These Things That We've Done...

By epiconfire

487K 9.9K 2.8K

Sequel to This Time I'll Hang, Close the Door. Summer Quinn has been through a lot. There's been secrets, li... More

These Things That We've Done
Chapter 1. Tell Who What?
Chapter 2. A Celebration
Chapter 3. The Lucky Ones
Chapter 4. Congratulations
Chapter 5. The Best Vacation
Chapter 6. Guess What
Chapter 7. Taking Care Of Things
Chapter 8. By Myself
Chapter 9. Sweet Little Surprise
Chapter 10. Hate To See Your Heart Break
Chapter 11. Sexy Birthday
Chapter 12. Welcome To The World
Chapter 13. The Ocean
Chapter 15. Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 16. Last Night
Chapter 17. River Martinez
Chapter 18. Sunflowers & Tears
Chapter 19. Roses & Goodbyes
Chapter 20. Rock To The Top
Chapter 21. Making Mistakes
Chapter 22. Secrets
Chapter 23. Twitter
Chapter 24. Cheating
Warped Tour 2013
Chapter 25. Marriage Counseling
Chapter 26. Sorry We're Late
Chapter 27. Infinite
Prompts, One Shots, & Imagines *CLOSED*
Chapter 28. Bryan Stars Take Two
Chapter 29. Feel
Chapter 30. Here We Go
Please Read
Chapter 31. Free Now
Chapter 32. Alone
Ignore This
Chapter 33. I'll Take You There
Chapter 34. The Best There Ever Was
Chapter 35. Low
Chapter 36. Déjà Vu
Chapter 37. These Things I've Done
Chapter 38. Sorry
Chapter 39. Satellites
Final Author's Note for TTTWD

Chapter 14. Calm

10.3K 218 57
By epiconfire

A/N: You all probably hate me for all the time lapses. In fact, in this one it's 2015. In real life we're only like 40-45% done with 2013. Oh well. 

Chapter 14. Calm

*January 12, 2015*


No one likes Mondays. Mondays are the most hated week day. Why? Well, for most people it's because they have to go back to school or work after the weekend. For me, it's because I've never felt more pain in my whole entire life. How do people do this? More than once, too! 

"Fuck," I muttered, feeling another contraction coming. "Oh fuck! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

Kellin kissed my sweaty forehead. Gross, but sweet. "Shh… they're almost here. Shh…"

"I will not 'shhhhh'! You don't know what this is like! You'll never know what this is like, you fuck! So don't tell me to calm down!" I basically screamed at him. I'd like to note that Matty, Blu, Jesse, and River were also in the room. Yeah, I'm not that nice am I? At least Scarlett wasn't in the room. She was out in the waiting room with Brittany. Brittany was with CC and Beau. 

He frowned. "I know it hurts, Summer. Just calm down, please?" he whispered. 

I feel like Blu only knows what I'm talking about. When you're about to shove a human, or in my case two, out of your no-no area you cannot calm down. The closest thing to calm is crying. "Kellin, 'bout I kick you in between your legs and then tell you to calm down? You can see how easy it is!" I hissed. 

It was only six hours ago, yesterday evening, when I was alright. I was sitting on the couch, cuddled into Kellin. Blu and CC were in the love seat next to us, holding Beau. River was sitting in a chair across from us with Scarlett, and Matty and Brittany were on the opposite side of the couch with Buddy and Pursie. Our friends came to visit with us since they knew I was due soon. I felt something weird so I went to the bathroom. I quickly found out that my water had broke. I calmly walked back into the living room and said, "So… I was thinking that maybe we should go to the hospital."

"Why?" Kellin had asked. No one had seemed to grasp that my water had fucking broke. 

"I don't know, I just feel like I'd rather have the twins at the hospital instead of on the floor of our living room." I was so calm about it. Sassy and sarcastic, but calm. 

After that we all made our way to a car. It was hard fitting a toddler, a baby, a pregnant woman, two other women, and four men in a car. Luckily I had traded in my corvette for an SUV. On the way to the hospital Kellin called Jesse. Kellin was driving during the call, which wasn't smart, but what else could he do? 

It doesn't really matter now anyways. That was six ours ago, when I was calm. Now I want to punch someone in the neck. I mean, who invented giving birth and having babies? Sex shouldn't be aloud! I swear, if Kellin ever comes close to my southern girl part again I will divorce him. No more kids after the twins! That's a rule. 

