Chapter 4

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When Jason and I made it to my house he didn't leave. H came in with me. I didn't vote against it, I just let him come in. I walked over to the kitchen counter only to find a note from Aunt Anne.

 Went out for dinner with the girls. Won't be back till late

      Love, Anne 

Great, home alone. Well except for Jason. "I am going to go upstairs to get changed. You can make yourself at home. Be back down in like 5 minutes." I started to walk up the stairs but only to notice that Jason wasn't staying in the tv room. He was following my upstairs....Great. Jason has tried this move before but I got him to stay downstairs. But tonight I think it was going to be different . "Jason, just stay. okay?" I turned to look at him the eyes so he would know that I was being serious.

"what? Someone is going to have to help unzip your dress." A smirk formed on his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He moved his hands up towards the top of my dress as he tugged on the zipper. I noticed my feet weren't even on the ground anymore. Jason was now carrying me up the stairs. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me on the neck. He kissed my neck, up and down. then h started to bite a little and suck. He was giving me a hickey.  The skin on my neck started to burn. It felt kinda nice. We reached my bedroom and we stopped outside my door. Jason set me down. He turned me around so my back was to his front. He unzipped my dress all the way so the dress almost fell off .

"Now, go get changed princess. I will be waited for you." He whispered into my ear. I turned so I could see him face to face as he gave me a wink. I was there still trying to hold my dress up so I wouldn't be left standing in front of him in my under garments.

"No Jason, I think you should leave." I really did just want him to leave I didn't want him at my house anymore. He had to leave.

" aww come on baby. Please just let me stay a little while." He walked closer up to me so I was now pressed up against my bedroom door. 

" Jason just leave me alone!!! God Damit!"

" But you didn't say please" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay let me rephrase that... JASON, WILL YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE???" I yelled at him as I pushed him away from my body. I opened my door and slammed it shut right in his face and I locked the door. I listened to his foot steps disappear down the hallway and down the stairs. I was relived when I heard the front door shut.


When Cassie waked for the keys I knew something was up. But she was fine when she left for Danielle's house. Something must have happened at the her house. the only way to find out was to ask the other girls.

"Danielle, Eleanor, what the heel happened at your-" I was cut off by Eleanor

"It is your freaken fault Styles!!! You didn't tell her about Niall and where he is and why he isn't here! You caused he to act that way! Way to go hot shot."

Shit... she was probably right. no, she was right. I ran out of the building as fast as I could. I had to make sure she wasn't going to do anything stupid. She has before.

When I got out of the club and I turned the corner, I saw something I never thought I would have ever saw , ever. Cassie was holding hands with Jason Mars! She broke up with him like a year ago! Was I missing something? She never told me that she was seeing him again. I thought when they got to the house he would leave...but umm  no. He walked into the house with her.

I walked around to the back of the house, I hopped the fence to the backyard and wen t in the back door. I couldn't really se anything because I was trying not to be seen by them. But all I know is he went upstairs with Cassie. About 5 minutes later he came back down stairs and left. If he hurt her... I would beat his ass.

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