Undead Love.

By Georgia-elizabeth

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Influenced by True Blood. A vampire, Sam Miles, and a Human, Jessica Routen, connected by an impossible made... More

Undead Love.
Fang Banger.
Sam Miles.
I want that Human.
A stranger and a crush.
Snake Bite.
A life is taken.
Two dead and One born.
Encantado, Enchanted one.
One war and then another.
Growing closer.
Two Siblings.
Heavy Rain.
We did it!
Noah Majors.

And so it begins.

87 1 0
By Georgia-elizabeth

“Your Majesty.” Charlotte kneels in front of the vampire King of Mississippi, who was appointed so after the unfortunate happenings of the former King, Russell Edgington. As she bows her head her red hair frames her face, hiding her face.

“Charlotte Pickering.” He greets her with a smile and offers his hand to her. “Please, stand.” Charlotte takes the large hand of her King and pulls herself to her feet.

“Sire, I visited a vampire of mine and got the information you asked for.”

“A vampire of yours?” The King walks towards to front door of his home and whispers something into one of the guard’s ears, the guard nods and leaves the house. “I did not know that you were a maker.”

“I am, of two, Sire.” Charlotte put her hands into the pockets of her jacket, lazily.

“And what have you learnt?”

“The human and my vampire are growing close; I suggest we seize her while it is still legal to do so.” She follows the King as he walks away to another room. “Before he claims her as his own, your Majesty.”

“From what I have heard of you, you don’t much care for the law anyway.” The King pushes open two large oak doors and enters his dining room. There is a table placed in the middle of the room with eight chairs on either side and two at either end. The ceiling is domed and all the walls are covered in intricate paintings. Charlotte studies one particular painting on the wall to her left.

It is a fairy, with long blonde hair blowing in an imaginary wind. She laughs at the idea of this myth, fairies with irresistible blood that could let you walk in the sunlight. A vampire holds the fairies neck and shows its blood soaked fangs. Two fang marks leak blood down the fairies neck and stain her beautiful white gown. The vampire stands in the sun, drinking from the mythical being but has thrust the fairy into darkness and shadows.

“My decorator didn’t get out much.” The King chuckles. “But don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to do it if you could.”

“Why would I want to thrust a creature that lives and thrives off of sunlight into darkness?” Charlotte cocks her head, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Why, indeed?” The King smiles, showing his ancient fangs which he rarely hid. “Take a seat.” He pulls a chair out for Charlotte and she sits, the King pushes the chair under as she lowers herself.

“The Human can glamour vampires.” The King shows no emotion as he takes a seat next to her, he clasps his hands and sighs as he looks to her again.

“You may have to repeat yourself; I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

“You did, Sire. She can glamour vampires.”

“You realise, Miss Pickering, that in order to control one’s mind, the brain must be alive.” He raises an eyebrow and his eyes flicker to the door as a Human enters the dining room carrying a wooden tray. Balanced on the tray are two wine glasses filled with a thick, red liquid.

“I do.”

The Human is an attractive female and Charlotte smiles as she leans over her to place a glass on the table. The Human sways her hips as she approaches the King. “It’s mine, Hyam.” She smiles seductively as she hands the King the blood. He has short, spiky hair that has been recently dyed a mousy brown, his eyes are a gorgeous grey and a small beard outlines his strong jaw.

“Thank you, Rita.” He nods and takes a sip. “Devine.” He smiles and the Rita blushes, batting her eyelids.

The Human leaves with one more flirtatious look to Hyam. “Ironic, isn’t it?” The King addresses Charlotte again.

“What is, Sire?” She takes a delicate sip from her glass and wipes her mouth.

“My name.” He leans back in his chair and crosses his legs. “It is the Hebrew for Life.”

Charlotte does not know how to reply so takes another drink. Hyam laughs at her reaction. “It’s alright, Charlotte.” She half smiles and leans her elbows on the table.

