chapter 2

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We all sat in the Harry's kitchen eating our dinner. I had no idea where Anne of Gemma was, but I really didn't care at the moment. All I cared about was Cassie. I had not seen her in a lone long time. I really missed her. she was like a sister to all of us. the only member of the band that was related to her was Harry. But it felt like all us were. the first time I meant Cassie she was so shy. Harry warned us she would be. He told us her life story and everything she had went through. WE where going to Harry's house for the first time, we had just became a group then. We stayed awhile at Harry's making us become a lot closer as a band and to Harry's family. they soon became known as our family too.

None of the boys wanted to break Cassie's heart. When I heard the question come from her lips I looked at Harry cause in the car we decided that Harry was going to be the one to tell her. But as soon the words left her lips we realized he could do it. He couldn't break her heart. If it wasn't for Zayn, I would have answered the question myself. But thank god for Zayn!! I wouldn't want to be the one to hurt her either. I know what her and Niall went through together was tough and it is a touchy subject for the both of them.

" Liam!! Come pick the movie!!" I heard Cassie yell from the tv room.

" Okay coming love!! But we aren't watch Toy Story!!" With those words I left the kitchen to the tv room. I wonder who would be the bravest and tell Cassie why Niall wasn't here.


What the hell?!?!?! Why isn't he here? why wont the boys tell me the truth. I want to know. Is it because of me? It was because of me...I just knew it. I wanted him to be here but at the same time I didn't. I wanted him to be here because I missed him and I wanted to work things out between me and him, Things ended really bad with 'us'. But I hated him. He over reacted. it is his fault things ended the way they did. But I still loved him. I never got over him. he is still apart of me, a part of me I never want to leave. Those were my last thoughts before I drifted off to sleep with my head on Harry's shoulder as he played with my hair. 


I woke up rubbing my eyes. The sunlight burned my eyes. I was still on the couch with Harry. Zayn and Liam were on the other couch and Louis was on the floor. I was the only one awake. Harry was so cute when he was sleeping. Where is my phone? I want a picture of him. uhh huh... Zayn had my phone. He was probably talking to Gemma. Speaking of Gemma...where was she? carefully, I took my phone away from him, not wanting him to awake. I had 4 new text messages and 1 miss call. first text message.

To Cassie

From Niall


Holy crap. Zayn wasn't talk to Gemma. he was talking to Niall. And the conversation was about me. Niall was still mad.  But he said sorta. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Well fine he can be that why, cause I am mad at him too...sorta... 

Next text message.

To Cassie

From Gemma

I tried to call you but you never answered. anyway  I am gonna stay at a friends tonight and probably tomorrow night, Tell Harry I miss him and I love him. xx

Whose's house is she staying at? well who cares. not my business. She is  big girls she can handle herself. One Of the other text messages was from Aunt Anne tell me she was going to be home late. Meaning she wasn't getting home till noon today. Poor  Anne, her boss always made her work late. And on he day Harry was to be coming home, how rude of him! The other text was from my best friend Macy. She wanted to come see Harry. Her and Harry had this 'thing' between them. Kida like an on and off relationship thing. I tried not to get involved with all that. I felt hands wrap around my waist with a tight grip. " Hey you took that out of my hand!! I was using that!!" Zayn said. " well good morning to you too. And last time I checked this was my phone." I said with a chuckle releasing from our hug. " You cant just take stuff from people's hands!! Didn't your mom ever teach you that?" before the word even left his mouth I could tell he wanted to take them back. " Oh my goodness Cassie!! I didn't mean it like that-" I cut him off by putting my finger to his lips " Shhh it is okay." I said as I walked upstairs.

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