NetGameSaga -Alpha Test- (END)

By ShiningHatsya

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Level 00: Prologue
Level 01: Sign-up
Level 02: Login
Level 03: Party
Level 04: Away From Keyboards
Level 05: Couple Run
Level 06: Social Life
Level 07: Raid Dungeon // Team Hatsya
Level 09: Countdown for 1st World Boss
Level 10: World Boss ~ Les-Skaly ~
Level 11: Cash Shop
Level 12: Gaming and Daddies
Level 13: Reapers
Bonus 01: +13 Master's Gibberish Instruction Rod of the Shining Star
Level 14: Temptation of Booster
Level 15: Be Careful with My Heart (FULL EPISODE!)
Level 16: Crawling Chaos
Level 17: Attack on Mandurugo (FULL EPISODE)
Level 18: Red Flag (UPDATED!)
Level 19(.5) [FINAL!] : Personal Messages
Level 19.6 or ALPHA TEST FINALE: End-Game Potentiality

Level 08: Raid Dungeon // Team Rennin

102 4 0
By ShiningHatsya

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Site\Manang Abe’s Bakery>

At the same hour as Hatsya's team...

Ren and Roy finished eating their snacks, then Roy opened up his notebooks for assignments. However, they don’t have assignments for that day, so Ren enticed,

“Roy, let’s play NOAH?”

Roy nodded, and the two went to their respective rooms in the tenement.

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Site\Mang Mario’s Internet Cafe>

Many of the patrons playing NOAH in his internet cafe are boys, and some middle-aged topless men. While the patrons are so engrossed in playing the game, a curly-haired tan-skinned topless patron asked the crowd in raised, attention-grabbing voice,

“Who’ll come to the Forest TGH? There are lots of loot in it! Find me as Tsong Wally in KS (Kanpeki Sekai)”

“TGH? What’s that?” the long-haired girl wearing white, black-accented personalized headphones asked a fellow player beside her.

“Ann, it means Terrans Go Home, it’s a name of a dungeon in the Forest of Rocks” answered by her classmate donning long twin tail hairstyle.

“So what? Form a party with me, Andrea?” Ann enticed.

“Sure!” Andrea answered.

Unexpectedly, three girls came inside the cafe, and they happened to be Ann’s and Andrea’s classmates and guildmates. The group comprised of one girl with short hair with short twin ponytails, the other girl has short bobcut hair, and has a rabbit pendant, and the other one has short hair with side-swept fringe, and with twin short curly ponytails.

“Hey Shinki Girls!” hollered by the curly-haired topless patron.

The three girls dubbed as the Shinki Girls group waved at the guy who greeted them.

Online:\Brygul Planet\Walled Metropolis “Kanpeki Sekai”>

Ann’s and the rest of the Shinki Girls group’s avatars warped at the central park. Ann’s avatar is named Arnval, a pale-skinned cheery anime version of herself donning long blonde hair, winged headphones, beige school blazer and navy argyle skirt. Andrea’s avatar on the other hand named AobaAnoaAndrea. She donned her proud baby blue twin-tailed hairstyle, sky blue white-streaked wifebeater shirt, denim daisy dukes, and blue rubber shoes. The third member, named Estorille, of the Shinki Girls was a spunky girl with short pink bobcut hair, wearing pink cycling overalls, and pink short boots with neon red glowing streaks. The fourth member, named ClaraEukrante, also had pink hair with short ponytails, and she wore purple blouse, beige red-streaked mid-length shorts, and white shin-high boots with purple straps. Finally, the fifth member, named Vitulus0314, wore a black and white noble gown, and armed with a star-tipped magic wand.

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Site\Sinagtala Tenements>

Roy hurriedly placed his bag and his drawing envelope on his bed, then rushed towards his mid-tier desktop computer. His phone rang, and received a text message from someone named Clara,

Roy, we’re at KS park, and we’ll raid the Forest of Rocks!

Roy’s computer booted up though it went unexpectedly sluggish. Roy cussed at himself,

“My freakin’ bad! I forgot to clean this guy last Sunday! So much for me for anticipating NOAH!”

Outside Roy’s room, his mom exclaimed,

“Who are you talking to, Roy?’

“Nah, it’s only me. I just reminded myself about maintaining the computer, mom!” Roy yelled.

“We’ll eat dinner once dad comes home, okay?”

