Only Time Could Tell

By Please_Trust_Me

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Cassie Marrow has a tragic past. She had to live her cousin when her family left her. But she didn't know her... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chpater 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapeter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authour's note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
please take note

chapter 5

265 6 0
By Please_Trust_Me

About 3mintues later I was still crying like a baby. Liam was now holding me and rocking me back and forth in his arms trying to calm me down. He was stoking my hair, but it was no use I wasn't going to be stop crying for awhile. What Liam said stung me chest. I felt like I could move. Like I was trapped.

"Cassie, I am so sorry. This is why no one wanted to tell you. They didn't want to put you through this. But Cassie." Liam pulled my chin up from his chest so that I looking straight into his big brown eyes.

"Cassie, he still loves you." The door swung open revealing a very concerned Harry. Not just Harry. The whole group except the girls, and well of course not Niall. "Cassie what did he do to you? Did Jason hurt you? Where? Where did he hit you?" Harry said. Well more like yelled at me as he took me from Liam's arms and wrapped me in his. I felt like a little 3 year old all curled up in a ball in Harry's arms. I was still sobbing like a baby and by now all the boys were sitting down on my bed.

"Cassie! Where did he hu-"

"He didn't hurt her." Liam cut Harry off. "I told her."

All the boys froze in place and looked at Liam with a 'how could you look' then back at Harry. Harry had a stare on Liam that was filled with hate.

"Harry stop!!! I told him to tell me! I was tired of being treated like a child! Liam was the only one who would tell me! Now all of you out! I want to be alone." I pushed Harry away from me and got to walk towards the door to show the boys that it time for them to get out. Louis was the first one to get up and walk out. He stopped in front of me. " call him." he whispered as a kissed me on the check. Then Zayn left but he too stopped in front of me. He didn't say anything just gave me a quick peck on the on the forehead, and then walked out. Harry left the room but he whispered to me without stopping in front of me "Don't do anything stupid. And yes, I noticed the hickey." I moved my hand up to the mark Jason left and covered it up. Yup...He was pissed. All that left in the room was me and Liam. "Liam, thank you. I really needed answers and you gave them to me. Thank you." I gave him a hug before he left. "Cassie, he still loves you. I just, just know it. He still loves you." And he left. 

 I didn't call Niall like Lou said too. Danielle called ne 4 times and I ignored all of her calls. I figured Liam told her that he told me. And then Eleanor started calling me. Unlike Danielle, when she called and I ddidn't answer she called 2 seconds later. Back to back. She probably left like 6 voice mails, and 20 text messages. But I wasn't in the mood  to talk to anyone, except for Niall. But I knew that wasn't possible. When my phone started ringing again I was going to send it to voice mail but I saw who was calling me. It was Jason. 


"Hey love. How about you get ready and me and you can sneak out and have some fun tonight." He said with his sweet talking voice which only led to trouble.

"No Jason. Listen what happened tonight, it didn't mean anything. And it shouldn't. I am sorry Jason. there is nothing between us anymore. I'm sorry." Without hearing a reply from Jason I hung up the phone. Why was I crying? oh yeah. I was sick. Love sick. I needed Niall there with me. I needed what I couldn't have. I was missing my other half for a reason that could be easily fixed over a simple phone call. Well I wish it was that easy. But it wasn't. But hey...I can dream right?

I fell asleep that night crying while I clung onto a stuffed teddy bear that Niall gave to me when we went to a street fair last summer. We named him Sir Jimmy the Bear. I missed those moments like that. Just like I missed Niall.



Me and Lou sat on the couch as we watched Harry yell at Liam for Liam did. He told Cassie the truth. The same truth that Harry couldn't tell her. Liam was the brave one and told her. In my eyes Liam was the hero and Louis, Harry, and I were the villains. Cassie asked us the question and we didn't give her the answer. But Liam, man he was the only with the balls to tell her.

When I saw Cassie all curled up into a ball in Liam's arms I could tell that he told her. Harry couldn't tell. She had a look of realization and broken heart in her eyes. Not pain like Harry saw. I knew Jason didn't hurt her, like he has in the past. She would have called me if he hurt her. I knew she would have called me. Cassie is like a book. Her expressions can easily be read. Cassie wasn't one of those girls who always asked for attention. She always kept her emotions inside her. So when she did cry or let her emotions show, you would know something was seriously wrong.

