Invisible Halo (MGK Fanfic)

By J_Latriceee

36.4K 819 34

Monica was a typical Cleveland native, never seen the outside of her neighborhood. She was highly intelligent... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
A/N: Final Note

Chapter 34

689 17 0
By J_Latriceee

Colson pov

I woke up to the flight attendant from earlier shaking me repeatedly until I opened up both of my eyes. 

"Mr. Baker! Mr. Baker! You have arrived to your destination, it 's time for you to get off the plane now! We need to get all of the passengers boarded for the next flight!" She said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said as I shot up out of my seat.

"It's fine Mr. Baker, enjoy your trip back home!"

"Thanks, I'll try!"

I rushed off the plane in a hurry, I had to make sure that no one had taken my bags at the baggage claim. When I got there, there were no bags in sight and I started to panic.

If only I wasn't so tired, I could've actually been here on time and gotten my stuff. Why was my life so shitty? Nothing has gone right in weeks! I should've just stayed in California until everyone was ready to come back. But noo, Ash wanted to make me sound like some big baby who needed to come home. I thought,

"Colson!!!" I heard Latoya's parents yelling.

There they were holding my bags. Lewis had Casie in his arms as she was knocked out and Shirley was looking surprised.

"Is there something wrong you look like you've seen a ghost?" Shirley asked.

"Everything is fine, Mrs Woods. I was frantically looking for my bags but I guess you guys' grabbed them." I answered with a smile.

"Yeah, we're sorry about that. Lewis over here thought you'd be exhausted after your flight so we wanted to make sure we got all of your stuff."

"Thank you so much." I said as I walked over to give her a big hug.

"Where's everyone else? Looks like you left without your manager and your friends."

"Nope, they actually shipped me off to come here alone!" I said bitterly, looking down at the floor.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that. Well let's go, we gotta get you and Casie home! You look like you could use a couple more hours of sleep."

"Thanks ma and I really do, I haven't been able to sleep in a couple of weeks."

"Well why not baby?"

"I don't really want to talk about it here, can we go?"

"Yeah, let's go!" She said beckoning me to walk with her and Lewis.

After Latoya gave birth to Casie, I became really close with her parents. They had offered their home to me many of times and cooked me home cooked meals when I was struggling. They truly loved Casie with all of their heart and I appreciated them while they were able to care for her when I was on tour.

The airport in Cleveland wasn't super extravagant or big so we walked through it relatively fast. I let Lewis lead the way as we enter the parking lot because I didn't know what type of card they had. Though I would try to support them by giving them money every once in awhile they wouldn't take it. They had successful paying jobs of their own, Lewis was a lawyer and Shirley was an EMT medical responder. Finally Lewis stopped in front of a Sports Utility SUV. The Wood's weren't the type of people to spend their hard earned money on flashy items such as gold chains.

"Hop in Colson, what you ain't never seen an SUV before?" Lewis said.

"No it's not that, it's just... It's really good to be home. These last two to three months have been awful. I just need to find myself again, you know?" I responded.

"I'm sorry to hear that young man, at least now your home with your beautiful daughter."

"That's really all I need right now, we've  been separated for way too long."

"Have you heard anything about Latoya since you've been gone?" Shirley asked after placing Casie in her seat.

"No, not since she was put in that facility. How has she been doing by the way?" I responded.

Lewis and Shirley gave each other glares of uneasiness and I felt as though something was wrong. We were in a awkward moment of silence. Neither of them bothered to answer my question. They just stared at each other as if I had told them some terrible news.

"We should get going. You need sleep and Casie needs to be in her bed." Lewis finally said.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"You've just been gone for so long and many things have changed on this end. You just need to be informed on a few things, that's all." Shirley said.

The three of us loaded in the SUV, I sat in the way back and enjoyed three seats to myself. I checked my phone for the first time since I got off my flight.

3 Missed Calls: Ashley
1 Voicemail From: Ashley
5 Missed Calls: Slim
7 New Text Messages

Oh now everyone wanted to take the time to contact me. Not a single one of my so called friends bothered to wish me a safe flight or to come with me to the airport. What if I needed moral support to get on that plane? Why was everyone okay with me coming back home while everyone else got to stay? This wasn't fair, this wasn't friendship. I thought to myself.

I loved Monica too which is why I should be there and not here right now second guessing every little thing. I should be talking to doctors about her progress and drinking coffee just so I can stay awake all night long. Most importantly I should be at Monica's bedside. Even though she hated me I know for a fact she'd be by my side, that was just the type of person she was. I made up my mind, when I get out of this car I'm going to call Slim back. I'm going to speak my mind and and tell him how I'm feeling. Until then I decided to check my seven text messages.

From Amanda: Hey, how was your trip to the hospital? It's been awhile I just wanted to check on you. Not in a girlfriend type of way though. I really hope your doing good and I can understand if you don't want to talk!

I responded back to her with:

Hey Amanda, I'm actually back in Cleveland. Maybe I can get my mind right while I'm here. The hospital trip was nice and I thank you for allowing me to cancel on you. Thanks for checking in!