"Kellin," I panted. "I want them out of me. Now!" I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see him rub his eyes. I heard him sigh though. I know he's tired. It's two in the morning, he probably wants to go to bed. 

"Jesse, River, can you two go find a nurse? We gotta get them out," Kellin said. 

I didn't open my eyes to see Jesse leave. I didn't open them to watch Matty or Blu walk up to the hospital bed I was in. I didn't even open my eyes when Blu brushed my messy hair off of y sticky forehead. 

"Oh Sum… I know it hurts, but in the end you get two beautiful babies. Don't think about the pain, think about how you've been waiting nine months for these boys. They're almost here, don't worry. Just breathe and wait," Blu cooed quietly. How is it that she can calm me down more than my own husband?

The three of them continued to crowd me, but I was too tired to yell anymore. Not calm, tired. Soon enough River and Jesse walked into the room with the doctor delivering the twins and two nurses. He shooed everyone away from my bed and looked between my legs. I saw the two nurses prepare the leg holder things at the end of the bed. 

"Well," the doctor, Dr. Akans, said, "Summer, you're about ready to have the twins. Two people can stay with you. Chose."

God, they all annoy me. I love them, but I haven't really felt that way in the past six hours. "Kellin," I mumbled. I really wish my mom was hear already. She said she'd try to get to Oregon as fast as she could. As fast as she could apparently isn't fast. "And River." 

"What?! Why not me?" Blu asked. River stuck his tongue out at her. Those two are children, I swear. 

"Because River helped my get into the car while you were busy texting Brenda!"

She scoffed. "Fine! If you need me, I'll be in the waiting room. Come on Matty!" She began making her way to the door. Matty slowly followed her. 

"We won't need you!" Kellin called out with a laugh. 

They shut the door and we began preparing. The nurses each put one of my legs into the holders. I felt so awkward. Anyone could go to the end of the bed at look at my secret place. I'm not saying I see a problem; Kellin is my husband and River is gay. But what if Matty or CC randomly walked in? Eww. I don't even want to think about that. There's a reason no one else but my husband and myself can see it, you know?

River held my right leg while a nurse held my other. Together they pulled them apart even more than they already were. Kellin hand my left hand lovingly and with my right I held onto the rail on the side of the bed. 

"When I say push, you gotta push. Okay?"

I nodded while Kellin answered for me. "She's got it," he said. I don't really, but lets go with it. It's not like I can go back in time and stop Kellin's dick from touching me. It happened and now I deal with it through the pain of pushing two babies out of my vagina. Cool. 

"Alright Summer, push." Ah fuck. 

I followed his orders and pushed. My knuckles turned white, as did Kellin's. "Ow! Fuck," he muttered. At least he didn't say it loudly. I probably would have slapped him silly and yelled at him because this isn't easy. 

"Oh, it hurts!" I gasped, shrieking shortly after. I've never experienced more pain in my whole life. It's unexplainable. The pain is like nothing I've ever felt before. 

"Come on! The baby is almost out," Dr. Akans urged. 

"Deep breaths, babe. Deep breaths," Kellin whispered. 

"Oh God!" I groaned. The sound of crying filled my ears. Suddenly the pain was reduced and the doctor was holding something, cleaning it off and making sure it could breath.

He smiled at Kellin and I. The nurse not holding one of my legs held up a baby wrapped in blankets. Pink blankets. "It's a girl!" he exclaimed. 

I looked up at my husband to see him widely smiling at the baby. He was clearly elated. I was too, even though we thought for sure that she was a he. I guess we're going to have to pick out a new name. I'm not giving my daughter a boy name. 

The nurse handed Kellin the baby. He leaned down with her so I could see too. She had the biggest, bluest eyes, though I knew they were only blue because all newborns have blue eyes. Hopefully they'll stay that way, or she could have two-toned eyes. She also had a little bit of hair, kind of dark like mine. She was tiny, as expected. If I had to describe her in one word it would be beautiful. She's perfect. 

Sadly I didn't make much time to admire her beauty because baby number two was on his, or her, way. Kellin handed the nurse back our girl and once again I was in hell. I was pushing, groaning, crying out in pain, and screaming. The nurse had taken the baby out of the room to get weighed and measured. 

Once again the pain had gone down and crying was present in the room. River smirked at us as he watched the doctor clean the baby. 

