The Extra Ninja (A Naruto Fan...

By Hidd3nWolves

735 31 1

12 years after a demon fox had attacked the hidden leaf village. We found ourselves following a 12 year old n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

72 2 0
By Hidd3nWolves

Picture of team 10

Zentish's P.O.V.

'Be at the designated training spot at ..... A.M.' the Jounin's voice repeats in my head, skipping a word, as I walk down the streets on the way home. 'You should ... Breakfast and you'll puke.' Skipping yet another vital word.

'Dammit, how could have forgotten already.' I think face palming myself.

"Whatcha doing that for?" A cocky voice says beside me.

"Oh, Hey Kiba," I say removing my hand, "It's just I..."

"Ruff, Ruff." Akamaru barks, butting in.

"And you too, Akamaru." I say to the Ninken.

"Is it a girl?" Kiba asks.

"N-no, why would you think that?" I ask.

"Ooooh... No reason." He says with his trademark cheeky grin.

"Hmmm, alright," I say looking away from him, not believe him for one bit. "Well anyway, I was face palming because I forgot what my Jounin had said about breakfast and what time to meet him."

"Well you've always been forget full." He says, not thinking about his words.

"Yeah...." I say, kinda annoyed. "That doesn't help."

"I know, but why don't you go ask Naruto or Sakura?" he questions.

"I don't know where they are." I say looking around. "And I can't really be bothered trying to find them."

"Ok, yeah. Well have fun with your squad I have to get going." Kiba finishes.

"Rbyeff!" Akamaru barks as Kiba pounces away.

'Rbyeff!' Akamaru's voice fills my mind.

'What the hell! Did Akamaru say bye!?' I think, taking a step back. Trying to take this in. 'How could he have done that?'

"Hey Zentish." A familiar female voice calls out to me.

I don't bother turning around because I'm too busy trying to work out what had just happened with Akamaru.

"Zentish?" she calls again.

"ZENTISH!" She yells, making me jump. "I know you can hear me, so don't try to ignore me." She demands.

I slowly turn around, only to be face to face with a pleased looking Ino.

"Good," she says cheerfully. "Now why were you ignoring me?" she starts demanding again.

"I wasn't ignoring you, I just..... was thinking of something else." I say cautiously.

"isn't that the same thing though?" she asks.

"N-no they're different." I say, trying not to let the unconfidence slip through my voice.

"Ok." she says, accepting my answer.

I sigh, relieved.

"So what were you thinking about?" she asks taking a step to the side and beginnings to walk.

"Oh just..." I begin to say before she grabs my sleeve and starts tugging on it.

"Hold on, lets walk and talk." She commands. "I'm kinda on a diet now, so I gotta get as much exercise in as possible."

"Ino, you don't need to be on a diet, ya know." I say, now walking besides her.

"Aww thanks, what makes you say that?" she questions, a small smirk present on her face.

"Well..." I say, thinking of the words to say next. "you're already skinny, why would you need to be more skinny? If you diet too much you'll get really sick..... why do you diet Ino?" I ask her, curious.

"Well, I hope that losing all this weight will make me more attractive." She replies. Making me sigh and grab the bridge of my nose.

"Ino, you're already plenty attr...." I stop myself going any farther.

"Plenty what?" she says looking at me with wide eyes.

I fanatically try to think of something that'll get me out of this situation. Before I just blurt out "Yep." Blankly.

"Yep?" she questions, looking amused.

"yeah," I say awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck. Then my memory clicks. "Oh yeah, Ino, don't you owe me something?" I ask cheekily.

"W-what do you mean?" she asks frantically.

"The bet that we had." I say narrowing my eyes. "I won didn't I?" I ask sarcastically.

"Hmm, fiiine." She says sharply, rolling her eyes as she does so. Before reaching into her pouch, grabbing 50 Ryo out and placing it in my hand.

"Thank you." I say smartly before placing the money in my pocket.

"Yep." She says. Mimicking me.

"Well this was fun Ino but I got to get...."

"Hold on, You still haven't told me what you were thinking about before." She says looking slightly worried.

"It wasn't anything." I say.

"Zentish, tell me." She demands.

"It was just, when I was with Kiba, moments before you arrived, I hear Akamaru say bye, through his bark." I say not sure how she'll take it.

"Wait really?" she says surprised.

"yeah really." I say back.

"Wow, that's not possible is it?" Ino asks. " I mean I thought only Kiba could hear him speak."

"Yeah me too, but I'm certain I heard it." I say more worried.

"INO?!" A male voice cry's through the village.

We both try our heads towards the sound.

"That would be my father." She says turning back to me. "Sorry but I've got to go, cya sometime Zentish." She calls before running towards the sound. She gets about fifteen meters before turning around.

"I can't believe you almost called me attractive!" She yells happily.

My eyes widen before I quickly turn around and bound home, away from the girl who had just embarrassed me.

Sometime later...

"Thanks mum." I say as I place a piece of beef into my mouth.

"No worries dear." She says smiling back, before sitting down with me. "So I hear Kakashi Hatake is your Jounin." She says before filling her mouth with rice.

"Y-yeah he is, how did you know?" I ask.

"He came around here and was asking questions about you." She says through the rice in her mouth.

"Oh ok, well is there anything you could tell me about him?" I ask curiously.

"Well, he's fashionably late for everything. He's an accomplished Jounin, and I hear that under his mask, he gorgeous." She finishes. My reactions to her words result in me choking on some rice.

"The first two things where helpful, but the last part... not so much." I say, after removing the rice and getting my breath back.

"Hey, you asked and I answered." She replies smartly.

"yeah, yeah ok. So when you say accomplished, you mean strong?" I ask.