The yelling between Harry and Liam went on for about 20 minutes. But Liam wasn't saying anything, he just kept quite looking down at the floor taking occasional sip of water from his glass . From what I heard from the yelling war happening in the kitchen, was that Harry asked Liam not to say anything to Cassie about Niall. Harry was going to tell her tomorrow. But Cassie didn't deserve to wait that long. Eleanor and Danielle were telling me at the club what had happened at Dani's house. Poor Cassie. We shouldn't have ignored her like we did. Gosh I acted like such a jerk. I should have told her.

I went upstairs to go check on Cassie about an hour later. Very quietly I opened her door just in case she was sleeping. And she was. She had dried tear stains on her checks. Poor baby, she cried herself to sleep. She looked so fragile, like she could crack at any moment. She was holding onto Sir Jimmy the Bear. Remember the night her and Niall went to that dumb street fair. They were so excited to spend a night together with no having to hide from all the cameras and all the fans. Niall and Cassie still hadn't gone public with their relationship.

Cassie stirred in her sleep. The poor girl was having a nightmare. I want to go up to her and just give her the biggest hug ever. I knew she needed a hug right now. Her phone started to go off. Her ringtone was Blown Away by Carrie Underwood. I looked who was calling. It was Eleanor. I wanted to answer it but I don't want Cassie to get mad at me for messing with her phone...Again. So I just Left her room and left her in peace.

I went back down stairs only to return to the same scene that I left. Lou on the couch still and Harry in the kitchen with Liam still yelling and Liam looking down.

"Cassie okay?" Louis asked with a concerned look in his eyes.

" For now. She fell asleep. You might want to call El and tell her she is okay too." He left the couch and went upstairs to the room he was staying in to go call El. At Least she wouldn't have to worry about her anymore. Lucky.  

Harry's voice grew louder at Liam, who was still starirring off into space at the ground. 

"Harry lay off Liam he did the right thing unlike us." I said in my snappy tone out of frustration. Liam looked up from the ground. He mouthed the words "Thank you" in my direction.

" Now, both of you go upstairs and get some sleep it is almost 2 in the morning. And be quite Cassie is sleeping." they both just stood there and looked at me in shock about what just came out of my mouth. 

"Go!! Liam call Dani and tell her Cassie is okay. Harry call the bakery and tell them Cassie is sick and she wont be coming in tomorrow. Call Macy too and tell her to come over tomorrow to spend the day with Cassie." I am sure Cassie could use Macy around. those two were best friends since ever, and Cassie would talk to her about everything. That is what Cassie needed. Some one to talk too.

Harry and Liam headed upstairs to their rooms. We have stayed here too many time, so we all kinda had like our own rooms. Anne let us redecorate them any way we wanted.  Almost on que, Anne walked in the door.

"Hey sweety. What are you still up for. You oaky, darling?" She was like my second mom. No reason she was so concerned about me.

"Fine. Just a long night. Good Night Anne." I said as I walked up the stairs towards my room. I stopped by Cassie's room before  went to my room to check on her one more time before bed. But when I opened her door I never thought I would have saw what I did.

"Cassie Jane!!! Get back from the window!!!" She looked back at me and rolled her eyes and stepped down from the window seal.

"Zayn, I am fine. Now please leave. I'm not jumping, there is a fire escape for gods sake. I am going out. Okay? I am fine. And don't tell Harry!" She turned back towards the window and stepped a foot out the window. I ran over to her and grabbed her wrist.

"No, you aren't going anywhere. Do you hear me? Last time you did something stupid like this, Jason took advantage of you and hit you. So no, you aren't going out. I am sorry but I have to put my foot down on this." Cassie had that look in her eyes like her ideas were knocked down.

"You were going to go see Jason weren't you?" I asked her with the most serious look ever on my face. It almost sounded like it came out a hatred sound to it mixed with frustration.

"No. Well, yeah. Maybe. But maybe  not. And what's it to you anyway? Huh?" her words stung.

" Fine, Go ahead then. Go see the boy who lied to you, ripped your heart out, and then abused you. Go ahead Cassie, you go right ahead and do that. See how that will help you get Niall back here. Cause frankly, if you haven't noticed, you miss him. And sneaking out with the boy who sorta caused you all this trouble wont get you any closer to getting Niall back. So go head. But not say I didn't  warn you." I yelled right in her face then left the room and slammed the door. Why was she being so blind?? She should know that seeing Jason wasn't going to bring Niall Back. Just draw him farther away. She can so stubborn sometimes. And right now wasn't the best time for her to that way. Wait...When the hell did she get that hickey? Ohh now I have to beat this Jason guy's ass. No doubt about it. 