“Okay mom!”

Finally, his computer made it to the desktop interface. He quickly drove his mouse pointer towards NOAH’s game icon, and quickly clicked it twice until an outdated antivirus software notification popped out right in front of NOAH’s splash screen.

“Damn it! You should have come later, you freakin’ program!” Roy cussed at his inanimate desktop computer again.

He dragged the obscuring pop-up below the desktop, and proceeded to the game. Meanwhile at Ren’s room, he was able to log-in to the game at ease...

Online:\Brygul Planet\Walled Metropolis “Kanpeki Sekai”>

Arnval and the Shinki Girls finally welcomed Rennin and Roy-kun in the park. Arnval opened her party for the present Shinki Girls, then she included the two boys. Unexpectedly, a semi-realistic human male dressed in generic SWAT uniform, and armed with a shiny black sniper rifle resembling M700, and a toddler-sized bunny humanoid dressed like a huntress approached Arnval.

“Can we also join your party?” asked by the SWAT operative avatar named DerekHit.

The Lepusapien huntress, named Maryann, even hugged Arnval’s legs tight, weeping at her knees.

“All right, we’ll add you, DerekHit and Maryann” Arnval affirmed.

The two newcomers were accepted to the Shinki party. ClaraEukrante suddenly announced to the party,

“Chesa will be with us later, she attended some volleyball practice”

“So, we’ll go to the raid dungeon without her?” Estorille asked.

“Y-yeah, though as long as she’s still in our party, she can barge into the dungeon anytime” ClaraEukrante answered.

Estorille and others sighed in relief. Arnval and her party then moved outside the Walled Metropolis.

In the midst of opportunistic merchants and chatters in the park, the notorious avatar named AushMariano420 is back. He kept his same long face, and he donned white cloak that he snagged from a skeleton monster from a haunted starship crash site.

“Grandmaster, you’ll have your day too. This world of yours won’t be flawless forever!” mumbled by the white-cloaked avatar.

Behind AushMariano420, a familiar character came back as well, named Neruto. The nefarious face-defiling personality glanced at Neruto and asked,

“What made you come back to this game?”

“That one guy who banned the hell out of me!”

“Who is it?” AushMariano420 asked, then grinned at Neruto.

“H-Hatsu... errr... Iota?” Neruto tried to remember his assailant.

“Whoever that is, we’ll find a way to give this game a train wreck” AushMariano420 snickered.

The two hackers followed the rest of the parties rushing to the holographic tree outside the city. While following the groups, Neruto talked to the face-stealer,

“What’s your job anyway, Aush?”

“Me?” AushMariano420 obliviously asked.

He snickered at him for a moment and answered,

“Well, I’m that bad Photoshopping guy that gets featured often on 9GAG, MemeCenter, MyFriendBook, and Fotoshop4Lulz”

“So you are that jerk behind the spoofed Sword Artz, Psycho-Passed, Iron Man, and even on our cheesy Filipino drama flicks, huh?” Neruto verified, with a mad glare at Aush’s eyes.

“Huh? Yeah, I’m that jerk, Neruto” AushMariano420 answered with distaste.

Out of the blue, hundreds of fellow players surrounded Neruto and AushMariano420. They all begged for Aush Mariano’s autographs and fansigns, in spite the fact they’re all in an online universe, not in YouTube or any other video streaming site that Aush Mariano go to. The infamous memetic photoshopper sighed in dismay, and snarled at his fans,

“Sons of hussies, we’re at NOAH. Where and how in the hell I’ll sign autographs on you guys?”

Neruto bravely jabbed AushMariano420’s nose, kicked his crotch and bellowed at him,

“What the hell man! What the hell! You’re worse than Marian Rivera, Aush!”

Many of Aush’s fans were stunned at Neruto’s action against their favorite personality. Some of the fans approached the downed internet clown and began breaking down his bones.

“YOU DON’T DO THAT TO ME!” AushMariano420 wailed at his fans, and to Neruto.

AushMariano420 mysteriously threw his angered fans away with a shockwave.

“Damn it, our idol’s a hacker too huh!” haphazardly announced by one of his abandoned fans.

The mad internet personality approached his rebelling fan and choked him to submission.

“Go ahead and cry that loud, you freak!” AushMariano420 threatened the fan.

