picture imperfect

By aquapilot

748 204 48

Travel, love, heart-break. Casual things that occur in the lives of Kat, Claire, Destiny, and River. But wha... More

"Right Here"
"No Biggy"
"The Most Embarrising Thing"
"Doesn't Matter"
"Muscle Spasm"
"Tamato, Tamoto"
"It Takes A Real Hero"
"Who's The Kid"
"My Only Chance"
"Agree To Disagree"
"This Is Gonna Be Epic"
"Story For Our Grandkids"
"All Torn Up"
"Shut Up"
"The Sky Silly"
"Coffee Anyone"
"People Do It All The Time"
"I Don't Feel..I Twerk"
"I'm Fine"
"We All Lost"
"Please Best Friend"
"Let Him Go"
"Baby Barakat"
"It Hurts"
"Amazing Bestfriend"
"It's Positive Hardcore Thursday"
"Señor Dimples"
"Mel Bell"
"Good Luck Kiss"
"You Got Two Minutes"
"Forrest Dumb"
"Blue-Headed, Sci-Fi Nerd"
"Everyone Stand Back"
"Last Time I Checked"
"Not Goodbye"
"Watch Me"
"Game On Bitch"
"I'm Not A Kid"
A Thousand Years (More Like 12)


6 5 0
By aquapilot

~Kellin's p.o.v.~

I sighed and walked out to the side of the bus only to see Katelynn and the guys. Wait,..Katelynn?!  Shit! I forgot we were home for an off-day today! Suprised is a whole new level to what I was feeling. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She turned and frowned. "I have a daughter on this tour you know." She mumbled. "Y-yeah, but, what about the kids?" She glared at me. "I can take care of my own fricken kids, Kellin." I was a little taken back but, I guess you could say I deserved that. "Look, Katelynn, how many times do I have to apologize?! I'm sorry, okay? I just-...i miss you." I sighed as reality slapped me in the face. I was only acting like a dick to everyone because they have someone. It wasn't right. I can't make people feel bad because I do. My job is to make people feel better, not to tear them down. I can't believe I almost gave that up! I can't believe I almost gave Katelynn up! "Okay?" I snapped out of my trance and gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, what?" She chuckled. "I said, find everything out with Sam and we'll see where we go from there, okay?" I smiled widely, happy for a second chance. "C-can I..?" She smiled and rolled her eyes. "Fine, go ahead.." I cautiously stepped over and wrapped my arms around her. She sighed and hugged me tighter. "I miss you, too.." I kissed her hair and soaked in the moment. I tried to pull away but she only hugged me tighter. "Just a little longer, please." She breathed. I gave a curt nod and molded my body with hers once again. I needed this. I need her. "Daddy!" I saw little Cope run up to me and I smiled lifting her up and spinning her around. "Hi, princess!" She giggled crazily and I sat her on my hip. "Daddy! Daddy! Claire's got cookies!" Katelynn bursted out laughing and Cope scrunched up her nose. "Cookies? Um, what type of cookies, baby?" She pointed to the gate to the venue and my eyes followed. Claire was laughing and holding hands with..Johnnie Gilbert. "Shit." Kate and Copeland's eyes went wide and I mumbled a quick 'sorry'. "Can you hold her really quick?" Kate nods and sits down with the adorable little girl I call my own while I texted my other adorable little girl.

'Claire-bare♥: I need to talk to you outside of my bus ASAP!'

I was definitely not ready for this little 'talk' myself. I don't want my little girl to grow up so fast. I barely had enough time to embrace her being my daughter in the first place, now it's time to have this 'talk'?! I don't know if I want to let my little girl go. But I have to and that's what kills me.

~Claire's p.o.v.~
"...and then he said 'I was okay I just needed to piss'. What a  disgusting asshole, right?" Johnnie laughed and I chuckled. "Wow. That guy sounds like a real douche." I groaned tilting my head back. "Tell me about it-"

'Don't wanna be an american idi-'  Johnnie sighed letting go of my hand and grabbed his phone from his pocket.  I giggled watching him struggle for a second before answering. 
Score one: Skinny-Jeans
"Hello?....yeah...yup...well...I told you I had a date with Claire....yes we are still on the date and you're  kinda ruining the moment ya' know....Damon!...yeah, yeah, yeah...okay! Jeez, don't get your Fizzy panties in a twist!...okay..bye." He hung up and I smirked slyly. "What?" I shook my head. "Oh, nothing,..on a date are we?" I tease. He blushed and looked at his Doc Martin's. "W-well..I was...I was just thinking-" 'Take your hand in mine, it's ours ton-'   I took out my phone angrily and saw it was my dad telling me we needed to talk. Seriously, he picks the worst of times to talk! "I'm so sorry, Johnnie. I gotta go. But, what were you saying?" He smiled and shook his head. "N-nothing. It can wait. I gotta go, too, anyway. MDE is doing a Truth or Dare video on the bus. But, uh..i'll catch up with you later?" I nodded vigorously. "Y-yeah, sure!" He kissed my cheek and ran to the back of the venue to his bus. "I'm going to fricken kill, Kellin." I groan and walk to the SWS bus. I wish I could go get some sushi or something from my favorite sushi bar around the corner. I shrugged and made a plan to go with Alex before we leave Michigan. I was happy that I was back home for at least a day of visiting. Luckily it's a day-off too! But, of course I had to pull some strings for that one..don't ask. "Hey, sweetie!" I glanced at mom and Gabe and waved. "Hey. Mom, do you know where Dad went?" She pointed behind the bushes to a small fry shack on the other side. I nodded and hugged them walking around and searching the benches. I seen black hair sticking in all directions with a blonde streak through it. "'Sup, Jack!" He jumped and turned, holding his hand over his heart dramatically. "Relax. You're  fine, ya' big baby. Life's no fun without a good scare." He rolled his eyes and smiled at my Nightmare Before Christmas refrence. "Anywhore, do you know where my dad is?" He shrugged. "Claire!" I spun around and seen Kat. "Hey, Jack-O!" He waved and so did, I still searching for Kellin.  I sighed and looked back at them, giving up searching on my own. "Do you know where my-"

"Over here, Claire-bare!" I laughed when I turned and saw my dad ontop of a table waving his arms crazily. Kat and Jack glared at him and I shook my head. He should really apologize to everyone before they all murder him in his sleep. "Guys, chill. I'll see you later?" I pointed to Kat and she nodded vigourously. "Wouldn't miss it!" She said, referring to the sleep-over. "Great! Bye, Jack!" He hugged me and walked away with Kat. "Hey, Dad. What's up?" He frowned slightly and sat down. "Uh, we need to talk about what I saw earlier." I furrowed my brows in confusion. "O-kay? Go ahead." I ask cautiously, sitting on the other side. He took a deep breath and spoke. "I saw you with Johnnie earlier and-"

"Please tell me you're not gonna give me 'the talk' right now?" I groan. He shrugged sheepishly. "Well, Mom already beat you to it and, trust me, Johnnie isn't like that. He's sweet, and cute, and funny, and-" I snapped out of it and cleared my throat. "Y-you get the point. I wouldn't even want to do anything like that with him. We don't even go out. It was one date." I rolled my eyes. "Ooh a date, huh?" Dad teases, wiggling his eyebrows. "Shut up." I mumbled, a blush creeping to my cheeks. "Okay, okay. I was just making sure. I trust ya', doll. I love you, Claire-bear." I smiled and sat next to him. "I love you too daddy." We hugged and I sighed in content. It's good to know he trusts me. And even though he never apologizes, this was close enough. I was okay with that.

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