The Lost Kingdom

By LyricRoyal

974 55 135

Hello~! This is a story about me, my three sisters, and the crazy friends that we meet when our mother pushed... More

Author's Note~!
It Was Chasing Us...
Through The Forest We Go!
We Meet The Crew!
Neko The Demon Spawn
Our Home Is Your Home
The Morning Madness!
Tonight We Shall Feast Upon Junk Food!
The Dream...
The First Adventure!
Danger Awaits...

Her Name Is Crazy?!

75 5 7
By LyricRoyal

I'm laying on something...soft? I woke up. Only to find that I was laying in a bed. I turned around to find that my two other sisters were in another bed, on the other side of the room, still fast asleep.  "Was all of that a dream?" I sat up. Confused. I thought to myself " couldn't have been a dream... This place isn't home! Where the heck am I?!"  Just then, the door slammed open, a figure walked in, and I screeched.

"W-Who... Who are you?! Why are we here?! Where are we?! Why did you take us?! Are you holding us for ransom?! STAY AWAY OR YOU'LL BE SORRY!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there girly! Calm yo tits!" Said the figure who surprisingly sounded female.

"What the-? I have no tits! I'm 12 years old! Who are you?!"

"Just wait a-"

"I swear if you come any closer I'll cut you down with my swo- Wait... Where's my sword?"



"Geez! Just shush already and I'll explain it to ya!"

"I can't even see your face..."

The figure pulled their hoodie down, revealing herself. She was a girl with long brown and extremely curly hair with dark brown eyes, and she looked age?

"Uhh..." I stared in confusion.

"The name's Crazy-chan! I'm the lunatic that just saved you and your sisters from the wilderness!"

"Your name is wha-?"

At that moment Dokaru woke up.

"What is going on here?! Where am I and who are you?!"

"Uh-'s okay. She's the one who saved us!"

"Huh? She did?"


"Hehe..." Crazy-chan rubbed the back of her head nervously. "Well it wasn't just me. My friend helped."

"How did you find us?" I asked.

"Oh, I just happened to be walking by! I wasn't doing anything insane, I swear-" Crazy-chan giggled nervously.

"Well then..."

"Me hungry!" Yelled Merry who we didn't notice wake up.

"Well I better get you guys somethin' to eat, huh? Be back in a jiffy!"

'Crazy-chan' rushed out of the room. Me, Dokaru, and Merry just stared at each other in confusion.


(Author's Note: Again! If you're reading this I recommend listening to the music to go with it! The music really matches Crazy-chan's personality! Sooo... how was this?? A cheerful chapter, right? I even added a little humor! *Cough* The calm your tits part. *COUGH* Welp! Time for the next chapter~! This whole chapter is mainly about introducing Crazy so I apologize for its shortness!)

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