If it wasn't for Zayn's words I would be at Jason's right now. Probably doing something I would regret the next day. What was I doing? I needed to get my life under control. I was starting do things without thinking. I did leave. But not to Jason's. I just sat outside on the fire escape with Sir Jimmy the Bear. And with my tears. But I did bring my phone out with me. Almost 3 in the morning, and I was wide awake. El and Dani stopped calling me but Jason kept sending text. I topped replying to them after about the 5th one. But he continued to send them.

I stayed outside till I could see the sun start to rise. I bet Zayn came back to my room to check on me and saw I wasn't there. He must be so pissed at me right now. I went to my room through the window. When I was inside I noticed that Liam was sitting in my chair by my desk/ He turned around to the sound I was making. He instantly stood up at the sight of me.

" Thank goodness you are okay." he ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Liam, I never left. I was just on the fire escape. I needed to think." he let go of me breaking the hug that we shared.

"You had to think outside? You gave me a heart attack. Now get washed up. For breakfast. No one knows that you were outside all night. They are awake downstairs. They think I am on the phone with Danielle and you are asleep. So hurry up."

"What time is it?"

"About 6 in the morning"

"Oh shit!!! I have to get ready for work!!!" I ran towards the bathroom to take a shower to get ready.

"Don't worry love. Harry called the shop. You are sick today. So keep a low profile today if you go out." He walked out of the room and down the stairs. I walked over to my mirror hanging on the wall. hickey was huge now. No way to hide it know. Good thing I didn't have too to work today then. I washed my face then put my hair into a messy bun. I walked out of the room to the kitchen, bracing myself for the stares that were to come my way.

"Good Morning Beautiful! Sleep well?" Really Liam? stop acting like nothing happened. I am almost positive you told everyone what happened.

"Morning everyone. And great. " I tried to fake the best smile that I could but I am sure it looked like a pedophile's smile.

"Morning" Zayn said as he walked by to get some apple juice. He gave me a quick on my check. He talked in deep hurt voice. Maybe Liam didn't tell the boys. Zayn probably thought I still snuck put to see Jason last night, even tho he tried to talk me out of it. I wonder if he is mad at me. He might even be disappointed in me.

Someone made, know idea who, made pancakes for the group. But I didn't want pancakes. I walked over to the cabinet grabbed a bowl and the Fruit Loops.

"Umm Cassie, I made pancakes. Last time I checked, pancakes were your favorite." So Harry made the pancakes. And he was right, pancakes were my favorite. Every time Harry came home he would get up early on his first day back and make pancakes, But today wasn't his first day back. Harry made these pancakes as like an 'I am sorry' kinda thing. Some thing Harry would do.

"Things change Harry. People change." I grabbed a spoon then I took my bowl of Fruit Loops and went upstairs. I was gonna act like a badass today, I was going eat in my room. If Aunt Anne saw me she might kill me. That was her only rule, no eating in our rooms.  


I guess Harry called Macy up and told her everything. Macy came over so me and her could have some 'girl time'. But when she came over the day went from 'girl time' to 'Harry's and Macy's make out time'. Joy..... But they ended up leaving to Macy's house to do who knows what. EWWWWWW. Liam and Lou went over to Eleanor's to see the girls. That and Zayn. Boy! I was going to get and earful from him! JOY!!!!.....not.

I went upstairs to my room so I wouldn't have to come face to face with Zayn. Maybe a nap could do me some good right now. In my room I saw Sir Jimmy the Bear lying on my bed. I picked him up as I sat down on the edge of my bed. I looked into the bear's eyes. I swear the bear's face turned to Niall's face!! I saw his bright blue beautiful eyes. I haven't seen those eyes I for ever. I missed those eyes. But Niall disappeared. But I wanted him to come back. I wanted him here. Here with me. With me. Now.

"May I come in?" even in my own room I couldn't get away from Zayn's lecture.

"No." Harsh but I knew Zayn could take it. But despite my words Zayn came in and sat down on the each of the bed. But it was the opposite side of the bed. Thank god. I don't think I could have looked into his eyes and not break down in front of him.  

" I will leave as soon as you answer my 3 questions I have for you. And I wont leave until they are answered." 

"So I don't have a choice to not answer this questions?" I replied.

"Nope. Now question number 1. Did you go out last night out not?" I knew this question was going to be a question that would be coming out of his mouth.

"Not. Next question." I did go out but I didn't go far because I was still able to connect the house's wifi.

