chapter 7

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When I woke up it was only 4 in the morning. And since today was Thursday, I had the day off. So I didn't bother trying to go back to sleep. I got out of bed and wrapped the One Direction blanket around myself and walked downstairs. 

I want some Fruit Loops. I walked over to the cabinet to grab the box of cereal . But the freaken box was gone! Who the hell stole my box of Fruit Loops? "Looking for something?" I turned around to see Louis holding my box of Fruit Loops in his hands. I snatched the box out of his hands. "Those are mine."

"Well what is yours is now inside me." Oh that sounded wrong.

"That's what she said." I busted out laughing then Lou joined in with me. I grabbed the milk out of the fridge and poured the milk and cereal into a bowl. 

" So how is your cheek?" Louis grabbed my chin and tilted it to the side so he could look at my sore cheek. He very gently ran his finger over my sore. "So Zayn told you too. It's fine. Thank you." I pulled away to go grab  spoon to eat me cereal. But I went to the drawer to get a spoon they were all gone.

"I see Harry already 'Liam proofed' the kitchen."  I laughed and Lou did too.

"No. It's just no one has down the dishes." I grabbed a fork and started to eat my cereal. Yeah, with a fork. I was sitting on the counter. Louis went over to the fridge a pulled out the apple juice.

"Pour me a class to please."

"Anything for a Directioner." He laughed as he tugged at the end of my blanket. I pulled the blanket out of his hands and wrapped it around my shoulders even tighter. As Louis walked to the cabinet to get two glasses to pour some apple juice in. Then he handed me on of the glasses or apple juice.

"Thank you. Hey why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep. I haven't even slept at all. And you?"

"Aww you poor thing." I pinched his cheeks like he was a little baby. "And I don't know I just woke up and wasn't sleepy anymore." I finished my cereal and put the bowl in the sink. And returned to my spot, on top of the counter. If Anne saw me she would be yelling at me to get down.

Harry came running down the stairs yelling a Louis. "Louis! Cassie isn't in her room! And she isn't out on the fire-" he stopped yelling when he caught sight of me. "Cassie there you are. And what the hell happened to your cheek?" well shit. How was I going to tell Harry what happened. I lifted my hand up to cheek as if I could hide the giant sore I had.

"She fell down the stairs last night, when you weren't home. You Cassie, she is such a klutz." Louis replied for me. And thank goodness too, cause I wasn't able to tell Harry what really happened.

"Yeah I was just walking then I all of sudden fell. Such a klutz that I am." I got off the counter and headed for the staircase. I needed to leave before started asking more questions. 

"Cassie get back down here!" Harry called after me as I ran up the stairs.

"Nope. I have to pee, and the bathroom down there doesn't suit my needs" I yelled after him a chuckle. I could here him sigh from the kitchen.


It was now like 10 in the morning and everyone was awake except Liam. I guess last night he told Louis that he wasn't felling to well so that is probably why he is sleeping in so late. which is kinda weird because Liam seemed okay last night when I was with him. I hope it isn't anything to serious. S

Since it was my day off, everyone decided that when Liam woke up, and if he wanted to go, we would call Danielle, Eleanor, Gemma, and Macy and we all go shopping and then have a nice dinner tonight. It was like noon and Liam still hadn't awaken so we went up to his room to go ahead and wake him up ourselves. When  wew alked in, Liam was sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. I walked over to him and sat down. I put my arm around his shoulders.

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