Unpredictable - Ashton Irwin...

By jess4L

4.1M 74K 28.9K

May had recentely moved from her home in England to sunny Sydney, Australia. She hated the thought of moving... More

Chapter 1: Bloody Australia
Chapter 2: Heat & Jetlag
Chapter 3: Pizza Time
Chapter 4: School (yay)
Chapter 5: Decisions
Chapter 6: Jealousy
Chapter 7: Transformers
Chapter 8: Busted
Chapter 9: THE DAY
Chapter 10: Little Things
Chapter 11: Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 12: Well You Must Have Got The Wrong House
Chapter 13: Please Look At Me
Chapter 14: Kiss Me
Chapter 15: That Was A Bit Fast Pace
Chapter 16: Halo
Chapter 17: Not That I Mind At All
Chapter 18: Blue Hurr Don't Curr
Chapter 19: That Was Nice
Chapter 20: Minty Fresh!
Chapter 21: 7 Minutes
Chapter 22: But It's Your 16th!
Chapter 23: You Two Are Mental
Chapter 24: You Know What Else I love?
Chapter 25: What's Going On?
Chapter 26: Get Out
Chapter 28: Can't Believe I've Lost You
Chapter 29: DMC
Chapter 30: love
Chapter 31: Who Has The Hose Now?
Chapter 32: Let's Drive
Chapter 33: Ride
Chapter 34: 3 Weeks
Chapter 35: you know, bands don't last
Chapter 36: SURPRISE!
Chapter 37: Washing Powder, Vanilla & Fruit
Chapter 38: No Funny Business
Chapter 39: From Your Ash x
Chapter 40: Don't Let Me Go
Chapter 41: I'm Feeling 26
Chapter 42: How Did You Know?
Chapter 43: May Please
Chapter 44: He's Not Making This Any Easier
Chapter 45: No

Chapter 27: Can We Talk?

70.9K 1.2K 441
By jess4L

*Ashton's POV*

"what the fuck are you doing?" I ask Lena, tears brewing.

"Courtney told me to" She said

"Why the fuck are you listening to her?"

"I don't know"

"you just made me loose the best thing that's ever happened to me, i hope you're happy" I shout, still on May's front garden after being kicked out

"I'm sorry" She says

"Get away from me" I scoff

She walks away, making her way down the dark street. I slumped down on the pavement, my head in my hands. Tears fell down my cheeks, i've lost her. I got up and knocked on the door. It opened, Calum standing there

"Where's May?" I ask, a tear leaking from my eye

"I don't think this is a good time mate" He says, then closes the door. What am i meant to do now? I love her, so so much, but now she hates me.

I jog to my car, not thinking where I was going to go, just driving.

*May's POV*

"You can go if you want guys, I'm probably really boring" I slightly giggle, still in Calum's arms.

"I'm going to head off, my mum will start to worry" Luke says, getting up, I nod, understanding.

"I'm staying" Calum says, twiddling strands of my hair round his finger

"Don't feel like you have to" I say, turning towards him

"I want to" He simply replies

"You're the best" I kiss his cheek, he was my best guy friend by far.

He scooted me off him, walking towards my kitchen.

"Where's the Ben and Jerrys at?" He shouts

"3rd draw in the freezer, you know me so well" I laugh, he then comes back with a tub and two spoons

"now eat" He says, thrusting me the tub and sitting next to me.

"now, let's watch lilo and stich" He says, putting the DVD in

"How did you know I loved that film?" I ask, scooping the ice cream and feeding it to him

"Who doesn't love lilo and stich?" He giggles, putting his arm round me as he crashes onto the sofa.

"very true!" I giggle

*Victoria's POV*

Me and Michael have just been talking the whole time May's party was going on, I felt a little too awkward in the party, as i literally knew 6 people.

"We should probably go down, see what's going on" I say, laughing as we were the party poopers sitting upstairs

"Yeah, I think everyone's gone home" Mike laughs as we walk downstairs

The TV was on, with two people stretched out on the sofa, we sneaked up to them, revealing May sleeping on Calum.

"Hey" Calum smiles

"Hey" I say back, feeling a little confused

"You're probably wondering what's going on" He laughs, getting up from under May and leaving her sleeping.

We walked into the kitchen, sitting on the worktops.

