Unpredictable - Ashton Irwin...

By jess4L

4.1M 74K 28.9K

May had recentely moved from her home in England to sunny Sydney, Australia. She hated the thought of moving... More

Chapter 1: Bloody Australia
Chapter 2: Heat & Jetlag
Chapter 3: Pizza Time
Chapter 4: School (yay)
Chapter 5: Decisions
Chapter 6: Jealousy
Chapter 7: Transformers
Chapter 8: Busted
Chapter 9: THE DAY
Chapter 10: Little Things
Chapter 11: Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 12: Well You Must Have Got The Wrong House
Chapter 13: Please Look At Me
Chapter 14: Kiss Me
Chapter 15: That Was A Bit Fast Pace
Chapter 16: Halo
Chapter 17: Not That I Mind At All
Chapter 18: Blue Hurr Don't Curr
Chapter 19: That Was Nice
Chapter 20: Minty Fresh!
Chapter 21: 7 Minutes
Chapter 22: But It's Your 16th!
Chapter 23: You Two Are Mental
Chapter 24: You Know What Else I love?
Chapter 25: What's Going On?
Chapter 26: Get Out
Chapter 27: Can We Talk?
Chapter 29: DMC
Chapter 30: love
Chapter 31: Who Has The Hose Now?
Chapter 32: Let's Drive
Chapter 33: Ride
Chapter 34: 3 Weeks
Chapter 35: you know, bands don't last
Chapter 36: SURPRISE!
Chapter 37: Washing Powder, Vanilla & Fruit
Chapter 38: No Funny Business
Chapter 39: From Your Ash x
Chapter 40: Don't Let Me Go
Chapter 41: I'm Feeling 26
Chapter 42: How Did You Know?
Chapter 43: May Please
Chapter 44: He's Not Making This Any Easier
Chapter 45: No

Chapter 28: Can't Believe I've Lost You

71.4K 1.3K 373
By jess4L

*Victoria's POV*

It had now been a couple of days since May and Ashton broke up, May getting slowly better, coping. She had also started work at Urban Outfitters, her favourite shop, so she was loving it.

"All this free stuff" May giggled, getting ready for work again

"Can I choose?" I ask, rooting through her now vast expanse of clothes

"Go for it" She smiles, sitting down on her bed

I chose a white crop top and some black leather looking leggings with a leather jacket and a beanie to match.

"There you go" I say, giving the clothes to her

"I can't wear the crop top!" She exclaims, looking at me shocked

"why not?" I ask

"Because i'm chubby" She says, giggling

"Wear it or I'll burn your things" I say, looking at her sternly

"Fine, but if anyone makes fun i'm blaming you" She says, pointing her finger at me

She quickly gets changed, I really like the clothes I chose for her. She then put on lots of jewellery, done her hair and make-up and was ready. She spritzed herself with her many lotions and potions, chucking them in her bag once she was done. Finally she put her ID to show she worked there around her neck and was ready. 

"Okay, well, I'll see you this evening, then I have the rest of the week off" May says, she obviously felt a little bad leaving me, but I honestly didn't mind, as Michael and the others came round, so I had plenty to do.

"I'll see you then" I smile, pushing her out of the door so she wasn't late.

"bye!" She shouts, getting her phone out clumsily and waving.

I quickly got showered and dressed before I then heard a knock at the door. I jogged down and opened it, thinking it was Michael. It wasn't though, Ashton was standing there.

"Hey, is May in?" He asked

"No, she's at work" I say bluntly back

"Oh okay, where does she work?" He asks

"Urban outfitters" I reply, then shutting the door, as much as I like Ashton, I couldn't forgive him for what he'd done to May

*Ashton's POV*

I jump back in my car after a short trip to May's house. I drove towards the city centre. Parking the car in the nearest parking space I could find, I then hopped out of the car. What was I going to say to May? She kissed me? It was the truth, but that's what they all say. i loved her, so much. I had an idea, but it could be risky. I quickly got out my phone.

