Devil Vampires

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Devil Vampires

Caleb's P.O.V.

          Once Jonas got back from his vacation, everything felt like it was perfect. All until 3 weeks passed. I started to wonder why everything happened to Sam and our pack. I was furious when Jonas told me about it.

          "So babe, I have to tell you something that you might get mad at. There is a vampire army that wants to get rid of Sam." Jonas said this with his superior sexy voice. I shook vigorously when I realized that Jonas wasn't kidding.

          "WHY IS IT ALWAYS SAM THAT ATTRACTS OUR NATURAL ENEMIES?" I screamed this out at the top of my lungs. Jonas tried to calm me down, but it didn't work. I ran out of the house and morphed into my wolf. I couldn't control my anger in my human form, so I had to escape. I took a run to clear my mind and calm me down.

          I finally got home and was ready to talk. I found out that Jonas already told Sam about what would happen. This made me sure not to flip out again. "J, can you please talk to me in detail about this chaotic happening?"

          Jonas was hesitant at first, but finally spoke. "The vampire army was created to get rid of Sam. The leader of all the clans in the world decided that she knew too much. The leader is Justin, and he also wants to get revenge on me by killing one of my best friends. His mentor Jeff killed my mentor George 13 years ago. We were on vampire territory looking for Jeff to make a treaty about not killing mortals. Jeff was hidden and shot George with vampire venom which instantly started to kill George. George told me to keep his back, but I became distracted with a squirrel because I was so new to being a wolf. Within 3 minutes, George died from the venom. I tried to save him, but he couldn't have been saved. He died in my arms, and I felt like I needed to get revenge. Once I became strong enough, I was the alpha of the pack. I led my pack to kill Jeff in front of his clan. Justin was the vampire who had Jeff as a mentor. We will kill these bastards and not lose anyone. Do you understand everything?"

          Once Jonas was done talking about the experience he had with vampires he seemed stronger. It was like he became more confident with each word. I was taking everything in, and forgot to answer Jonas until I felt his warm hand on my shoulder. "Ah! Yes I understand. When are we going?"

          "We're going now. You are to stay with me the entire time and not get out of my sight. I don't want anything to happen to you." With that said, Jonas passionately kissed me before we ran off to Sam's house.

          There was fighting for 2 hours until the final vampire died. The last vampire to die was Justin. He snuck up on me, but Jonas jumped on him and ripped his head off. It was so violent, but yet at the same time so graceful. I was so glad at the end of the night.

          We went home and went to bed. I had dreams about the vampire army. I woke up in a cold sweat and clutched to Jonas' chest. He was rubbing my back and lightly kissing my head. I looked at the clock. It was 7:30 in the morning. I realized that today was the day we left for the party. It was a 4 day trip to get to El Paso, Texas. I would be in a tough spot for one of the days.

          Jonas had to put up with me and one of my flashbacks. He saw everything so vividly too. It was too painful for words.

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