"May found Ashton cheating on her with Lena" Cal say quietly, so we wouldn't wake her

"Oh my god" I say, shocked

"yeah, she was really upset so I stayed to look after her" He replies, smiling

"You're a great friend" I smile

"She's like my best girl friend" Calum giggles

"Well anyway, we just came to say goodnight, so, goodnight Calum" Michael says, piping up

"Night you two" Calum says, making his way back into the living room, I can't believe Ashton cheated on May..

Me and Michael walked back upstairs to the spare room, crashing on the bed

"Ashton told me he loved her, he wouldn't do it" Michael says, playing with my hand in his

"She loves him too" I say, it didn't make sense

"Maybe she got the wrong idea?" He says

"maybe, I'm tired it's like 3am, night!" I laugh, turning over and closing my eyes. I feel an arm wrap around my waist, holding my hand.


*May's POV*

I turn over, opening my eyes to realise i was in my living room. My head was banging, groaning, I turn over to face the sleeping body next to me. I get up sleepily, pacing towards my kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and some paracetamol. I decide to have a bath, i usually hate them but i thought it may help.

I run the bath, adding the bubblegum bubblebath. In this house the bath was massive, even with a decuzi setting, so I was looking forward to this. I grabbed my favourite book from my room and hopped in the bath. I started reading, the familiar words of John Green flooding through. The fault in our stars made me realise that maybe i was having a shit day, but it could be worse. Gus and Hazel were unlucky, being the 'side effects' of life, so i suppose i just had to live life, and try to forget about cheating arse holes.

I picked up my phone from the counter, opening my texts, 10 from Ashton, 5 from Lena and many from people saying thankyou that i had met the night before. I replied to the thankyou's, also saying thanks for them all turning up; apologising about the early finish. I then scrolled through my twitter, a few tweets catching my eye, Ashton.

'I can't live without you'  

'the best thing that ever happened to me, gone'

Maybe he should think about that before making out with my 'friend' on my bed?

I decided to tweet, slightly indirecting

'That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt' i simply said, quoting Mr Green.

After deleting my many missed calls, all from Ashton, i laid back and relaxed in the bath, my headache slowly being soothed.

I hopped out of the bath, deciding i was going to do something productive today. I got dressed in more of my new clothes, straightened my hair and today added a beanie on top. I then done my usual make up routine and sprayed myself with perfume. I then grabbed some money and walked out of my house. I walked in the direction of the city centre, it not being too far from where I lived. I unlocked my phone, realising i still had the photo of me and Ashton as my lock screen, i changed it quickly to a photo of me and Victoria.

I then decided to text Victoria

To: Victoria

Morning sleepy head! I'm in the city looking for a job, i'll see you soon, have fun xxxxxx

To: Calum

Hey, sorry i left randomly, i didn't want to wake you! I'm in the city, text me if you're around and we can meet up x

I pulled my headphones out of my bag and put them both in my ears, playing my playlist. I forgot however, this route went right past Ashton's house, and of course he was outside.

I tried to avoid looking in his direction, but out of the corner of my eye, he was jogging in my direction.

"May" he shouts, although i keep walking

"May" he jogs up to me, turning me round, his hand on my shoulder

"Two headphones means i don't want to talk, Ashton" i say, harsh but her deserved it

"You look pretty" he said, i rolled my eyes, trying to win me back? I push past, but he stops me again

"Can we talk?" He says, looking into my eyes

"No actually, i have to be somewhere" i say, then put my headphones back in and walk confidently off.

It wasn't long before I was in the city, the first shop I went in was Urban Outfitters, i thought it was worth a try asking for a job

"Hello welcome to urban outfitters" a tall model-like woman said

"Hi, i was wondering who I could talk to about a job?" I ask, smiling

"I can take you to the manager if you want" she says, gesturing for me to follow her

She has a quiet chat with a woman, probably in her 30's before she then joins me.

"Hi, Nadine Parker, i'm the manager here" she smiles

"Hi, i'm May Evans, I was just wondering if you had any job's going?" I ask politely

"As a matter of fact we do!" She laughed

"That's great, what do i need to do?" I smile

"It you could fill in a form and then we can set up a more formal interview" she says, handing me a clipboard with a form clipped in.

"Okay thanks" i say, starting to fill in the form, then handing it back to her

"So do you reckon you could do the interview today?" She asks, she was enthusiastic!

"Yeah that would be great" i smile, as she leads me to a room in the back of the shop

The interview went well, i even got the job! I was starting on Monday. I then had a look round the shop, buying lots of bracelets and rings.

I unlocked my phone

From: Calum

Hey, meet me at starbucks near the harbour in 5.x

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