“I have a proposition for you, Sire.”

“Please, in private you may call me Hyam.” He interrupts.

She nods before continuing. “Hyam, I will bring the Human to you if you will allow me to end the vampire, Sam Miles.”

“And why would you want to end your vampire?” Hyam stands and walks behind Charlotte, placing his hands on her shoulders. “My goal is to have as little deaths as is possible.”

“I understand, Sire, but the story is a long and personal one.” She stands and faces her King. “That is my proposition, Hyam.”

He shakes his head and smiles. “I have others who will do the job for free.” Hyam runs a finger down Charlotte’s arm and then up her side. She does not pull away.

“With all due respect, I do not think Werewolves will have an effect on these vampires.” Charlotte bites her lip as the King steps closer to her, their bodies touching. “The Shape shifters are using them too, they want to use the Human to kill you, Sire.”

“Hyam.” He corrects her, he leans in close to her and she feels his lips on her neck.

 “Yes, Hyam. I do not know their entire plan so I cannot tell you how they plan on using her.” Charlotte only just manages to keep her voice steady as her King places a kiss on her neck.

"And you are worried that that the werewolves will run in to one another and kill each other before they can kill the vampires?” Hyam whispers in her ear and then pulls away to see her face. “Bring the Human to me, Charlotte, and no vampires have to die.” She turns to leave and do his bidding but he holds her arm and spins her back. She hits his chest and she can feel his muscles through his shirt.

“Not now, spend the night with your King.”

Randy knocks on Carly’s front door and steps back, waiting patiently with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. After two minutes of waiting he checks his watch, it is 6:45pm. ‘She should be awake by now.’ He thinks.

“Randy?” Carly appears from the side of the house and again she is covered in dirt. “What are you doing here?”

“Why are you all dirty?” He walks towards her and gestures to her face and clothes.

“I don’t have anywhere to sleep in the house so I sleep underground.” Carly explains.

“It’s been two weeks, Carly.” Randy runs his hand through his hair. “Come back to the pub, I... We miss you.”

“You miss me?” She sounds shocked. He kicks the ground at his feet and bites his lip awkwardly.

“Please come back?”

“I thought you hated vampires?”

“I do... I mean I did... Well I do, but not you.” He hangs his head in embarrassment. Before he has a chance to react Carly is in front of him and uses her fingers to lift his chin up.

“I missed you too.” She leans forward and kisses him. As soon as their lips touch Randy takes control, pulling her in and holding her hips. She runs her hand through his hair and the other one slides under his vest top. Their tongues touch and a moan escapes Randy’s lips, the vampire smiles through the kiss. He pulls away, breathing heavily.

“Whoa.” He states breathlessly.

“And that’s just the kiss.” Carly smirks, she takes him by the hand and pulls him towards her house.

“Carly, I can’t.” Randy insists but does not attempt to pull away from the vampire. “The pub needs me.”

She turns and kisses him lightly on the lips. “I won’t bite you.”

There is a moment of hesitation before Randy picks her up, letting her wrap her legs around his waist. As they make their way into her house he whispers in her ear. “Liar.”

“Cassie, where is Randy?” Jessica moans as she gives another drinks order to Niall.

“I don’t know!” Cassie shrieks.

Jessica rolls her eyes and hits her palm against the bar counter. ‘First Carly and now my brother, what is going on?’ She nods to Niall in thanks as he hands her a tray with four drinks and walks towards one of her tables.

“Here we are.” She wears her fake smile as she hands the drinks to the family. “Are you ready to order?” Jessica takes the orders and writes them in her pad.

“Busy tonight, isn’t it?” The father of the family asks. “Just you two girls serving, is it?”

“I’m afraid so, Sir.” She bites her lip to stop herself from getting angry. “My brother is the owner, he should be here.”

The man chuckles and clicks his tongue. “Boys will be boys.” He says, the waitress pulls a confused face as the small boy laughs in agreement.