Among the crowd, a red-haired caped game moderator walked towards the offender and shot him with a GM-ranked revolver on its chest. The red-haired game moderator uttered,

“AushMariano420, you are banned for the last night’s orchestrated hacked spawn camping, and for today, harassment of your beloved fans”

“Really?” AushMariano420 snarled at the red-haired moderator named Rockson.

“Yeah really!” GM-Rockson yelled, then he shot the offender’s head.

Unfortunately, Neruto clubbed GM-Rockson’s left leg and dragged AushMariano420 elsewhere. The two offenders logged out mysteriously without any warping animation triggered. GM-Rockson phoned Lisanna and the Grandmaster,

“Seems that used a foreign hacking tool to leave without leaving any tangible data of theirs eh?”

“Hmmm... I suspect that it could be their own variant of Hotspot Shield” Lisanna intervened.

“Hotspot Shield?” GM-Rockson asked.

“Yea, but first log off now, we’ll have a meeting about that tomorrow” Lisanna commanded GM-Rockson.

GM-Rockson told the people to calm down, and then he logged out.

Online:\Brygul Planet\Forest of Rocks>

Arnval asked her party if they have sufficient amount of curative items, and if they have repaired their gear for the upcoming raid. The whole party is prepared for the raid, and they finally touched the holographic tree, to be taken to the alternate world.

Online:\INSTANCE DIMENSION\Forest of Rocks ~Go Home Terrans!~ >

The Shinki party ended up in the same location, right beside the giant sequoia tree. DerekHit brought out his black N700 Sniper Rifle, and surveyed the area. He saw five Ursapanzers eating grasses around them.

“Psst... Someone really has to tank these guys” DerekHit spoke to AobaAnoaAndrea.

AobaAnoaAndrea sighed and grumbled, “Damn, it sucks that many of us are not tankers!”

Vitulus0314 stood beside DerekHit, and unexpectedly, Roy-kun and Rennin rushed to the armed pack of armored bears. The Ursapanzers’ turrets aimed at the two brave melee avatars and fired at them. Roy-kun dodged the first shot with a side-dash. He uttered “[Vacuum Slash]!”, then swung his sword upward, and unleashed a raging curved blade-shaped projectile towards the first mob. The first Ursapanzer growled in pain, as the vacuum slash projectile struck its head, and it quickly fired back at Roy-kun. Surprisingly, Estorille blocked the attack with her pink motorbike mount. The pink-haired biker reminded Roy-kun,

“You gotta need some speed, man!”

Estorille the biker girl brought out her anti-tank rifle with bayonet attachment, and fired one shot to the same target. The first Ursapanzer suffered heavy bleeding damage due to limited armor-piercing ammunition loaded at her rifle. Arnval yelled at DerekHit,

“Derek, cover Vitulus at all costs! Let no Panzer reach her!

DerekHit set himself to prone position, and granted him accuracy bonus for his next ranged attacks. He shot at the second Ursapanzer’s head, but it fired back and obviously missed DerekHit. Rennin finally ended the first Ursapanzer’s life with a stab at its throat with his dagger.

“I really need a decent weapon against these guys!” Ren demanded.

ClaraEukrante flew towards Rennin and dropped a pair of twin rods towards him. He grabbed the twin rods and immediately learned few moves for the said weapon. The pink-haired winged human avatar, and the blue-haired girl in an aerial mount gunned the rest of the bears down. The Ursapanzers cannot attack anyone flying, and in non-standing positions due to their limited turret range. Rennin yelled at the flying girls,

“Dang! That’s unfair, and I don’t remember many of the games allowing mounts in dungeons like this!”

“Noah’s trying to be different, and it is a logical choice for we are in a forest, not in a dungeon, Rennin” AobaAnoaAndrea replied, as she carefully fire her guns at the bears’ turrets with her dual submachine guns.

The turrets mounted on the bears were destroyed, allowing the rest of the members defeat them with ease. Maryann and Rennin attacked the last surviving Ursapanzer. Rennin launched the last Ursapanzer to the air, and Maryann jumped towards the helpless Ursapanzer and she repeatedly slit the throat of the unarmed creature. After their battle, all of them obtained extra healing potions, some bear claws, bear fur and a handful of bear fangs and cannon shells for cannon users. Estorille unexpectedly obtained the Ursapanzer’s armor and one of their cannons. The pink-haired biker girl wore the armor pieces and equipped the Ursapanzer cannon. However, a piece of Ursapanzer armor melded on Estorille’s forearms, forming a large armguard on on both arms. After obtaining the item drops, Arnval, their party leader, commanded DerekHit,

“Go forward, Derek and tell us our next targets!”

