It's A Wolf Thing

By CSBransfield

27.5K 125 24

Jonas and Caleb are both werewolves that imprint on each other. They love each other so much it is painful fo... More

My First Dream About Him
The Dream
The Voices
Finding My True Self
Learning The Laws
The Spirit Mission
The Affair
Devil Vampires
The Flashback
Our Little Family
The Restaurant
The Red, White, and Blue Mass Part 1
The Red, White, and Blue Mass Part 2
Regular Day For Once- Maybe...
Make-out Session To A Conversation To Burger King... WTF?
It Starts Out Good, But Goes To The Worst
Getting Worried Once Again...
Graduation Day...
My Baby's Rapist.....
The Abandoner
A Love Newly Confessed
The Real Slim Shady
I Hate Pudding- With a Burning Passion
Work and Love
Maybe Things Do Happen That You Wish For
I Thought I Was Drama Free
Wedding Day!

I'm Screwed

652 2 0
By CSBransfield


  I grabbed a pair of simple jeans and a plain white, V-neck T-shirt. I then walked to the gym and saw that my closest guy friends were there. Erick and Blackbelt came over to me and told me to follow them. I turned around and I saw everyone going outside. We got into Balckbelt’s Jeep and drove to a place. When we stopped, my brother put a blindfold over my eyes and told me it was a surprise. They led me through a couple of doors and had me sit down in a very comfy chair. They took the blind fold off, and I saw that I was in a room that was almost all dark except for the light above a door. I saw them go out of the door and lock it. Wait- lock it? Oh God, what did I get myself into?

                Music started to play and then there was a figure in front of me with a small, womanly silhouette. The lights then turned on, and I saw I was in a strip club’s private room…


I’m Screwed

Jonas’ P.O.V.

                As soon as the lights turned on, I started freaking out. “What the fuck will Caleb do? I’ll be in deep shit.” I mumbled to myself. The girl started to walk towards me. The song “Sexy Can I” started to play. I was trying not to pay any attention to how much clothing the girl had on. Let’s just say that it was a mini bra and a very small thong. I mean the girl was pretty, but I would rather have Caleb. She was about 5’7” with straight, brown hair that fell to the middle of her back. I think she had hazel eyes, but I couldn’t really tell.

                She went around the back of the chair and started to rub her hands all up and down my chest. I shivered under her touch. The girl then came to the front of the chair and started to dance. I saw a tattoo on her back that said “Cherry” so I was going to call her Cherry. Cherry started to move her hips so her ass was rubbing on my crotch. My breathing picked up, and I felt myself get a little hard. After Cherry moved her hips one way, I could feel the blood rush to my dick. She turned around and straddled me. Cherry started to do so many moves, and after this really exotic one, I let out a moan. She put her leg on the chair, and moved so her entire bottom was rubbing all the up my chest and down to my knees.

                I felt myself get harder, and I was resisting the urge to put my hands on Cherry. Just then she grabbed my hands and put them on her. She put my left hand on her lower back and my right hand on her leg that was on the chair. My breathing got caught in my throat when I recognized what she had me do. I tensed up and closed my eyes. I was wishing that this would get over soon. When she saw my eyes were closed, she bent down and kissed me. Instantly I pulled back and stood up. Cherry fell to the ground and was glaring at me. She stood up and walked over to me. I backed up until I hit the wall. Cherry got right up in my face and gave a smirk. I gulped when she started to press herself against me. She lifted my hands from besides my sides and held them to the wall. I felt something around my wrists close, and Cherry dropped her hands. FUCK! She locked my wrists up.

