Chapter 31

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Niall called Simon about the fans not buying the whole 'photo shopped' thing. Simon tried everything to say that it was photo shopped, but no one would believe it because of mine and Niall's past.

"I am sending the Tweet out now." Niall said. Simon said that we just need to tell the truth. So he told Niall to Tweet the fans confirming the photos and our relationship.  I was really scared cause last time when we were dating I got so much hate. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't even handle what they were saying about me when I was in the hospital. I heard clicking from Niall's phone and I started to panic.

"Niall! They are going to send hate and I cant handle that! Remember last time?" I asked him and he instantly looked up from his phone.

"Last time is in the past and you know I don't like talking about it." he said then back down towards his phone.


They told me to kill myself, so I was going to give them what they wanted. I walked into the bath room and picked up the razor. It was a five blade, so it would take as long. I turned around and locked the door. The only people home were Zayn, Josh, and Liam. I didn't think they would come into the bathroom but I didn't want to risk it.

I dug the razor into my inner upper thigh. It stung and i wanted to scream out in pain but I couldn't. They would come up here and stop me. I slid the razor across my skin again but this time I pushed down harder forming a deeper cut.

Again and again i dug the razor into my skin. The pain got worse and i bit my lip so that I wouldn't scream in pain. But after about 20 cuts the pain went away. I felt a warm puddle form under me. I looked down and saw a deep red colored liquid.

I started to get dizzy but before I could leave my life I had to get one more cut in. I dug the razor into my thigh as hard as I possible could. I help myself but to let out a scream of pain.

Then a bright light came by me and that was all I could remember from there until I woke up in a hospital bed with 12 stitches in my thighs. I found out I lost a lot of blood.

"Why?" I heard Niall asked from his spot beside Anne in the back of the room. I just stared at him with a blank look n my face, Showing no emotion. "Babe, just tell me why you did it. Please?" He asked. he walked over to my and grabbed my hand in his.

"Because they told me too. I wanted to die. Why couldn't you guys just have let me died there. Everyone would have just been happier that way." 

"Cassie, that isn't true. Don't ever tell yourself that." Harry said as he walked over to Niall and stood beside him.

"Love, I would never would be happy again if you died. Who is telling you to die?" Niall said as he looked me straight into the eyes.

"The people on the internet. They hate me. And I hate myself." I said and looked away so Niall couldn't look at me anymore. I heard Niall sigh. He let go of my hand and grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the room. But not before I saw a small tear escape his eye.

*************END OF FLASHBACK***************

"Cass." I heard and it snapped me back to the present. I looked up form the ground and up at Niall.

"I wont let that happen again. I promise. Okay?" He said. He took my chin and lighted it upwards with his fingers. "I love you, Cassie." He said.

"I love you too, Ni." I said as he gave me a bear hug. I layed down on my bed and crawled in under the covers. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep so I could get one last break in before I became a human punching bag.

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