After responding to her I scrolled down to see the other six messages.

From Ashley: Kells, I know our last conversation wasn't the best and I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said about Monica not... You know. It's just that this is so discouraging and your the only one with hope left. Well that was until today. Call me when you get the chance.(:

What the heck?! What did she mean I was the only one who had hope until today. What could've possibly happened since I left?! I thought.

From Slim: Awesome news call Ashley when you get a chance.

From Slim: How'd your flight go? Ashley told me how everything went down earlier at the hotel, look man I'm sorry.

From Slim: Can you please pick up the phone, were a little worried about you.

From Dub: Heading back to Cleveland tomorrow, nothing for me down here. I know you need someone  to keep you level headed at a time like this.

From Monica: Hi

Oh my god! Was this a joke or was this the good news. Did Monica really wake up? I thought, my heart was jumping from excitement. I texted her phone back making sure that if it was her that she'd know I'm here for her.

Hey, Monica! Just got off my flight, I'm currently in the car with Casie and her grandparents.

She replied almost instantly.

From Monica: Hey Kells! That's awesome tell her that I said hey.

It had to have been Monica, right? She didn't correct me saying she was someone else and she was excited to here about Casie. I thought.

How long are you going to be in the hospital before they let you come home?" I texted back.

From Monica: She should be recovering soon, the doctor said it may take a few weeks but who knows. She's not awake but she's alert. She responded.

What did she mean by 'she' would be recovering soon? I thought.

Who is this? I texted back feeling pissed off.

The text bubble popped up and then went away. What kind of sick joke was this! Pretending to be Monica, texting me making me think she had awaken from her coma. I was fuming and being in this tiny SUV wasn't cutting it.

"Were here!" Lewis and Shirley chanted.

Thank god, I needed air and something to punch. I jumped out of the car and slammed the door, forgetting that my baby girl was still in the car. I ran back to the vehicle on the side where Shirley had placed Casie. I was a terrible dad, not once today did I think about her or acknowledged her being in my presence.

I carried her inside the house and Shirley led me to her room. I placed her in her bed and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. In a world so cruel and hateful she was the purest thing I knew.

"I put all of your belongings in the guest room right across the hall from Casie's bedroom." Lewis said not looking at me.

"I'm sorry for slamming the door, it wasn't intentional sir." I said.

"It's okay." He said giving me a smile.

"No it's not, I'm a terrible person."

"Would you like to talk about it? Outside of course, just you me and nature."


I needed to talk to someone about everything I had been going through. A third party that I knew wouldn't judge me, just give me wise advice.

Lewis walked out to the screened in patio and I followed him. He sat on the bench and I sat in the chair across from it.

"You can start now." He said impatiently while staring at me.

"Two or three months or whenever this tour started, I met someone special." I said slowly as I looked at my feet.

I could tell he was waiting on me to proceed so I continued to tell the story.

"It was a girl and she was like no other female that had ever been in my life. No disrespect to your daughter, she was just different." I explained.

"What was this girl's name?" Lewis asked.

"Monica, sir. I used to call her Moni, at first it annoyed her and I liked to see her noes wrinkle. After she finally got used it, I felt like we had something special. Only something her and I knew about, it was like our secret closet to Narnia." I stopped as memories of her went through my brain.

When the memories faded I started back up again.

"When we first met I didn't feel anything towards her, she was a gorgeous girl don't get me wrong. I just wasn't head over heels for her. That is until we made a trip down here to get Casie. She showed so much interest in her and she even came with me to go get her." I said almost choking up.

This would be the first time I had discussed that day to anyone. It was still fresh in my brain, I remembered every little detail.

"You don't have to talk about this if you don't want to." Lewis said.

"No, I need to get this off my chest. I'm tired of holding everything in, I feel like I'm just going to explode!" I said, tears streaming down my face.

"Okay, continue." His face looked concerned but on the inside I could tell he wanted to know the whole story.

"I walked in the house as quietly as I could. Casie saw me as soon as I walked in. She ran up to me and I lifted her up, ready to take her away. Latoya came out of nowhere and she looked like she had been using again." I went on explaining the story.

Lewis nodded his head in approval that he wanted to hear more.

"Latoya pulled out a knife threatening to hurt Casie and I. That's when Monica came in, she saved us both. She managed to get the knife from Latoya and calmed her down before she left."

I could tell Lewis was hurt to hear the actions of his daughter that morning. He looked as though I had punched him in his gut. After that he still nodded for me to finish the story.

"The situation made Monica and I closer. We became really close friends and she absolutely loved Casie. As the tour went on we faced trouble. I accidentally kissed her and made it awkward between us, then we cleared it up the next day. Then we kissed at a club and I guess she was dating the bus driver who was cheating on her so I punched him a few times." I started rambling without even thinking.

"Um, Colson?" Lewis asked regaining my attention.

"Sorry, long story short, I was really falling for her but I wasn't sure if she was falling for me. Now she's in a coma and I just want her to wake up. I need her and I can't function without her giving me advice, laughing at my jokes, or getting mad at me every once in awhile." I said finishing my story.