                “Let me the fuck go.” I was surprised to hear that my voice wasn’t gone. Cherry shook her head no, and I tried to get loose. Nothing was working, so I just stood there. Cherry started to trace her hands along my torso, then down to my waist line. I just stared off to space and was thinking about Caleb. I could only imagine what she would do if she found out that a STRIPPER kissed me. She would definitely not marry me. I heard a rip and a shiver went through me. I looked down and saw that Cherry ripped my shirt off. She saw my entire chest and the top of my boxers. Then she brought her lips to my neck and kissed it. She trailed her hands down to my pants and saw the obvious bulge that I had. I tried to back up even more, but I didn’t work. Cherry undid my belt and slid my pants to the ground. I gulped again and tried to talk. My mouth wouldn’t open and I lost my voice. Here I was only in my boxers tied to a wall with a stripper. I’m definitely sure that when I tell Caleb this, she will kill me. My boxers then were slid down, and Cherry grabbed onto my erection. I tensed up even more, and tried to get away. It didn’t work, and it only made her grip harder.

                Cherry then wrapped her hands around my neck and hoisted herself up. She wound her legs around my waist and shoved her core onto my dick. I winced in pain and felt a tear slid down my cheek. Here it goes again- I’m getting raped, and nobody can stop it. She started moving back and forth, and every time she moved tears fell. She started to kiss my lips, but when I didn’t respond she slapped me across the face. When she brought her lips to mine again, she forced her tongue inside my mouth. I started to cry harder.

                When she had enough of me, she got off and undid my restraints. I slid to the ground and put my head in my hands. I heard her walk out of the room and relock the door. I was trembling with each sob I took. This was almost like every single day of my childhood. I got lost in my sobs until I heard someone come through the door. I didn’t look up at all; instead I curled my body up even more. I didn’t care if people thought I was mentally retarded, I was just raped.

                “Jonas! What happened? Come on bro, please look at me.” I slightly raised my head when I heard it was Blackbelt talking to me.

                Just above a whisper I said, “I got raped”. I put my head back down ashamed of everything. I felt like I was a complete failure. How could I let someone do that to me again; especially how I promised myself I would never have that happen again. I’m a failure. Caleb is going to hate me now.

                “I’m really sorry bro. I didn’t know that she would do that. This is my fault. Come on, let’s get you home.” He started to collect my clothing, but threw me my boxers. I caught them and out them on; wincing every time I moved. Blackbelt helped me stand up and had me put my arm around him for support. We reached his jeep, and I saw that Erick was already there. I got into the back and was silent the entire way home. When we got to the pack house, I slowly walked to mine and Caleb’s room. I fell down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for I don’t know how long.

Caleb’s P.O.V.

                While Star, Celine, Emma, and I were bowling, I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. My wolf was telling me something was wrong with Jonas. I really wanted to go home, but my best friend had me stay at the bowling alley. After the 3 game, I finally had enough. I won all the games, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Jonas. As soon as we got back to the pack house, I ran into Jonas’ and mine room. I saw him laying on his back with his hands under his head. He was only in his boxers, and he didn’t even budge when I walked in.

                “Hey Babe. How was your night?” I waited about 10 seconds, but he didn’t respond. At first I thought he was sleeping, but when I straddle him I saw he was awake. It looked like he had been crying. “Jonas, what’s wrong? Why have you been crying? Please tell me.” I looked down at his chest and I saw a hickey. I’m 100% sure I did not give him a hickey. Anyways, I wouldn’t give him a hickey where everyone can see when he wears his V-neck shirts. I instantly jumped to the worse possible conclusion- he cheated on me.

                “I got…ra-ra-raped. Please don’t hate me.” Jonas just whispered and he started crying. I pulled him up so he was sitting. I just hugged him and didn’t let go. I knew something was wrong with him. I had to know everything that happened.

                “Babe, I could never hate you. I hate the person that did this to you. I will kick their ass. Will you tell me what happened? You need to get it out of your system. Por favorbebé? Te quiero.” He gulped and nodded his head. The next thing i knew, i was beating a girl’s ass.

________AUTHOR’S NOTE_______________

It was Jonas’ bachelor’s party when he was at the strip club. This was a very ahrd chapter for me to write, but i had to get over it. Hope everyone enjoyed it. <3. C.S.

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