picture imperfect

By aquapilot

748 204 48

Travel, love, heart-break. Casual things that occur in the lives of Kat, Claire, Destiny, and River. But wha... More

"Right Here"
"No Biggy"
"The Most Embarrising Thing"
"Doesn't Matter"
"Muscle Spasm"
"Tamato, Tamoto"
"It Takes A Real Hero"
"Who's The Kid"
"My Only Chance"
"Agree To Disagree"
"This Is Gonna Be Epic"
"Story For Our Grandkids"
"All Torn Up"
"Shut Up"
"The Sky Silly"
"Coffee Anyone"
"People Do It All The Time"
"I Don't Feel..I Twerk"
"I'm Fine"
"We All Lost"
"Let Him Go"
"Baby Barakat"
"It Hurts"
"Amazing Bestfriend"
"It's Positive Hardcore Thursday"
"Señor Dimples"
"Mel Bell"
"Good Luck Kiss"
"You Got Two Minutes"
"Forrest Dumb"
"Blue-Headed, Sci-Fi Nerd"
"Everyone Stand Back"
"Last Time I Checked"
"Not Goodbye"
"Watch Me"
"Game On Bitch"
"I'm Not A Kid"
A Thousand Years (More Like 12)

"Please Best Friend"

6 5 0
By aquapilot

~Claire's p.o.v.~

I groaned and sat up clutching my head. "Rise and shine, princess!" I squinted and noticed I was in an unknown bunk. I jumped and hit my head on the top piece, groaning once again. "That was priceless!" The first voice laughed. "I know, right?! Please tell me you got it on video?!" Screams the second. "Hell yeah!" The first one yells. "Boys! Go sit down. I'll be there in a second." I hear them leave and sigh. "I know, they can be too much sometimes." She giggles. I kept my hand over my eyes and cautiously open the curtain to the bunk. "W-who's there?" I felt a hand pull my nimble fingers from my face. "Sweetheart, open your eyes." They chuckle. I slowly opened them to see my mom smiling back at me. "Mommy!" I pulled her in for a tight hug and she laughed. "Still fifteen on the inside, huh?" I giggled and nodded. "Mom? Where exactly am I?" She frowned and sat down. "You don't remember anything?" I shook my head immediately regretting it. "Fucking-" She covered my mouth. "Before you finish that, the boys and Copeland are here." I nodded slowly and climbed over her, out of the bunk. "What bus is this?" She smiled and climbed out. "Pierce the Veil's. We gotta hurry and go to yours before the bus leaves." I rolled my eyes and she pulled me out to the living room/kitchen area. Cope, Liam, and Rowan all hugged me. Well, more or less my legs because of their height. My phone blared a dull ping and I grabbed it.

'Johnnie: Hey beautiful ;)'

I smiled and blushed. "Ooh, who's that?!" I snatched my phone back from Cope and groaned. "Nobody! Geez, for a four-year-old, you act like your a lawyer!" She giggled and skipped to my mom and sat on her lap. "Mommy! Sissy has a boyfriend! Sissy has cookies!" She screamed. I gave a confused look towards the boys. Rowan laughed and sat her on his lap. "It's coodies, C-bee." Her face scrunched up. "What's that?" We all laughed and she joined in, having no clue why. I shook my head and texted Johnnie back.

'Me: Hey ;)'

I really don't know how to respond when people say I'm beautiful. It's just weird to think of myself that way. I don't even know why though. I pulled my long blonde and brunette waves into a messy bun and look at mom. "To my bus!" I picked up the boys and slung them over my shoulder, making plane noises. Sure, they're a little old for that but who cares. It's fun for everyone and I'm bonding with my little brothers. No harm done. I learned to stay young for as long as you possibly can because, once it's gone, it's gone. No going back to change it either. You're stuck with regrets and silly 'I wish I would've's'. Wishful things like that can make a girl go mad. That's why I do this. "Hey, mini Bostwick!" I stopped cold and turned seeing Alex Dorame run up to me. I let go of the boys and pointed to my bus, meeting her halfway. "You know my name's Claire, right?" I giggled. She nods tirelessly. "Yeah, I just like mini Bostwick better." I smirk. "Uh-huh. Anyways, what's up?" She stood up straight and smiled. "I was wondering if you'd want to go get some lunch-"

"No!.." She looked behind me and glared so I turned and saw Johnnie. "What? Why not?" He smiled and wrapped his arm over my shoulder. "I'm taking you to lunch today, silly!" I blushed and let my eyes fall to my feet. "But I wanted to hang out with her today!" Alex whined. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Alex-" She grabbed my arm. "Please, best friend?" I felt guilty on leaving her for Johnnie and she knew that. I wasn't ditching her though. It wasn't like we made plans or anything. I just wanted to hang out with Johnnie on our off-day. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. I pulled her aside and sighed. "I-i'll see you tonight for our sleep-over. Unless, you don't wanna come anymore?" She scoffed. "Of course, i'm coming! It's never a party 'til the gangster arrives!" I rolled my eyes again and chuckled. "Have fun with..Johnnie. " She teases. I shove her playfully. "Shut up! I'll see you tonight on the HD bus?" She smiles. "Yuppies!" I giggled and hugged her walking back to Johnnie. "Ready?" I nod and grab his hand, interlacing our fingers. He blushed and kissed my knuckles. "So, where do you want to go, beautiful?" I felt the heat rise to my cheeks once again. "Um, nearest diner?" He smiled wide, making his lip-rings swing upwards. "Perfect." I smirk. "I know you are, but what am I?" He scoffed. "Don't even get me started. The list is way too long." I frowned. "But I want to hear it!" He rolled his eyes playfully. "Fine. I'll make you a deal.." I grinned and nodded. "..If we play twenty questions then, I'll tell you." I shrugged. "Fair enough."

"No, you have to say deal." He smiled. I chuckled. "You're lucky you're adorable. Deal." We walked to the nearest bench and sat, changing our minds about lunch. "So-" Two girls ran up to us. "Oh my god! It's Johnnie Gilbert and Claire Quinn!" My eyes went to bowling balls as lots of them stopped and ran towards us. I quickly stood and faced him. "Do you trust me?" He looked at the incoming crowd and back at me. "Yeah. Of course." I pulled him up and smiled. "Then I'm going to help you out of here." He grinned and stepped closer. "Oh yeah? How's that?" I looked at the water and back at him. "We have two choices. Jump in the water and swim to the venue across the lake and risk them catching us. Or, we can run on foot to the venue and risk them catching us." He laughed. "So, there's really no other option, huh?" I shook my head and looked him in his eyes. "Run it is then." Without warning, we ran for our lives to the saftey of the venue, thousands of fans chasing behind us. Just the normal, I guess. I've gotta get used to it.


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