"Wow, sounds like I just listened to the script of a new movie. That's some deep stuff you've been going through."

"Yeah it sounds like you have some unfinished business back in Cali." Shirley said coming from inside of the house.

"You were listening this whole time?" I asked shocked.

"Of course, you're my granddaughter's father, I deserve to know what your going through." She responded.

"Colson, how about you go get some shuteye." Lewis said.

"Sure pops, I'll see you guys in the morning." I said pulling the screen door closed.

When I got to my room, I saw my phone on the charger and my suitcases in the closet. I changed into a white t and some boxers. I fell asleep while trying to think of ways I was going to explain Monica's condition to Casie.

8 Hours later....

I woke up feeling the most refreshed in weeks. The bed was the definition of comfortable and the A/C felt great on my skin. I grabbed my toothbrush and a change of clothes before walking to the bathroom. When I jumped in the shower I felt so relaxed. The warm water on my skin was wonderful. I could spend hours in the shower, it was my thinking place. I came up with the best song lyrics and ideas when I was in the shower. After washing myself I changed into grey sweats and a grey pullover jacket. I brushed my teeth, put on cologne and deodorant, and brushed my hair.

When I left the bathroom the first thing on my mind was finding Casie. At first I checked the rooms which were all empty. Then I went to the kitchen where I saw Casie eating her favorite cereal, Fruity Pebbles.

"Daddy!!!" She exclaimed after dropping her spoon.

"Hey baby! Where's your grandparents!"

"They went to go handle some business."

"And left you here all alone?"

"I asked to stay so I could hang out with you daddy." She said with a glowing smile.

I missed Casie like crazy, she was my everything and she would always have me to depend on. With no one around I figured this would be the best time to tell her about monica. I pulled up a chair next to Casie and prepared myself for the worse.

"Casie, you remember Monica right?" I asked.

"Yes, she's my mommy #2!" She exclaimed.

That took my mind back to the day that Casie, Monica, and I sat together at the restaurant. The women figured we were a family when really it was two friends and a child. It was funny how something so innocent turned into a life lesson. I remembered that the old women had whispered in my ear that I needed to protect Monica and keep her happy. She told me not to allow another man to comfort her, as that would become the end of us. But out of all the things she said, one like stuck out the most and I hadn't realized it till now.

One day something will happen to her, and you'll need to prove your love.

Something did happen to Monica and I had barely had the guts to confess anything.

"You still there?" Casie said staring at me.

My thoughts made me escape the real world and at times it was helpful but other times it was annoying.

"Monica has been in a coma for several weeks and were not sure what's going to happen to her."

Casie looked at me and gave me a very big smile.

"Why aren't you upset?" I asked.

"Because she pinky promised me that she'd never leave me. Monica keeps her word because she loves me and god told me."

How could my own daughter be so optimistic? Did she learn that from Monica or something? At least I didn't have to soothe her, if she would've cried I would be more broken than I already was.

"Casie, would you like to go to the mall?" I asked her.

I needed to do something with myself and there was no need of spending perfect bonding time moping over monica.

"Okay go put on a jacket and we'll head out." I said.

"Okay!!!" She said before running to her room.

She came back with a poofy pink jacket that I bought for her last winter.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Uh huh!" She said.

I grabbed the keys for the Cadillac in the garage. Hopefully the Woods' wouldn't care about me using their car, I had nothing else to drive. When I pressed the button on the key, Casie jumped in the back seat and I got in on the driver's side.

It took us a little while to get from the house to the mall. When we arrived, Casie was looking excited as ever.

"Yay! Were here, I want to get some new dolls and a get well gift for Moni!!" Casie said.

Moni? I hadn't even said that in a long time and I was the one who made it up. I thought.

"Come on, let's go inside where it's warm." I said taking her out of the car.

2 Hours later

We had been shopping for two hours now. Casie got the new Zendaya Barbie and a couple others. She also got a gift for Monica. A get well card that both her and I signed along with a bed robe, a shirt that said Number 1 Moni, and a coffee mug. She thought it'd be nice since she'd probably be on bed rest when she finally got discharged. Everything was going good and I felt some of my happiness slowly returning. Then my phone started ringing, it was an unknown number.

"Stay right here Casie, I have to answer this calmly really fast and then we will go."

I picked up my phone on the second ring.

"Hello? Who is this?" I said into the phone.

"This is doctor Rodriguez from the sanitarian for those with illnesses such as chronic depression. Is this Colson Baker?" The person on the other end replied.

"Yeah, this is him."

"I'm sorry to tell you this but, Latoya Woods has committed suicide. Like I said, I am very sorry for your lost. She was doing so well here and I guess she just snapped. Your name and number was the only one on her forms. Is there any other family members we can get in contact with?"

I stared at Casie's smile and then at the ground. How was I supposed to tell her that her mother was dead? Still on the phone I gave the doctor Latoya's parents names and phone numbers and then I hung up.

"Casie, we need to go. Get all your stuff." I said as I grabbed her arm.

I could never catch a break! Tonight was going to be the worst night of Casie's life.

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