“You command like this is a real thing, Arnval! Chillax please!” DerekHit complained.

DerekHit and Vitulus0314 headed forward, and hid behind the rocks. The SWAT sniper avatar peered through his sniper scope for enemies in the next area. DerekHit informed the rest of the party,

“They’re armored humans, and they can take you down even in mid-air. Change tactics, girls!”

The Shinki girls, and the rest of the party nodded at DerekHit’s orders. DerekHit started aiming at the heads of the Neo-Russian Armored Marines. Some of the armored marines fired back at him, and then ClaraEukrante brought out her handguns. She performed a side-way somersault to the left and fired her dual handguns on the marines in spite of their defense. Estorille went to a nearby rock, hid herself behind it and tried to fire back with her anti-tank rifle. The pink-haired girl cussed, after finding out dwindling ammunition supply.

“Oh crap, I only have 150 AP bullets left!”

“Then stop firing! If you are brave enough, go poke ‘em with the bayonet!” Arnval yapped at her fellow party member.

“Derek, how many bullets do you still have?” Estorille asked, while in cover.

“550 rifle bullets, and they won’t fit on your anti-tank rifle!” DerekHit snarled.

Due to Estorille’s distraction, DerekHit’s attacks instead landed on the necks of the Neo-Russian marines. Rennin, Roy-kun, and Maryann bravely rushed towards the armored marines. Roy-kun dashed towards the marine and performed a null-element rising slash. While mid-air, Rennin performed a spiral spin onto the marine, inflicting multiple gradually-increasing damage onto the marine, and he ended it with a cross strike. The final strike knocked the marine down, and then Rennin landed on its belly. Rennin praised,

“Nice one, Roy-kun!”

Roy-kun performed an approve gesture on Rennin until the other marine managed to shoot Roy-kun’s knee. Vitulus0314 immediately healed Roy-kun, and even cast him a defense-boosting Ether spell. Maryann dashed towards the other marine and stabbed the marine’s neck.

“Heh!” Maryann grinned.

“I... I can’t believe that a young girl’s playing that bunny thief!” Arnval uttered.

“I ain’t playing paper dolls nor Candy Crush all day!” Maryann affirmed, as she stole the downed marine’s ammunition.

While Maryann’s busy getting items from the downed enemies, a lone marine attempted to shoot her.

“Behind you, Maryann!” Rennin warned the bunny thief.

The marine aimed his rifle on Maryann’s nape, until Rennin got into the enemy’s line of fire. The boy with twin sticks zipped towards the enemy and thrusted its sticks onto the target’s belly ignoring defense. However, after his armor-breaking blow, the marine shot Rennin’s chest. Vitulus0314, DerekHit and others rushed towards Rennin to save him from bleeding death caused by the enemy’s attack. Vitulus0314 casted Heal spell on Rennin’s chest shot, and restored its hit points. Maryann rushed towards the boy who took the bullet, and hugged him tight. Maryann, the bunny thief, wept at her savior.

“Rennin, I’m sorry... I’m too easy-going for party dungeon raids like this...”

“Well, since we don’t have tankers yet, I took that role for now. There’s nothing to worry about, Maryann” Rennin replied to Marian, and attempted to calm her down.

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Site\”Internetan ng Sinagtala”>

In the competing computer center, which is few paces away from Mang Mario’s establishment, a short bespectacled girl with twin short ponytails, is seen playing NOAH as the bunny thief named Maryann. One of the fellow internet cafe patrons insulted the girl,

“You should be playing paper doll Flash games instead, Marian!”

Marian ignored the patron’s insulting advice and kept playing NOAH. A girl with silky black neck-length ponytail came to the internet cafe and told the owner to let her play beside Marian.

“Okay Chesa, anyway the guy next to Marian’s about to log-out” the internet cafe owner informed Chesa, the girl with black neck-length ponytail.

“I’m sorry if I came late, I have English extemporaneous speech practice in class a while ago, Marian” Chesa apologized for the delays.

“It’s okay, we’ve been waiting for you, and Rennin became our acting tanker while you’re away, Chesa” Marian replied with acceptance and light of hope beamed through her words.