"Well yes, and no." she replies. "Sure he may be strong, but he has accomplished a lot workwise."

"Oh ok, so he's gonna be a hard Sensei?" I ask worried.

"YES! Did you think any different?" she replies, sounding surprised. "He's a Jounin! An elite ninja, so you're gonna have to show up for each of the training sessions you're supposed to." She commands.

We sit in silence for the remainder of dinner. Once I've cleared my bowl I head over to the sink and wash it up, after it's clean I head off to my room, yelling back at my mother in the process, to wake me up at six A.M.

Six A.M.

"Oi, lazy bones, get up!" My mother's voice bellows through the door, as she repeatedly knocks on it.

"Y-Yeah... I'm getting up." I say taking in a huge breathe and stretching my arms up.

I pull off my blankets and stand up, realizing I slept in my clothes, I grab my toothpick, place it in my mouth. I strap the forehead protector to my head. Equipping my kunai holder and my pouch to my pants, I head out the door.

I walk past the opening to the kitchen, about to get to the door, when a few rice balls are placed in to my hand.

"There you go, now you're already." Mum says with a smile.

"Thank you." I reply placing one of the rice balls into my mouth, before heading for the door.

"Cya mum, I'll be back later, but I don't know when. By...." I go to finish before I'm pulled into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you and so would your father." She says happily before removing her hands and stepping back.

"Thanks?" I say questionably. As I head out the door.

'Wow, the street smells even better early in the morning.' I think taking in a deep breath of the village air.

I begin to munch on another rice ball as I head off towards the training area, not sure what to expect for our 'mysterious' Jounin.


"Zentish, you're late" Naruto and Sakura say as I wipe my mouth, to remove any of the left over rice.

"Oh? What time where we supposed to be here?" I ask curiously.

"Five A.M!" Naruto exclaims. "And you're late by like an hour, believe it!"

I look around to find our sensei and big surprise, he's not here.

"Well it looks like Kakashi-sensei isn't here yet, so its ok." I say happily.

"Yeah, but what if he had have shown up? Hmmm" Sakura asked, sounding kinda annoyed. "Then you would've gotten in trouble."

"Relax, my mum said that he's fashionably late for everything." I reply reassuringly.

Sakura lets out a low growl. Naruto just slumps down and Sasuke just.... Well Sasuke is just being Sasuke.

Three hours later....

"Ahhhh!" Naruto yells. "Where is he?"

It's been at least three hours since I showed up and Kakashi-sensei still isn't here.

"Yeah talk about me being late! This guy's worse than late." I complain.

"What's that about you being late?" Kakashi says behind me creepily.

"Ahhh!" I yell, jumping up and taking a step away from our Sensei.

"Well. Morning everyone, ready for your first day?" Kakashi asks casually.

"Hey! You're late!" Sakura, Naruto and myself yell and point at the Jounin standing in front of us.

"Well, a black cat crossed my path," he says, moving his hand so it points behind him. "So I had to take the long way."

"It still shouldn't have taken you this long to get here." I say blankly.

"And why are you late Zentish?" He questions.

"I thought you said wake up at six." I defend myself.

"You were late to your first Genin mission." Kakashi-sensei says. "It's gonna be a shame when you fail and get placed back in the academy."

I let out a low growl and narrow my eyes at him.

"Anyway, let's get started." He says, moving over to a tree stump.

All of us move our head, following him. Trying to see what he's doing.

"Here we go." He says placing his hand on the clock. "It's set for noon." He continues, pushing down on the button.

'What's this?' I think placing my hand to my chin.

Kakashi continues to confuse me by pulling out three bells and holding them up.

"Your assignment is very simple." He says casually. "All you have to do is take these bells from me. That's all there is to it."

"If you can't get them by noon, you'll go without lunch." He continues the briefing of his lesson.

"Ahhh." Naruto exclaims.

"you'll be tied to those posts," Kakashi now points to there direction. "and you'll have to watch as I eat my lunch in front of you."

'Wait, why did he tell us to eat breakfast if he's gonna do that to us. This Jounin doesn't make any sensei.' I think, chuckling to myself. I then proceed by looking over to my teammates who look disappointed and hungry.

"Wait a minute," Sakura calls out. "There are four of us and only three bells."

Kakashi turns his face a closed eye smile.

"So that way, one of you will end up being tied to a post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission." He says before giggling the bells. "That one will go back to the academy."

Naruto lets out another growl as Sakura, Sasuke and I just stare at Kakashi.

"Then again, all four of you could flunk out too. You can use any weapons, including shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill me, you won't be able to take the bells."

"Those weapons are too dangerous sensei." Sakura cries.

"Ahahah," Naruto laughs with his hands behind his head. "Especially since you couldn't even dodge that eraser."

"well class clowns are usually the weakest links, you can safely ignore them. Lowest scores. Losers." Kakashi names all the things Naruto is.

"When I say start. You can begin."

Naruto, growling quite loudly, pulls a kunai knife from his pouch and grips it. He then proceeds to run forwards in an attempt to get Kakashi-sensei. However, he's stopped by someone gripping his wrist. The kunai is the placed behind his head, mere centimeters from his neck.

"Don't be in such a hurry, I didn't say start yet." Kakashi says from behind Naruto.

'Woah, what the hell how did he get there. I guess mum was right. I gotta be careful.'

We all take a few steps away from the 'lightning fast' Kakashi.

"But you can at me with the full intention of killing me, Soooo. How can I say this.... I'm actually starting to like you guys." He adds.

"About time." I say slightly happy.

"Get ready," Kakashi calls, "Aaand." We ready, bending our knees. "Start!" He finishes as we jump away

Hey guys, ok so it may not have been considerably interesting as of this point, but i promise it will get better. thanks for reading :) Chris

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