“Well, if that’s all?” The mother nods and Jessica proceeds to take their order to the kitchen. As she walks down the corridor towards the kitchen she is pushed against the wall and held there, a scream bubbles up in her throat but she stops as she sees who is holding her. “Sam! You scared the shit out of me!” She hits the vampire with her note pad and relaxes her tensed body.

“I’m sorry; I needed to know you were alright.” She blushes, for two weeks Sam and his friends have been in the pub watching over her. Jessica carried Damian’s letter ever where with her and every time he held her and showed his concern she would feel that over powering urge to kiss him.

“I’m fine, Sam. Are you?” Sam was not usually quite as worried as he is tonight.

“The King has given an order for you to be taken to him. It would have happened sooner if we hadn’t been watching you.”

“What do you mean ‘taken to him?” Jessica looked to her left where Paul and Tony watch with interest as the vampire leans in closer to the waitress.

“He knows about you and he doesn’t like it.” Sam whispers, she shuddered as his breath touched her ear.

The pub door opens and three people enter, Lydia, Keenan and Launa. Jessica’s knees go weak and Sam catches her before she falls.

“Jessica?” Sam voice is filled with worry again. He waits desperately for an answer but when he sees her terrified expression he picks her up and carries her in to the toilets. He locks the cubicle and puts the Human down.

“That was... I mean she was...” Jessica stumbles over her words. Sam holds her face in his hands and his touch calms her. “That was Launa Michaels.” She gasps. “She was there when I found my Dad. I had nightmares about her.”

Sam holds her and whispers to her. “It’s alright, it will be alright.” She cries into his chest and holds his shoulders with shaky hands. One hand moves to his neck, under his ear and then to his hair. Jessica looks up to him with a tear stained face and he looks down to her, moving his hand to hold her face.

Sam bends his neck and presses his lips against hers. They move in sync and Jessica parts her mouth slightly to allow him access. Their tongues begin to move together and the waitress grips the vampire’s hair. A moan escapes her lips as his tongue slides over hers.

Jessica is pressed up against the wall now and Sam has a hand either side of her head, she pushes her groin forward, pushing it against the vampires. He moves one hand to her hip and gently slides it up her body to her red T-shirt. He pushes it up and feels the skin of her stomach against his cold hand, his other hand moves to her jaw and then her neck, moving down to caress her shoulder.

Their lips part and he looks away, ashamed, as Jessica sees the fangs appear from his gums. She turns his head back to face her and delicately runs a finger down one of the fangs. He watches with interest as she smiles and pushes a finger against the bottom of the sharp fang and closes his eyes as a drop of her blood falls on to his tongue. It is Sam’s turn to moan now as the unique taste explodes onto his taste buds, the one drop leaves him wanting more but he makes no move to bite her. He plants a gentle kiss on her collar bone.


“Yes, Jessica?” Both of their voices are whispers as he brings his head up and their lips brush again.

“When I glamoured you, it felt different.” She kisses his lips lightly and he licks his fangs with a smile.

“Have you glamoured vampires before me?” Sam speaks between kisses, planting them on her neck and her jaw.

“Yes, it came in handy with vampires coming in to the pub.” She explains.

“You shouldn’t be able to do it, Jess. You are controlling minds that are dead, there are no brain waves to control yet you can.” Sam gently kisses her jaw line and then the corner of her mouth. “You sent my brain one your brain waves, it connected us.”

“Is that possible?” Jessica felt like jelly in the vampire’s arms as she tried to keep up the conversation but his tender kisses were driving her insane.

“Apparently so.” Sam’s hand is still under her shirt and he pulls it back suddenly, his face serious and he places his fingers on her lips. Jessica’s eyes ask what is wrong and just as Sam opens his mouth to answer the bathroom door swings open.