“Boris, time’s up!” the internet cafe owner informed the boy beside Marian.

The boy beside her named Boris left his terminal, and handed down his payment to the owner. Then Chesa sat beside Marian and logged into NOAH as StrarfShine. StrarfShine’s avatar is a sky blue-haired anime-styled gynoid donning black and gray-streaked bodysuit. Her avatar’s armed with black steel warhammer named “Griva”.

“Wow Chesa, seems your avatar isn’t really tanker-looking to me” Marian commented.

“No big deal about it, Chesa. In fact, I’m trying to deceive PVPers with her looks, and she can swing ‘em away with Griva” Chesa defended her avatar’s form.

Online:\INSTANCE DIMENSION\Forest of Rocks ~Go Home Terrans!~ >

Maryann ran towards her fellow party members and exclaimed, “Chesa’s coming!”

Arnval and others glanced at Maryann due to the surprising news. DerekHit unfortunately went ahead and scouted the next area. He found something off with the map, and called Arnval to take a look from a distance. The map where the Ursakommander reside have two broken buildings, and worse, new enemies were added to the mix.

“Okay, I’m seeing Neo-Russian snipers, and a-” DerekHit mentioned his findings until he found something really off.

It turned out that they’ll be dealing with two boss-type monsters due to the unexpected inclusion of a large heavily-armored mutant bear that appeared to be haphazardly kit-bashed with a T-90 Russian tank.

“What the heck! From the last time I’ve read about this map, many of them didn’t encounter this part! They only dealt with the Ursakommander!” DerekHit cussed with utter denial.

Unexpectedly, Eden spoke all over the game’s universe,

“As the classic saying, ‘the more, the merrier’. Remember that if you come to any raid dungeon in large groups, the game willfully change some elements to enrich your raiding experience. To be honest, it’ll be unfair to others who come in small parties to engage large numbers of mobs, unless I decided to radically change this to a KOEI-grade game”

“So, this means that... If we go in smaller numbers, the enemies will be fewer and the difficulty is matched according to our levels, right?” Arnval asked the omnipotent Eden.

“PRECISELY!” Eden exclaimed with joy.

The omnipotent artificially-intelligent game master added,

“Let me see how will your power of friendship work in these stages huh?”

Eden laughed and he ceased speaking afterwards.

Ursapanzer Kapitan, the large mutant bear with a T-90 tank on top of its body roared loud. The giant armored bear began turning its turret for finding targets. DerekHit focused his rifle to the large tank bear and it turned out that creature counted as two mobs. He exclaimed to his aerial combatants,

“Clara! Arnval! AobaAnoa! You three shall destroy the T-90 turret part of the bear!”

Arnval may have been impressed with DerekHit’s observations but something’s off about her party, she thought,

“All right, I’m the leader here, but he’s stealing my thunder! To begin with, this is supposed to be an all-girls Busou Shinki fanclub party, until we started including boys! What have I done now???”

The leader of the Shinki Girls party, Arnval, looked at DerekHit and replied,

“Okay, if that’s the best way of dealing with that creature! B-but how about the snipers everywhere, and worse, the bear man himself!”

“Hmm... I’ll cover you then!” DerekHit affirmed, and then he started taking down the snipers within his range.

All of a sudden, Rennin, and Roy-kun approached DerekHit and Rennin begged,

“How about us taking down the snipers instead? Save your bullets for the boss. We can do this!”

DerekHit was speechless due to the bravery of his fellow members. The two melee attackers went first to the first building to deal with the snipers...

At the first building, Rennin and Roy-kun hid behind the wall. Rennin peered for a moment and seen five lightly-armored Neo-Russian snipers in the first floor, hiding behind the broken walls, ready for ambush. Roy-kun immediately dashed towards the first sniper in sight and thrust his wooden katana to the target’s chest and upon impact, the sniper was violently knocked towards the wall. Due to impact of the thrust and being knocked back to a wall, the target died in an instant, as if a jolt of electricity struck its heart. The young, dashing, anime-like wooden sword-wielding teenager pilfered the sniper’s remaining ammunition and grabbed his rifle as well. It turned out that he looted an enhanced sniper rifle capable of dealing extra anti-armor damage.

“Can you not be flashy, Roy-kun?” Rennin asked Roy-kun, after seeing his deadly blow.

