picture imperfect

By aquapilot

748 204 48

Travel, love, heart-break. Casual things that occur in the lives of Kat, Claire, Destiny, and River. But wha... More

"Right Here"
"No Biggy"
"The Most Embarrising Thing"
"Doesn't Matter"
"Muscle Spasm"
"Tamato, Tamoto"
"It Takes A Real Hero"
"Who's The Kid"
"My Only Chance"
"Agree To Disagree"
"This Is Gonna Be Epic"
"Story For Our Grandkids"
"All Torn Up"
"Shut Up"
"The Sky Silly"
"Coffee Anyone"
"People Do It All The Time"
"I'm Fine"
"We All Lost"
"Please Best Friend"
"Let Him Go"
"Baby Barakat"
"It Hurts"
"Amazing Bestfriend"
"It's Positive Hardcore Thursday"
"Señor Dimples"
"Mel Bell"
"Good Luck Kiss"
"You Got Two Minutes"
"Forrest Dumb"
"Blue-Headed, Sci-Fi Nerd"
"Everyone Stand Back"
"Last Time I Checked"
"Not Goodbye"
"Watch Me"
"Game On Bitch"
"I'm Not A Kid"
A Thousand Years (More Like 12)

"I Don't Feel..I Twerk"

14 5 2
By aquapilot

When we were done, we headed to the green room and sat down. "Hey, I'm Bryan and these losers are Alex and Johnnie!" I waved and smiled. "Nice to meet you." He returned it and we all sat me sitting closer to Johnnie at the end, Riv to my right, Kat to her right and Destiny on the other end. "Okay, so this is a fun interview so, when a funny thing comes to mind, feel free to say it." Kat nods. "Seems easy enough." I laughed. "Of course, it is. It's about you, slowness." She face-palmed and Riv rolled her eyes. Des came over and sat on Kat's lap. "You know there's more spots on the couch, right?" Des smiled. "I'm aware." Bryan shook his head. "Of course she would sit on your lap." We all eyed him. "What do you mean by that?" He blushed. "O-oh! N-nothing just-...I was just-" Johnnie stepped in front of him and helped him out. "It's practically in your blood, dude. Chill. Barakat and Gaskarth act like this all the time. That's all he meant by it." Des glared and snuggled into Kat more and I breathed a sigh of relief. I think Bryan would've died if he didn't save him. "A-anyways. Ready?" We smiled and nodded.

Bryan: "Okay, three, two, one. What's up, guys? I'm Bryan Stars here with the lovley ladies of Hollowed Dreams. How are you guys?"

He starts off with Des and goes down.

Des: "Pizza." I giggled and Kat went.

Kat: "I don't feel..I twerk."

Riv: "Where the fuck is my life?!"

Me: "I feel fine, you?" As you can see, i'm the 'Rian' in our band. I can be funny sometimes but i'm mostly professional.

Bryan: "I'm fine. Can you please give us your names and your rolls in the band?" I nodded.

Me: "Sure! What's up, I'm Claire Quinn, I sing and i play bass."

Riv: "Hey, I'm River Fuentes and I play guitar."

Kat: "I'm Kat Gaskarth, I play
guitar and sing as well."

Des: "I'm Des Barakat and I do everything else."

Bryan: "Lemme guess, harmonica?"

Des: "Fuck yeah! Someone hears me out there! Gimme some!" They high five and I can't help but to laugh at the stupid joke.

Bryan: "So, girls, tell me how it feels to have one of the top albums in Hopeless?"

Des: "It feels like I just pissed myself I'm so excited."

Kat: "I can in fact agree that you did just piss yourself. By the way, have you ever thought about a diaper?"

Riv: "I really need Skittles. That shit is good."

Me: "We're stoked about it! It's our first ep and it's already done so well! We can't wait to do another!"  He nodded along and smiled.

Bryan: "Well, now onto the fun stuff. If you were a porn-star what would your porn-star name be?"

Des: "You say 'if' as if I'm not one already!"

Kat: "Yeah! I should know I taped the damn thing! Lemme tell you that YouTube is not ready for this shit man!"

Riv: "Probably Barbara."

Me: "Ew. Okay, gross. Um, battery plug or tumbleweed." He laughed and Alex took over.

Alex: "How do you feel about cabbage?"

All Of Us: "Cabbage?" Alex nodded once and repeated,

Alex: "Yes, cabbage. The green stuff. Or the purple stuff, we don't discriminate."

Johnnie: "Uh, Alex, I don't think that's-" Alex raised a finger to his lips.

Alex: "Shhh, just let it happen." She faced us again with an awaiting gaze and I giggled.

Des: "Alex! No curse words!"

Bryan: "It's the internet, you're allowed to swear." He chuckled.

Riv: "Dude, you've literally been doing it this entire time."

Des: "Really? Well,...fuck me-"

Me: "Not now, maybe later." Des leaned back and laughed lightly, the interview continuing.

Kat: "Uh, you mean weed? Are you trying to code a way to say drugs?!"

Riv: "I'm with Kat on this one. If you want to know about weed, just ask, dude. I can text Mike to give you a seminar on it. Trust me when I say, we get it all the time."

Me: "I'm a vegetarian so, I love it!" Alex walked over and sat next to me, pushing Jhonnie over.

Alex: "Vegetarian you say?" I giggled and nodded.

Me: "Yeah, have been since I was adopted. Kellin and Tony showed me their lifestyle and I fell in love with it. The idea of saving animals is the best thing in the world to me." She nodded.

Alex: "Uh huh, so lettuce as well?"

Me: "Absolutely!"

Alex: "Me and you are gonna be good friends."

Me: "I hope so." Bryan waved his arms around.

Bryan: "Hello?! Talk shop later, how about now we finish my video? We only have a few more questions." She pouted and huffed.

Bryan: "If you were a movie, what would be your soundtrack."

Des: "I Wanna Dance With Somebody and I'm A Goofy Goober on repeat."

Kat: "Bird Is The Word."

Riv: "Rebel Love Song by BVB and Second And Sebring by OM&M."

Me: "Ohh, I see what you did there. Nice. But, uh, probably Kick Me by SWS." He nods and flips pages.

Bryan: "Two more. If you weren't in the band, where do you think you would be?"

Des: "In Neverland. 'Cos i would be lost, boy!" 

Kat: "Honestly, I would be helping President Obama by killing humanity."

Riv: "Probably at Bdubs all the time"

Me: "I don't know where we would be. None of us had jobs before this. Besides Des being a goalie for, like, a week before getting lazing and quitting." I laughed.

Des: "THEY GAVE ME OWIES!" I laughed again and rolled my eyes as Kat playfully rocked Des like a baby.

Kat: "I know, sweetie, I know." I shook my head and continued.

Me: "So, probably looking for some jobs. Living off of our parents in their basements too."

Bryan: "Last one. Describe your experience so far with one word."

The whole room went quiet. Trying to pick an honest answer, I guess. This time I went first and It went down the opposite way.

Me: "Uh, indescribable."

Riv: "Awesome."


Des: "Pizza."

Of course, Barakat would ruin an honest answer. Oh well, it's who she is.

Johnnie: "Any words to your fans?"

Me: "Yeah, uh, go buy our album 'Exkape' and-um. Yeah, I love you!"

Riv: "Always run."

Kat: "Where am I again?"


All Of Us: "See ya'!"


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