What to do - (Cimorelli FanFi...

By Little_Danvers

65.7K 1.1K 145

It's about an orphan, Cimorelli, family and believe. I wrote this with inspiration from the CimFam. Casey is... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A little poem for Katherine (not part of this story)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 22

1.6K 58 22
By Little_Danvers

Laurens POV

“Honey, we are going to stay at your grandparents with the boys for the weekend.” Mom yelled from downstairs. “Bye, have fun!” we all yelled. "Blue or pink?" Casey asked me showing me two pajamas. "Hm, pink." I said pointing at the pink one. She nodded and went to the bathroom to change. I let out a deep sigh. "What's wrong?" Lisa asked. "This reminds me of the night Casey got kidnapped." I answered softly. "Hey, don't worry. It will never happen again." she said and hugged me. I nodded and hugged her back. "I'm just worried.". "I know. You okay now?". I nodded. She gave me one quick hug before she walked to Christina's, Katherine’s and Amy's room. "Ready?" Casey asked from the doorway. I nodded and hooked arms with her. We walked to the others and laughed. "So... What movie first?" Dani asked holding up three movies. "Let's vote." Christina said. "Who wants to see... Aquamarine?". Amy and Katherine put up their hands. "Okay... And Eat, Pray And Love?". Now me Lisa and Dani put up our hands. "Okay, so Eat, Pray And Love it is." Lisa said smiling and quickly grabbed the DVD out of Christina's hand to put it on. I laughed and lay down beside Casey.

We watched all of the movies quietly and I looked at all of my sisters. We all had big smiles on our faces. I looked down at Casey who had her head now on my lap. My smile became even bigger. "Why are you smiling like that?" she asked me whispering when she noticed. "Because of you." I whispered back. Now her smile became bigger too.

After we watched the other movies too we just lay on our beds and talked. "I need to ask you all a question. What do you all think of Mason?" Casey carefully asked us. "I think he's a nice guy." Katherine said and gave Casey a gentile smile. "I think he's perfect for you and I'm happy for you as long as you're happy." I say. "Thanks." Casey said and gave me and Katherine a quick hug. "As long as he doesn't hurt you he's okay." Christina said. "Agree." Lisa said. Amy and Dani nodded. "Thanks you guys." Casey said and gave us all a quick hug. Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from downstairs. We all got scared and I'm pretty sure we all thought about the night that Casey got kidnapped.

Christina's POV

Casey jumped into Laurens arms and hugged her tight. Lauren and Dani, stay here with Casey. The rest come with me." I said and left the room. "First check on the boys." I said to Katherine and Amy. They nodded and quickly checked on the boys. Katherine looked at me and put her thumb up. I nodded and pointed downstairs. They understood what I meant. I slowly walked down the stairs. Living room. Nothing. Kitchen. Nothing. I looked out the window to the backyard. Then I  saw what it was. I let put a deep sigh of relief. Some cats pushed the flower pots of the tables and the door was still open. WAIT... The door is open! "The door is open!" I yelled and suddenly something flew into my mind. Dani, Casey and Lauren! "We need to get back to the others!" I said and run upstairs. As I ran up the stairs I heard a scream. Lauren. I threw the door open and all I saw was chaos. I fell on my knees and looked around with open mouth. Clothes were pulled out of closet, blankets were spread over the floor, the window was broken, Lauren and Dani were hugging each other crying in the corner of the room. Feathers from our pillows were everywhere. But the feather were not white like they used to. They are red. Blood red. In the middle of all the red feathers there lay Casey's body. So... Lifeless. Like a broke doll. Lisa ran to Casey's body from behind me and took her head on her lap. "Please Casey! Open your eyes! Please don't leave us here!" Lisa yelled. "Please don't! You can't do this to us! No!" Lisa cried and stroke Casey’s hair. Casey slowly moved her head. We all gasped and quickly ran to her. Katherine was already calling 9-1-1. "I don't want to see these beautiful eyes cry." she said softly and tried to smile. "But... But... But you're dying." Amy stuttered out. "Just know I love you all very much!" she whispered now letting a tear out too. "We always did and we always will." Lauren said. "Good... Good. That's all I need to know." she said. Her voice became softer and softer with every word she said. I didn't like these words. It sounded too much like a goodbye. She smiled a small smile and slowly closed her eyes. “No, no, no! Stay with us!” I yelled and quickly grabbed her hand. Her hand fell limp in my lap. The ambulance guys came running into the room and quickly checked her pulse. He shook his head. I started to cry even harder. They tried to defibrillate her. One. No reaction. Two. Again, no reaction. Three. Casey moved her hand a little. They saw it and quickly put her in the ambulance. “Will she be alright?” I asked one of the guys hopefully. “We don’t know. She is on the edge of life and dead. We’ll do everything we can.” he said. I softly nodded. We all quickly changed and I drove us to the hospital where Lisa called mom and told her what happened. We all ran to the waiting room and just waited for news. “Lauren? What happened?” I carefully asked her. “It was him. It was him. He came for her, with a knife.” She stuttered and started to cry again. I quickly hugged her. I didn’t know what to say.

After what seemed like forever the doctor finally came out. “And?” I asked as soon as I saw him. “She alive but she’s in a coma. We don’t know if she’ll awake. It could take a few days, months or even years. And maybe not.” he whispered the last part. “What does that mean?” Dani asked him. “That means she can still die in the coma.” he answered softly. "I'm sorry. You can all stay in her room. I already asked for a big room so you could all wait for her." he said. I nodded softly and thanked him. We walked to Casey's room and I just didn't want to look at her. I stopped in the doorway and slowly looked at her. She layed to so fragile. Only if you looked good you could see her chest slowy going up and down. I walked in and sat down on her left side, Lauren on her right, Amy and Dani on the couch underneath the window and Lisa and Katherine on the other couch on the other side of the room. Now all we could do was wait.


So if you guys want Casey to live I need you to vote! If there are more than 15 votes in 2 weeks she's going to live and otherwise.... you know what happens then.

If she is going to live I need a new character! So this is what I need to know: 1. Name 2.Birthday 3.Hair, eye and skin color 4.Hobbies 5.Height and some other things if you want to like favorite kind of music or favorite color. This person can be yourself but it may also be an imagined person.

At last I decided to give my readers a name like a fanbase. Leave your suggestion in the comments below. Good luck!!! Love to all you my readers!!! <3

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