Together we make a Family

By morrisonsflwr

11.9K 768 139

Caskett, forever a love story! You would think that way. But it always can be worser. Well, definitely. The m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (last chapter)

Chapter 40

159 13 4
By morrisonsflwr

After Gates told us everything, we got new identities. Clothes and different hair colours. I knew this was gonna be hard. But I had to put myself through. Luckily I had Ryan.

"Kate, I need your phone too. They can track it, and then they will flee." Gates held her hand out, and I gave my phone. I got another one, also IPhone. Different number. Different look. I got my new Identity. "Sasha Johnson" and Ryan got his new too. "Micheal Johnson" It was a little weird to act like we where married. But we had too. Both our hair was coloured, I hated my colour. It was Red. Not Red Red. Like lipstick, but very dark. A combination between Black, with a little Red in it. Ryan had just Black hair. We got new clothes, same style. Total different colours. I used to wear dark, now everything was coloured.

"Good Luck Beckett." Espo said and hugged me.

"Thanks!" I said in his arms. He pulled away, and gave Ryan a hug too.

"I am gonna miss you guys! Use the microphones! We want to know what is going on. Not that you are fighting all day." Espo teased.

"Funny Espo." I said, and hitted him playfully.

"Beckett, Ryan. Car is down. You need to go." Gates said, and took us down. There we stood. In the elevator as 2 different persons. Other lifes.

We arrived at "our" appartment. And Ryan lifted me up bridal style. I chuckled, and hold him around his neck. He putted me down in the centre of the room. It was big. Holy moly.

"Wow, it's amazing Babe!" I said he smiled.

"Everything for you Sasha!" He said, and kissed me. Okay, Ryan just kissed me. And it didn't was that weird. Like we did it before, it felt good. We parted, and he showed me everything. Like he already knew the place. But I didn't pay attention. I kept thinking about that kiss. Was it meaned for real? Or just the act? "Sasha? Are you okay babe?" He asked. And I snapped back into the world again.

"Oh sorry. Lost in my thoughts. Because this place Micheal, it's incredible! How did you even get this payed?" I smiled.

"Well, I do my work."

"Ofcourse you do! I do too, but I don't get much. Your accountant work is payed high I guess."

"Mh, pretty high, yeah. Well, it's getting late. What about, dinner!"

"What have you in mind Mr Johnson?" I teased him.

"Whatever you want my lady."

"Uh, for dinner huh? I have some Ideas." I took his hand, and pushed him into the bedroom. 'Kate what the hell are you doing?! You're not going to have Sex with Ryan?!' I thought, but my movements struggled against my thoughts. I pushed him on the bed, he layed there. Enjoying this whole thing. I hoped he thought it was just the act. I kept thinking other things. If it was real what I just did? Was it? I never did this to Castle. Oh no. No. No. No! Am I? Am I maybe in love with Ryan?

Use this hashtag if you don't like me anymore 😂 #IDontLikeYouAnymore

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