Chapter 8

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When I went to work the next day, they excused me from work. I guess there was a problem in schedules, so we were over staffed. So since I was the one who came in first I was the one who got to leave and go home. And thank goodness to, cause I looked like a freak with the giant bandage on my nose.

I didn't have my phone with me for an odd reason. I couldn't find it in the morning, so I just left the house without it. And without my phone I couldn't call Harry and tell him I didn't have to work, so I was forced to walk home. It isn't even that long of a walk, but it was raining. 

I was fine walking in the rain, but then it started pouring down rain. I wasn't fine now. I was actually pretty pissed. But I only had to walk a few more blocks.

when I walked into the house, everyone froze in place and just looked at me. "Well hello to all of you too." everyone snapped back to life and continued what they were doing before I walked in. They were just getting to their breakfast. It was still the morning. 9 in the morning to be exact.

"Good morning Cassie." Louis said to me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Morning Lou. Hey I am going to go take a long hot shower because I can't feel me toes right now. So pardon me." I walked upstairs. Every step I took, the water in my shoes made a gross squishy sound.


Last night during the movie, Cassie got a phone call. So she very nicely left the room. But when I heard the door shut to her room Zayn told us all something.

"Guys! That was Niall calling her! But he wasn't calling her, he as trying to Skype her!!"

We all just sat there in shock then all of sudden we all ran upstairs to go snoop on Cassie's and Niall's call. We all crowed around her door in a small little huddle. We kept hearing silence. No one knew why. But then Niall spoke up.

We couldn't believe what we were hearing! Niall was apologizing to Cassie! We all did a little silent cheer to ourselves. The girls were jumping up and down. Everyone was so excited. I heard that Cassie was crying. We heard some other words but we couldn't understand what they said to each other. Then there was long silence. Harry said that the call may had ended to we sent Zayn in to say the movie was over, which it really wasn't.

When Zayn came out of the room very quickly explained what happened when he went in there. Then we heard them! We heard then say!!! They said it to each other!!! But we didn't have anytime to celebrate because I heard foot steps coming to the door! We all ran downstairs to act like the girls were leaving.

I was in the most happiest moods a guy could ever be in. Everything was going to be okay now. Everything can go back to normal now. Finally.


When Cassie came home from work early, we were all in the kitchen talking about what had happened. So I think when we saw here, we were all caught off guard. So we just stood there, like frozen baby penguins. She looked so funny. She was soaking wet, and her hair was everywhere. And then I realized that she walked home. Why didn't she call one of us to come get her. Oh wait...I forgot me and Zayn took her phone when she fell asleep. We must have forgot to put it back....oops.

Zayn came up with the idea to take her phone. I was just the one who actually took the phone.  All we were going to do was see how long the Skype call was, and if the Skyped again after Cassie went back up to her room. But while we were doing that Niall started to call her. I knew it was Niall without looking because the ringtone on her phone for him was her favorite song. Lego House by Ed Sheeran.

Zayn answered the call. They didn't talk long maybe 5 minutes then the call was over. But I guess we forgot to put Cassie's phone back.


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