From the cubicle they hear a pair of shoes walk onto the tiled floor, they stop for a moment and then continue into the cubicle next to them. A moment later the toilet flushes and the cubicle is exited. Sam peers over the door to see who is there.

Launa looks into the mirror as she washes her hands, a scowl plastered on her face. She shakes her hands and drops of water hit the mirror. Sam lowers his head so he isn’t seen in the reflection.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

“Hello?” Launa spits down the phone, she sounds impatient. There is a short pause as the person on the other line speaks. “I thought you were dead, where are you? Do you have her?”

Another pause follows.

“Good.” She nods and hangs up the phone. A triumphant smile replaces her scowl and she exits the bathroom. Sam sighs in relief and opens the cubicle door. Taking Jessica by the hand, he walks out of the bathroom and turns left, taking her out of the back door.

“Is she going to kill me?” Jessica whispers, squeezing his cold hand.

“No, they won’t. But if the King finds you...” Sam pauses and looks at the terrified Human. “I don’t know.”

“Where is she?” Launa looks around the parking lot and sees no one but the young werewolf and a girl slightly younger than him stands by his side. The shape shifter sniffs the air. “What are you doing with a vampire?” She spits.

“What’s wrong? Are you scared?” Sky hisses.

“Where is the girl, Warren?” Launa takes a step forward, rubbing her tattooed arm and giving Sky threatening looks.

“She isn’t here.” He held his arms out wide, gesturing to the empty parking lot.

“What is that stupid dog doing?” Sam hit the trash can that he and Jessica hid behind. He could see that he was talking to someone but the corner of the building prevented him from seeing anyone but the werewolf.

“What’s going on?” Jessica shuffled forward but the vampire forced her back.

“And now I’m going to kill you.” Warren finished, lowering his arms.

“What? You’re disobeying me?” Launa screams were outraged.

“I ain’t working for you anymore.” His eyes turned yellow and he crouched down, holding his stomach. As his hand touched the floor it turned into a paw and a large wolf growled at the shape shifter.

Launa was now tapping the tattoo as she took yet another step forward.

“Shit, he has turned.” Sam turned to Jessica and pointed to the ground. “Stay here.” He stood and moved with lighting speed towards the wolf.

Warren launched himself at the shape shifter but she dodged, running to her left. Sky stood still, waiting for a need for her to step in. Launa winked at the wolf and then her and Sky watched as she began to change.

Her eyes widen in surprise as a tiger takes the place of Launa. It lets out a menacing growl and jumps, landing on Warren.

“Fuck!” Her father appears next to her, his eyes just as wide as hers.

Sky suddenly realises the danger of the situation and hears Warren yelp in pain. She immediately throws herself into the fight, running as a human and landing on the tigers back as a wolf. She bites the scruff of its large neck and it roars in pain, throwing its head back and throwing Sky to the floor.

Launa turns her attention to the smaller wolf and in one swift movement locks her jaw down on the belly of the wolf, Sky howls.

A scream comes from the entrance of the pub. Cassandra watches as Sam rips a tiger away from the naked form of Sky led on the floor, bleeding, and throws it into the trees. Warren appears next to him and picks her up from the floor. Sam shouts an order for the werewolf to take her home and he complies, taking off immediately.

“Vampire!” Cassandra screams. “Tiger!”

Niall runs to her side followed by customers in the pub. “Cassie, what’s...?” Niall looks out to the empty parking lot and then to the crying waitress. “What the fuck!” Niall shouts.

He sends the customers back into the pub and glares at Cassie angrily. “You can’t be screaming about vampires and tigers, Cassandra!” He yells. As the bartender walks back into the pub she hears him muttering. “Ain’t no fucking tigers out here, it’s Dallas for fuck’s sake.”

“Jessica?” Sam whispers, moving the trash cans aside with ease. “Jessica, are you here?” He sees something on the floor by his foot and bends down to pick it up.

Jessica’s fathers ring. The vampire grips the ring tightly in his hand and looks across the parking lot.


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