Together we make a Family

By morrisonsflwr

11.9K 768 139

Caskett, forever a love story! You would think that way. But it always can be worser. Well, definitely. The m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (last chapter)

Chapter 8

290 17 0
By morrisonsflwr

My alarm went off at 6 AM. Way to early if you ask me. I slowly got up, without waking Rick. I got a quick shower, and brushed my teeth. I let my hair hang natural. And did my make up. I got out the bathroom, and the bed was empty. I woke him up. Ofcourse.

"Hey!" He said and I shocked.

"Jeez! Rick!" I almost screamed.


"Don't do that ever again! You scared the fuck out of me."

"You see dead bodies every day. And you are scared by a "life" body?"

"You serious?"

"No. Ofcourse I am!"

"Rick, they don't scare me because they don't say 'Hi' and they don't hide behind the door. Alive bodies does. Like you!" I said and walked towards the living room.

"I am better be alive than dead."

"Yeah. Way better!"

"Can I make you some breakfast, my lady."

"Don't put that 'English, British' accent in your voice. You know that I hate it."

"That's why I do it."


"Right, but can I make you some breafast?"

"Sure! What have you planned?"


"Why not!" I smiled and he collected all his ingredients. He makes the S'morelettes and I took the newspaper. "Something interesthing?"

"Mh. Can be better." I said, and looked at him. "Why is there never something special, or cool happening in the world?"

"Like your exploded Apartment?"

"Yeah kind of. That's excited. Well not when you're inside. But it's excited when some of that happens." 

"I learned you well!"

"What do you mean Rick?"

"Well last time you have mood changes a lot. From Badass, to Rude. To Kinky, Sexy and now Childlish."

"Don't let me laugh." I laughed.

"Kate this is serious."

"Is it bad?" I asked carefully.

"No, Well yes. But you are great no matter what." He said, putting the S'morelet on my plate in front of me. I smiled at him and began to eat.

"No I am serious, is it that bad? Because you noticed it."

"Espo and Ryan will never figure out."

"They will believe me." I said putting a piecce of S'morelet in my mouth.

"Kate! No. They will not." I laughed. "What's funny?"

"Rick. I was kidding."

"I told you! Mood changes!" I laughed again, and then my phone rang. 

"Beckett?" I picked up. "Where!" Rick looked at me. "Okay, I am on my way. Thanks Espo!" With that I hang up. "Rick I need to go. There has been a murder uptown and maybe the killer is still in the building! Thanks for breakfast By the way."

"Always, and now go!" He said and I runned to the door. "Be carefull! Love you!"

"Can't promise anything! But love you more!" I said and closed the door. I runned to the elvator, as soon when it was opened, I got in. He rode down, and when it was down I runned as fast as I could to my car. And drove to the crime scene. 

"Hey Espo! What's going on?" I asked while running to him. 

"You don't want to know!" He said and trowed me my bulletproof vest. 

"Is this needed?"

"He is still inside, yes it's needed." Was all he said and runned to teh building.

"Thanks for the update!?" I said to myself and runned after him. 

"Kate, we need to be careful."

"Why can't I know what's wrong here! what if I shoot te wrong person? Huh?" I was a little angry right now.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked

"I didn't get a status update! That's wrong!" I said irritated. Then he finally told me what was going on, and a man runned away.

"There he goes!" Espo yelled and I runned after him immediatelly. "BECKETT! NO!" I didn't listen and runned after him. But I lost him. 

"SHIT!?" I yelled and Espo came running to me.

"Have you been hurt?" He asked.

"No. I am fine, he's gone." I said. 

"Nice...." He said irritated.

"Uhm, sorry. But it's not my fault that the guy runned like he was a fucking car!" 

"Yeah, Yeah. Easy." He said and walked away. I turned around and walked after him.

"Espo!" No answer. "ESPO!" Again no answer. "JAVIER ESPOSITO! TURN AROUND!" He turned around, he was pissed.

"You know who that was, huh? Do you know who we just lost Beckett?" He said, Pissed off.

"NO! Because you where to lazy to tell me!" With that he walked further, out of the building. "ESPO!!!" I runned outside, and I saw his  car driving away. "Fuck!?" I runned to my car, and drove to the precinct. I arrived at the precint and took the elevator up. No sign of Espo. He really was pissed, I screwed up. I really had mood changes.

"Detective Beckett?" Gates called me in. I walked to her office and closed the door behind me. "Where is Detective Esposito??"

"I tought he was here Sir. He drove away earlier than me." 

"Make sure you find him!'

"Yes sir. I am on my way." I walked out her office. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Espo please man. Answer your damn phone!" I called him like 10 times. Still no anwer. I screwed up. Hard.

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