I wonder what this one is…


Baby #1 weighed in at six pounds, zero ounces. She measured eighteen inches. Baby #2 weighed in at six pounds and two ounces. Like her sister, she was eighteen inches. The were both in pink blankets and beanies as Kellin and I held them. I held Baby #2. She looked almost exactly like her sis, but her hair was lighter. Baby #1's little bit of hair closer to my color than her daddy's. Baby #2's bit of hair matched Kell's natural blond hair color. Not too blond, like a pretty sandy blond. We both found this weird considering they're supposed to be identical. 

Strangely, we weren't upset that our girls came out as girls. We were just happy they were healthy. Plus, the room for the twins at home could be a boy's or a girl's. We were just upset that we didn't have girl names planned already. All we have are the boy names Allixander and Dallan. I love those names, but I'm not using them on our girls. 

"What about Allixandria?" Kellin asked quietly from a seat next to the bed. He looked up from the baby to smile at me. 

I looked down at the baby in my arms and nodded. I like at name. I didn't want to speak because though we are the only ones in the room, the babies seemed too fragile that even speaking could do something wrong. 

"We could call her Allix or short," he added. "I think the baby you're holding should be named Allixandria."

I giggled a bit. "Why?" I whispered. 

He shrugged, carful with the baby in his arms. "She seems like an Allixandria. Maybe it's the blond hair."

I thought for a second before agreeing. "Okay. Her name is Allixandria. Now what about Baby #1?" I asked. 

He looked down at her, examining her. Her eyes were closed and her hair was covered with a beanie, so you couldn't see many features. But still, he came up with a name. "Della."

I raised an eyebrow. Della? "Really?" It's nice and unique. I like it just as much as I like Allixandria. 

He nodded. "Yeah. Like Dallan, but all girlified. Della." I agreed to that one too. We had first names, but middle names were still needed. "You pick," he said. 

Hmm… I had two names that would work. I think he would like them as well. "Della Rose and Allixandria Iris." Rose because roses are my favorite flowers and they're the flowers we had on our wedding day. I guess you could call roses our flower. Our song is Iris, so that's why I picked Iris. 

Kellin smirked. "Those are beautiful names…"

"Well, they're beautiful girls," I replied. 

A knock on the door made us look up. Before we could protest, since this was a special and private time for the four of us, my mom walked in with Scarlett. Blu followed, holding Beau, and then River came in. Mom, Blu, Scar, and Beau would be the first people (besides nurses, the doctor, River, myself, and Kells) to see Della and Allix. 

My mother smiled at me. It was a mix of an apologetic smile and a proud smile. Why was she apologizing? I bet it was because of how terrible I looked. My hair was in the messiest bun, I wore no makeup, and I looked tired. 

Blu walked towards Kellin and the pink bundle of blankets he held. "Did you guys have-"

"Girls? Yeah," he answered quietly. 

She looked down at Della cuddled into Kellin's chest. "She's precious," she whispered. 

"Oh, I have to see!" my mother exclaimed softly. She moved over to my bedside, Scarlett walking behind her. She's so cute. Mom looked at the baby I held and practically melted. "She's so adorable! You guys think of names?"

Kellin and I both nodded. "Della Rose Quinn Bostwick," he said, using his head to motion to Della. 

I looked down at Allix and said, "And Allixandria Iris Quinn Bostwick."

"Those are great names." River smiled from the end of the bed. 

My mom picked Scarlett up and held her so she could see her new little sister. Mom pointed to the baby and said, "Look Scarlett. It's your little sister." This made Scarlett giggle. I love my girls. 

River moved over to Kellin to have a turn holding Della. Uncle River absolutely fell in love with his niece the second she was in his arms. Blu was busy showing her son his new "cousin" in Rivers arms. I knew that in a minute she would come over to me and show him Allix. That's perfectly okay though. We're all one family. 

I wonder what things will be like with our girls when they're older. It could be crazy in the house and kind of hard on tour. I hope Kellin and I are ready for that. 

"So are you calm now?" Kellin asked. A smirk was playing on his lips, which made me smirk myself. He pulled out his phone to take pictures. 

I nodded. "Yes. Now that the twins are here, I'm calm." I don't think I'll ever be calm with these two, plus Scarlett. Life is a constant bumpy ride. I know all three of the girls are going to make the journey fun, but there is nothing calm about the journey and never will be. 

A/N: Should I keep going with this story or no?

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