“Nope. That’s the only way that it can kill in an instant” the wooden sword-wielding lad defended his action.

Rennin rushed towards the second sniper and he thrust both of his wooden kalis to the second sniper’s chest. The enemy wasn’t able to retaliate back due to the jolting damage to his chest, in spite of its armor. Rennin ended its life with a one-two strike at its neck, and with a strong high kick to the head.

“You also did the same, Rennin! Now, do you have any decent idea to deal with other troops?” Roy-kun complained.

“Use their rifles then!” Rennin replied the obvious.

The two sheathed their melee weapons and dealt with the remaining snipers with the looted rifles. Roy-kun asked, while he aimed his rifle to the third sniper’s head.

“I’m sure you’ve played BD-Strike before, Ren eh? Hope this will be easy for you!”

“Yup, good thing that the battle mechanics of both an RPG and a shooter came along so well, Roy-kun!” Rennin affirmed.

The third sniper died without any retaliation, but the last two snipers around them were alerted. Both of their adversaries have their guns pointed at their heads. Rennin quickly shot the fourth sniper’s nose, while Roy-kun nailed the fifth sniper’s left eye even though it had a faceplate. After dealing with the first floor snipers, Rennin looted their remains for ammunition and possibly good gear. So far, Rennin obtained two stacks of 100-round rifle bullets, eight Neo-Russian Military emblems, three unidentified anima chips for different costume parts, and a teddy bea. The two rushed to the second floor and found another five snipers looking for potential targets.

“Roy-kun, Rennin, what’s going on there!” DerekHit radioed the two.

“We’re doing fine, apparently taking down snipers with their own weaponry!” Roy-kun answered.

“Good, don’t forget to loot their ammunition and give ‘em all to me” DerekHit ordered Roy-kun.

The two quickly gunned down the second set of snipers’ heads, and then they looted for more ammunition for Derek’s use. Rennin obtained three small high explosive pipe bombs from one of the snipers’ bodies.

“Hey, Aoba and her flying friends can throw these bombs away on the second building” Rennin suggested.

“You found pipe bombs? Great job!” DerekHit praised Rennin.

Rennin and Roy-kun fled back to the party’s hiding place and handed all the collected ammunition to DerekHit, and the pipe bombs were given to the flying girls namely ClaraEukrante, Arnval, and AobaAnoaAndrea.

“Now we all go all out on them, right, Derek?” Arnval asked.

DerekHit nodded at Arnval, then their whole party rushed to the final portion of this raid.

The Ursapanzer Kapitan suddenly greeted the whole party with a powered tank shot. ClaraEukrante, Arnval, and AobaAnoaAndrea immediately flew upward. The three girls began gunning down the exposed turret operator on top of the Ursapanzer Kapitan. However, the turret operator also fought back by spraying lead on them using the mounted heavy machine gun. The main gun on the other hand fired another shot onto Estorille, but it missed due to Estorille’s high speed. Regrettably, AobaAnoaAndrea suffered most of the heavy machine gun shots that it destroyed her flying Ride-Viper mount.

“You didn’t tell me that they are capable of killing our mounts, Derek!” AobaAnoaAndrea yelled at DerekHit, while falling from the sky.

While mid-air, she drew her dual laser pistols and attempted to gun down the snipers, but she was only able to nail two of it. She suffered fall damage unfortunately due to head-first collision to the ground.

“AobaAnoa’s dying!” Arnval exclaimed to her party members, while evading the turret’s anti-air attacks.

Vitulus0314 moved to the empty building and tried healing AobaAnoaAndrea from a distance. ClaraEukrante threw her pipe bomb onto the other building to eliminate snipers residing inside, and continued taking down the mounted anti-air turret.

Meanwhile on the ground, Rennin, Roy-kun, Maryann, Estorille and DerekHit were fighting the Ursakommander and the Ursapanzer Kapitan at the same time. Estorille and Rennin dealt with the mutated bear boss, while Roy-kun, Maryann and DerekHit concentrated their attacks to the giant humanoid bear.

“The Ursakommander also has anti-air turrets! Be careful!” DerekHit warned as he kept gunning down the eyes of the hulking humanoid bear.

