Chapter 17

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We just left Cassie's new house and I think everyone is taking it pretty well right now. Zayn was really upset but now he seems to be fine. When we got home it was like already 1 in the morning. We all headed up to bed. I stopped outside of Cassie's door, or should I say old door. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to face them to find Louis.

"Come on mate, why don't why don't you go get some sleep. She is fine. I promise." I nodded my head then left to my room.

I sat down on my bed, but I couldn't sleep.  I check Tweeter. But nothing new there. I still couldn't sleep. Something felt way to different and weird. I just couldn't sleep. Even if I tried I couldn't. I just sat there in silence without moving for 30 minutes. But then my phone rang. I looked at who was calling but my phone didn't recognize the number.

"Hello." I said.

"Hello is this Harry Styles?" usually if someone said my name they freaked out.

"This is he, can I help you?"

"Yes I am calling in regard to Cassie Marrow." Then I let her finish her sentence. my eyes widen and I dropped the phone and ran out my room. I went to Zayn's room first. I opened the door so fast and loudly it woke him up he looked at me then he realized something was wrong.

"Harry what is wrong?"

"Zayn, its Cassie. She- she has been in a car wreck."

Zayn leaped into action. I went to all the other boys rooms and woke them up too. within 5 minutes we were running out to the car. I had no idea how bad the crash was. She could be dead or she could only have a small bump.

We walked into the E.R and saw Ed sitting in a seat crying. I had never seem him cry before. And defiantly not for a girl. It just showed that he really loved Cassie, and really cared about her.

"Ed what happened is she okay?!" he got up from his seat and looked at us in the eye. You could see the hurt in his eyes. He shook his head then started crying even harder. "When I got there. She- she went thru the windshield. Completely. She was laying on the hood of the car.  And she wouldn't open her eyes." He started to car even harder. I didn't know that he was there at the scene. He sat back down and buried his head into hands.

"Where is she now?" Zayn asked.

"Surgery. " Ed replied without looking up. We all took a seat around him. I gave him a little pat on the shoulder then said something I didn't think I was going to say.

"Someone needs to go call Niall." I saw the boys look on their faces, it was shocked. But Niall had to know.

"I will call him." Liam stood up and took his phone out. Liam was a brave man. Niall was going to go crazy.

"Harry. Cass was on her way to my house, because of Niall. He yelled at her over Skype." Ed turned to me looking away from the ground.

"Shit." Now Niall was really going to go crazy. He was going to be more then crazy.

"Cassie Marrow's family." I heard a voice from behind me. We all stood up at the same time to see the voice. It came from a doctor dressed in scrubs.

"Is she going to be okay, sir?" Ed asked.

"The surgery went great. But is going to take a little bit to see if her body is responding to the treatment. She just woke up and is asking for Ed." I saw a smile appear on Ed's face. "Ed, you can go in and see her. I want you others to stay out here so I can explain Miss Marrow's injuries and what we did."

Ed walked past the doctor and down a hallway. Then he disappeared.

"Okay well Cassie is very lucky. She went thru the windshield, it is a miracle that she is even alive. Well to start off She lost a lot of blood so we had to do a blood transfusion. She had a major head injury. To the left side of her brain. But it doesn't seem like on effected her like it affects others. She had a gash in her forehead so we sowed that up. And it took 10 stiches. And then she has broke her left arm."

"When can she come home?" Zayn asked the doctor.

" Because of her head injury, not for about 5 days. And that is only if she responds properly to the treatment."

"Thank you." I said as the doctor started to walk away. About this time Liam came back to join us from his phone call from Niall. He had a worried look on his face. Shit something was wrong.

*****ED'S PIONT OF VIEW*****

I walked into Cassie's room. She looked so broken and crushed. I touched her hand and her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes had a sleepy look to them. I gave her a small smile as I took a seat in the chair next to the bed. I grabbed her hand and laced my fingers with hers. I pressed my lips lightly on her hand. She gave me a smile then closed her eyes again.

"Is the other driver okay?" Cassie asked me when she opened her eyes again.

"Cassie, you almost died, and you are worried about the other driver?" I said with a small chuckle as I gave her hand a little squeeze.

"Well I am alive. Are they?" she said with a small smile.

"They walked away unhurt." which mad me really mad. They weren't even hurt, when Cassie was sitting here all broken.

"Babe don't cry." she brought her hand to my face and wiped some of my tears away. I held her hand to my cheek.

"I am sorry." I told her.

"Sorry for what? It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was. I should have came and got you. Not let you drive. I am sorry."

"Ed, it isn't your fault. It is fine. I am okay." how could she be so calm about this. She almost died. I stood up and gave her a small peck on the lips.

" I am going to go get the other boys. I will be right back." I left the room to go get the others.

 *********Author's Note************

15 comments 18 votes?

That would be amazing!!!

And I might not update for the next couple days because I have a lot event this weekend so I am sorry but please bare with me!!!!


  Katie <3 

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