"Okay. Question number 2. The hickey...from Jason?" He tensed up on this question like he didn't want to know the answer. HE acted like he swallowed on something. He looked like he was afraid of the answer.

"Form Jason. Next question." These answers went as bad as I thought they would be. Maybe I miss understood Zayn's feelings.

"Oh. Okay last question. Question number 3. Niall or Jason?" oh he did not just go there!

"Pardon me." That is all I could mange to get out of my mouth. I cant believe he would ask me that. And the sad thing was. I don't even think I knew the answer either.

"Cassie don't play dumb with me. You know what I just asked now answer the damn question!!!" Zayn was frustrated. I have never seen him like this. he turned around to me so him and  were now face to face. Zayn looked like he was about to explode. like his life depended on this one question he just asked me.

"Zayn, I... I....I just." I paused. The five letter word that was about to come out of my mouth was going to change my life in a huge way. Either for good or for the bad.

****(Niall and Jason are BOTH five letter words/names!!!)****

"Cassie. Answer the question. Please. I need to know. They need to know. So please....answer the question." Zayn was right. They did need to know. But most of all. I.myself needed to know.


Harry came home about 1 o'clock in the after noon. But Macy wasn't with him. Strange. Maybe they had their fight of the week today. Those two had one of those love, hate relationships I guess. But it really wasn't any of my business. When Harry came in I was sitting on the couch and Zayn was in the chair. We were watching SpongeBob for the past 2 hours.

"Cassie I need to talk to you." Why? Why me? I was not in the mood to talk to him. Zayn already asked me questions. He said he would only ask 3 questions but ended asking a billion of them.

"Not now please. SpongeBob is about to take another boating license test." Maybe that would a good enough excuse. But knowing Harry, everything had to be done his way or no way. Harry walked over to me, grabbed my wrist and threw me over his shoulder. He started to walk up the stairs. I was pounding my fist on his back hoping he would put me down. he walked into his room and shut the door with his foot. But it slammed shut rather then just shutting. The ultimate sigh that Harry was mad. Harry took me off his shoulder and put my down on the floor. He walked over to his desk and plugged in his phone in to charge.

"Things change. People change. Does that mean....Feelings change?" Harry just made me eat my own words.

"Harry that was a reference to me not wanting pancakes. And nothing else!" I got up and started to walk towards the door to leave. Harry stepped out in front of me and put his hand over the doorknob. Looks like I wasn't going to go anywhere until answered the question.

" Cassie. He might not be here but...he still cares about you."

"Yeah I know he isn't here. And he does care about me. And he sure did prove that to me last night when I went to his house." I was referring to Jason when Harry was referring to Niall. I knew this would get him all mad. And even though I didn't go to his house last night I hope that Harry didn't know the actual truth.

"Cassie, Liam told us. And you know that isn't who I am talking about." Dang it. Harry read right threw me. And I should have suspected that Liam told the boys. He probably even told Danielle and Eleanor.

"Harry, if he cared about me...he would be here right now." I pushed Harry out of the way and left his room and went to my room. 

I'm gonna pick up the pieces 

And build a Lego house 

And if things go wrong we can knock it down.

My phone was going off. But that ringtone was only set for one person. Lego House by Ed Sheeran was my favorite song. So the ringtone was set for my favorite person. I walked over to my phone to make sure it wa realy who I thought it would be. I was right on who was calling me. I was left frozen in shock.

"Hello." I answered in a shaking voice. I was still in shock.

"Hey." They replied in a even more shaking voice then I had.

Both lines were quite for awhile. I didn't speak and neither did they. Time passed like that for about 2 minutes then they spoke.

"Umm, so, yeah I'm sorry I bothered you I will go now. Bye." He said in his thick Irish accent. I missed the accent so much.

"No! please don't go. You didn't bother me. It's okay, you don't have to go."

"Oh. Okay."

" Look, Niall. I am not seeing Jason anymore. There is nothing going on between me and him anymore."

"Would you like to explain the hickey you have right now that Harry and Zayn told me about then?"

"Ohh Umm that."

'Yeah that. Good Bye Cassie sorry I called. It was obviously a mistake."

"Niall no pleas-" The line went dead.

Great I just ruined my chance to talk to Niall. That was my only chance to talk to Niall and I blew it. Tears filled my eyes, I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it. I went to outside on the fire escape to get some air. But I was still crying. I clung onto my phone like it was the only thing I had left of Niall. In a sense it was all I had left of Niall.

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