Roy-kun and Maryann climbed their way to the Ursakommander’s head, then the bunny thief used some of her Ether to magically produce orb bombs while on top of the monster’s shoulder. She immediately pitched her orb bombs onto the left ear of the giant humanoid bear, and the other bomb is sent to one of the anti-air laser turrets. Roy-kun made it to the monster’s right shoulder and he damaged the mounted anti-air laser turret with the Vacuum Slash sword skill. However, due to Maryann’s orb bombs, the Ursakommander is convulsed by explosions, and made the two fall back to the ground.

As for the Ursapanzer Kapitan, Estorille positioned herself in front of the shaken Ursakommander, and the giant turret-mounted bear fired its main gun to Estorille, but instead, it damaged the right shin of the giant humanoid bear. The anti-air laser turrets suddenly started firing on the giant bear’s turret, thus accidentally helping the players in defeating both bosses. While the main gun’s busy fighting the Ursakommander due to a monster in-fighting programming, Rennin and Estorille began attacking the Ursapanzer Kapitan’s bare parts. The pink-haired biker girl wasted many of her anti-tank bullets on the head of the offending creature, while Rennin began attacking its legs. The surviving aerial attackers threw another pipe bomb on top of the bear’s turret, effectively taking down the anti-air heavy machine gun.

However, the surviving snipers gained chance to attack the whole party by shooting at the legs of the player avatars. Rennin and Estorille were shot at their calves, rendering them immobile in short period of time. Since Estorille had her anti-tank rifle on, she kept firing on the head of the Ursapanzer Kapitan. The offending giant bear violently swiped Rennin away from Estorille, and it stomped on Estorille’s legs.

“Vitulus! Eukrante! Help!!!” the downed biker girl screamed for help painfully.

AobaAnoaAndrea gunned down the bear’s offending leg, and she dragged Estorille away from the violent creature. Rennin finally recovered from the raging swipe, and went back to finish the bear off. Vitulus0314 healed Estorille and the rest of the party members, then she buffed the rest of the members with her stat-raising spells. While Vitulus0314 tried to cast all the buffs to DerekHit, two of the snipers got DerekHit, with two consecutive head shots.

“Derek’s down! Derek’s down!” Vitulus0314 panicked.

Their healer in white and black gown opened her skill sets and found out that her resurrection spell can be unlocked once her skill set usage reached Lv5, and she was 18% away to level it up.

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I wish I could have grinded this earlier!” Vitulus0314 cussed at herself due to the lacking spell.

Arnval and others rushed towards the emptied building and started to rethink their strategies due to the sudden situational change. In the nick of time, Chesa’s StrarfShine arrived to the scene, and hollered at the demoralized Shinki party,

“I’m already here, guys! Let’s end this crap then!”

Arnval and others stood up and she spoke about their strategy,

“We’ve lost our resident sniper, yet we are able to take down their supporting mobs, and some parts of those crazy bears. All we gotta do is split up and end them altogether!”

“Sounds like a decent plan, Arnval. Roll out!” StrarfShine approved her leader’s plans.

The Shinki party brought out their ranged weapons and tried finishing off the tank bear boss with everyone hitting the head of the said creature. However, Estorille broke the plan again by going out on her own with her motorbike mount, and went to the other building where the rest of the Neo-Russian snipers take cover.

At the other building, Estorille drove inside, and performed a drive-by shooting at the snipers with her spare pistol. One of the Neo-Russian mobs even yelled at her, and aimed the gun on her chest,


The sniper unfortunately died first due to Estorille’s head shot, then she reported to the rest of the team,

“I cleared the first floor of the other building! Have fun with the big baddies!”

“Got it, check for other surviving mobs just in case!” Arnval replied, while gunning down the main gun of Ursapanzer Kapitan in mid-air.

AobaAnoaAndrea, and ClaraEukrante began crippling the creature’s legs with their firearms again.

As for the Ursakommander, Roy-kun, Maryann, and StrarfShine climbed their way to the humanoid bear’s head.

“Maryann, keep bombarding the bear’s head, while we take down the turrets, okay?” StrarfShine commanded the bunny thief.

Maryann the bunny thief smiled at them and produced another set of orb bombs to be wasted on the Ursakommander’s head. The two swordsmen, Roy-kun and StrarfShine, finally destroyed the two mounted turrets with repeated tornado slashes, and leaped back to the ground for prepared explosion. Moments after falling to the ground the Ursakommander suffered severe damage, and rendered him blindly raged. The humanoid bear boss began waving his Tesla Rapier towards the party members blindly, in hopes of even swiping one of them with its electrified sword. Arnval flew in front of the angered humanoid bear and she gunned him down with her rifle, then the boss got her attention.

