the door for me as I climbed inside while Lorenzo came around entering the other side.

As soon as the doors were closed the chauffeur drove off.

Now, I was officially living in Catalona's world.

Lorenzo rolled up the partition as he turned to me with an unknown expression. "Victoria I just want you to know that the person you are going to see you many not like. Please don't be afraid of me. A monster is the last thing I want you to view me as" He begged as he took my hand in his caressing the back with his thumb. "What do you mean Lorenzo? Nothing you do is going to make me do a full one eight on you. Plus it was my decision to be in this life with you" I reassured him.

He didn't say anything and he didn't have too. His words could have been read off his demeanor.

Together we sat in silence but, a comfortable one, I checked my phone in the meantime and saw that both Paris and Veronica left me a message . I had to admit that I was really missing D.C.

Paris: Gurl God damnit! When was the last time I heard from your ass and when you coming bck home? I miss you my delectable chocolate bunny :(( look at this sad face.

Veronica: Hey Tori I just wanted to say hi and check up on you. Italy must be very thrilling for you since you practically live there now. I cant believe I am saying this but , I miss you sis. Please come back home or at least let us visit you for a change. Mama and I would like to get a taste of Italy too :)

I smiled as I replied back to Paris' message first . I felt Lorenzo's gave on me as I returned back the stare. "May I help you?".

"Who's that man you are texting" He asked being nosy as hell peering down at my phone. Paris' contact photo was of him offguard and me laying down on his chest so maybe that gave Lorenzo the wrong idea of our relationship.

"That is my best friend Paris...remember...he is gay" I made sure to point that out with a little giggle finding it funny how he got jealous over me texting other men. It looked like it had triggered something in his memory as he nodded.

"As long as its not that fucking Russian" He mumbled under his breath.

The car had came to a stop as I looked outside the window to see we pulled up on a wooden pier. The rough waves of the Mediterranean Sea kept slamming against the rocky shores. A large white warehouse was on my right side with guards standing right by the doors.

I didn't even remember coming out the car as I walked by Lorenzo's side into the warehouse as people surrounded us. Everything was fast, quick, unrealistic.

Inside the warehouse waiting for us was Marco and Thomas along with two other men who looked similar....probably a father and son. Another thing I had noticed was that no one was really smiling or greeted anyone so I guess this was really business...and not pleasure.

"Perche 'e' qui" Thomas questioned as he raised a brow at me. "Non ti preoccupare" Lorenzo answered dismissing him not wanting to go back and forth. I knew they were clearly talking about my presence but, I really needed to learn Italian.

The two men were sitting across from us causally. The father had a amused expression when he saw me but, diverted his attention to the others. His son had his icy blue eyes heavily fixated on me instead.

"E adesso Giganti" Lorenzo barked out rather harshly making me flinch by the tone of his voice. Not once have I seen nor heard Lorenzo raise his voice like that. Translation: What now? He strolled over to the wooden cabinet and pulled out a mason glass of ripe old scotch and poured himself a glass. The father hadn't reacted any way.

"Signor Catalona. Mie scuse l'intrusione di tardo ma non si hanno Alessia?" The father asked. Translation: Mr. Catalona, my apologies for the intrusion but have you not heard from Alessia?

"Siamo andati al funerale ieri" Marco answered for Lorenzo. Translation: We went to the funeral yesterday. "Did you?" He asked Thomas. "No siamo Lorenzo andati solo" Thomas replied deadpanned. Translation: No, only Lorenzo had went alone.

"Giganti...arrivare al punto" Marco questioned. I began to drift off from the conservation as they continued to communicate with the 'Giganti' person. His son kept glancing at me with those icy blue eyes.

He smiled at me then checked the time on his diamond crusted rolex watch and leaned forward in my direction. "Che cosa e" He finally spoke gaining my full attention. "Excuse me?" I asked as it was barely above a whisper.

"Lei e nessuno della vostra preoccupare. Nor will she ever will be. Do you prefer for me to tell you to keep your eyes off my woman in English or italiano" Lorenzo challenged in a low threatening voice.

The son had smirked and put his hands up in surrender and switched glances. "You have my word" He said. He had this cocky arrogance about him that just reminded me of Veronica. He was the female version of Veronica. I wondered what was is name.

"Its Julian if you were wondering" He replied answering my question that I didn't realized I had asked. Damn.



"Who are they to you" I asked Lorenzo as we made our way out of the warehouse and back inside the maserati. "Former allies of my father...but, they are a pain in my ass" Lorenzo responded as if he didn't want to speak much of what jut happened. For such a simple conversation he was truly annoyed with their presence.

Then there was Alessia. The Italian widow whom I just met the day before was on my mind as they had spoken about her. "What about Alessia? Did something happen?" I questioned as the chauffeur drove off.

Lorenzo sighed before answering. "Someone tried to kill her last night but, she's okay... I promised her deceased husband that I would protect her if he died. She is under my wing and she will be alright".

"Oh lord" I sighed closing my eyes silently praying for Alessia and her recovery. I don't really know her but, she seemed to be a good woman and death is the last thing that came to mind.

I noticed the way he spoke to me was a bit different as if I was one of his associates or allies as they wanted to call it. Maybe because of the position we were in he couldn't be his normal self.

"Is it okay if I can see her".

"Sure...I think she would enjoy your company".

It wasn't long before we were back in Rome but, we stopped at another building as tons of people flooded the streets. We drove inside the parking garage of Levanti&Comp. "Stay in here" Lorenzo said right before he left me inside the car not giving me a chance to say anything.

"What? Lorenzo where are you going?" I called after him as I came out the car but, he was already far away with his men in black all around him. Inside the building was a business world with an eerie feeling to it. I was lost in a tsunami of black and white as I spotted Marco and Thomas by the elevators nearly fifty feet away.

Lorenzo finally saw me as he was by Marco and a matter of moment his face went into absolute horror and began dashing after me .

It was like in slow motion as I turned around behind me to see a man with a scar that went ear to ear on neck with a gun pointed at me.


I was pushed down to the ground by a strong force as I hit my head hard on the marble floor beneath me.

The gunshots had made me deaf as all I could hear was an obnoxious loud ringing in my ears. The body weight of someone remained on top of my body shielding me. I looked up to meet those icy blue eyes again.

It was Julian.

hey guys! What did you think happen? Who got shot?

Another thing....should I make an Question and Answer for the Characters? What questions do you want to ask the cast of The Silent Storm. I see everyone doing it and I think it should be fun. I will post it up asap. Until next time my lovelies!


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