"hello?" calum said from down the line

"Hey, do you reckon you could bring a guitar down to Westfields?" I ask

"Yeah sure mate, be there in a bit" He says, I was surprised he didn't ask what was happening.

I paced up and down outside the shopping centre, the longest wait i'd ever experienced.

I played the song, the song through my earphones, humming along. I'd known this song forever, the lyrics rushed through my brain, the guitar chords ringing through my ears. I was no guitar player really, but I knew this song. 

Finally I saw Calum jogging up to me holding his guitar in his hand

"You alright bro?" He asks

"Yeah, just a bit nervous" I say as Calum passes me the guitar

"good luck, you don't need to explain, just do it" Calum said, I nodded, taking a deep breathe and walked into the shopping centre.

There it was, Urban outfitters, I put the guitar strap round my neck, walking in. There she was, so beautiful, unbelieveably beautiful. Her hair was curled and put under a beanie, her eyes glistening from here. I started to strum at the guitar, no one had noticed yet, I was slowly pacing up to the desk where May was working

"The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful

Stop me and steal my breath.
And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth.
Tell me that we belong together,
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above" 

I sing, pacing up to the counter, May had now realised it was me. I stopped infront of her, she looked shocked.

"I'll be your crying shoulder,

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life." 

I continue singing, looking into her eyes, she was blushing, like mad.

I decided to stop there, she was obviously embarrassed.

"May, i'm so sorry, you know I would never do anything like that to you. I can't believe I've lost you, you were, without a doubt the best thing that had ever happened to me. For these last few days, I didn't know what to do, it sounds cheesy, but i'm lost without you. You're beautiful, funny, caring and perfect. I never thought anyone could be perfect, but then you came along. May, I love you, with all my heart, I've been waiting to say this for a long time, and I really do mean it. You're my everything." I say, tears were now streaming down her face.

"Oh my god Ashton" She says, giggling slightly, wiping the tears away. She walks out from behind the counter. Walking up to me, a smirk present on her lips.

"I love you too, so so much" She smiles, I couldn't believe it, she wanted me back. 

"I thought I'd lost you" I whisper, our foreheads together.

Instead of saying anything, she places a passionate kiss on my lips, It felt like forever since i'd been this happy.

"10 more minutes and i'm finished" She pecks my lips once more and goes back behind the till.

"Sorry about that" She blushes at a customer, I can't help but watch her, she was mine. 

Once the 10 minutes was up, May was free to go, she quickly ran out the back, coming back with her bag. 

"Let's go" She smiles, as I put my arm around her.

"Starbucks because May is thirsty" May says, walking in the direction of starbucks

We grabbed a drink and made our way out of the shopping mall.

"Cal" May shouts running up to him and hugging him

"Hey you" He smiles

"I see you guys made up then" He winks at us both as I pull May in for a side hug

"he serenaded me, what was I supposed to do" May giggles, pecking me on the lips.

"Hey Cal, do you reckon you could get a picture?" I ask, handing him my phone

"Sure" He says, I decide to take a different approach to the photo, picking May up and her legs wrapping around my waist. I kiss her, then just smile at her, I still couldn't believe she was mine.

"Cheers bro" I say, taking my phone back. I open my twitter and put the photo on, with the caption 'I love her', I wanted the whole world to know.

"OH MY GOD ASHTON CALUM" we hear some people scream from behind us, 4 girls were sprinting towards us.

"urr hey" I say awkwardly

"We're massive fans, oh my god" One of them stutters, getting out her camera

"can we have a photo?" Another asks

"yeah sure" Calums says, putting his arm around one of the girls

"Here" May pipes up, taking the camera from the girl and stepping back to take the picture.

"Thankyou" They all smile, as May hands them the camera

"Hey can I get a photo with you and May?" One of the girls asks

"Yeah sure" May says, seeming really confused. The girl stepped to the side, next to me, May smiled at the camera as the photo was taken.

"thankyou" they all smile, then go, leaving it to thre 3 of us again

"why did they want a photo with me?" May laughs

"Because you're special to me" I smile at her.

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