“Everyone, to the other bear!” Arnval commanded the rest of her party members.

The whole Shinki party surrounded the other bear boss, and rendered the creature a sitting duck due to its dead legs. The angered Ursakommander lunged its electrified rapier towards the Shinki group, but at split-second, everyone dodged the bear’s weapon.

The Ursakommander impaled the Ursapanzer Kapitan’s head instead, killing it permanently.

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Site\Mang Mario’s Internet Cafe>

Ann, Andrea, and the rest of Shinki Girls players were surrounded by many astounded patrons of Mang Mario’s internet cafe due to their tactic in fighting two bosses. Tsong Wally’s owner praised Ann,

“That’s one great tactic you did there!”

“Ehehehe, it took us a while to realize such strategy, Bart” Ann gladly replied to Tsong Wally’s player, Bart.

“That girl with pink hair in a motorbike also kicked ass, as if she played Grand Theft Auto to master that!” praised by a boy with a buzz-cut hair.

Unexpectedly, Estorille’s player commanded the girls,

“Let’s crack that guy’s skull! Let’s go girls!”

Ann, and the rest of Shinki Girls nodded at Estelle’s command.

Online:\INSTANCE DIMENSION\Forest of Rocks ~Go Home Terrans!~ >

Estorille and others wasted all of their ammunition to the Ursakommander’s head, until StrarfShine headed towards the head of the dying boss and delivered her final blow with her war hammer. All enemies in this dimension are eliminated, all thanks to their teamwork, in spite of some issues caused by some of their members.

Everyone obtained item drops, and leveled up in this raid. Many of them obtained extra ammunition, potions, and even large sums of cash. DerekHit gained another [sniper rifle] ; Rennin obtained the [Tesla Fencer], an unidentified rare-grade anima chip, and fitted blue cotton ribbed shorts ; StrarfShine obtained the epic [Mjolnir Warhammer], even though she came late ; Estorille obtained the [Ursapanzer Kapitan’s missile pack] which turned out to be missing from deployment ; AobaAnoaAndrea obtained an [Ursapanzer Pet egg] ; Arnval obtained a shiny black-handled [wing energy sword] ; Vitulus0314 unexpectedly obtained a [Gatling Lightning spell book], a Resurrection spell book, and ironic to her role, [Animate the Fallen] ; Roy-kun obtained the unexpectedly misplaced [“Hatsukaze” katana] ; Maryann obtained a pair of electric-element [bear claws] that can be wielded as dual katars.

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Site\”Internetan ng Sinagtala”>

Chesa hugged Marian happily and rejoiced,

“Yes! I got the Mjolnir!”

Other patrons playing the same game looked at Chesa’s character inventory and many of them started crying their bids,

“I’ll buy your weapon for 500 pesos!”

“No, I’ll buy it for 1500 pesos!” the other patron at her right offered.

“H-hey, I’ll buy it for 1000 pesos!” the NOAH player behind her offered.

“Nope, you guys better hunt it yourselves!” Chesa grinned at the pesky players.

Offline:\Sinagtala Relocation Site\Sinagtala Tenements>

Roy and Ren went outside their homes and clapped each other’s hands due to their in-game teamwork.

“We both own the rare lightning swords from that monster, eh?” Roy-kun asked.

“Yea, Roy. It all happened due to our friendship online and offline, and of course teamwork!” Ren approved with emanating happiness.

Online:\Undisclosed Location>

Eden brought out a holographic screen, and he smiled at the screen showing the Shinki party’s victory, with the Grandmaster watching them as well. The Grandmaster praised,

“Seems that your dynamic difficulty worked well, and caused our players to pull off different strategies at times of irregularity eh?”

Eden nodded, and he kept staring at the screen. Then he asked the Grandmaster,

“Say, how’s the machinima server proposal?”

“They’re working on it, though they’d like to hear inputs from you, and of course to 100,000 players all over the world” The Grandmaster answered, with both of his arms crossed.

“It’ll be a matter of time, there’ll be people who will do theory-crafting or rather... coming up with numerical and ala-sports coaching tactics to our dungeons. I’ve been waiting for them to go this far, Master” Eden thought to himself as he saw more people clearing the Terrans Go Home raid zone at different party sizes.

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