Love Affair

By LenaaLove

2.5K 137 47

Part 2 of Dilemma 4 Years later August and Candace got married and they have a daughter Ameriah. Also, Amer... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author's Note

Chapter Twelve

101 7 3
By LenaaLove

"The Wedding"

{The song in the media is the song Janae walk down the isle to.}

Ronnie's POV

I was so nervous about this day but I couldn't hardly wait to see my soon-to-be wife. August and I were already at the church and I waited on some of my groomsmen to come. Then Khayman and Derek show up and the others came. I was totally freaking out because I was marrying this beautiful angel. So while we were getting ready we said a little quick prayer before the wedding starts. I know I'm ready to marry the woman of my dreams.

Janae's POV

I totally have cold feet right now and Candace is helping me to put on my wedding dress. Then Kelena help me pick out the jewelry and everything else. Ameriah wasn't any help because all she did was run around the room. All she had in her hand was her bucket fill with flowers. Yeah if you were wondering I made her a flower girl along with my niece, Jasmine.

After all of the process I felt like a princess or a goddess. I couldn't wait to marry my prince charming. I love him to pieces and I hope he will chirish me. Also, I wish he will be a great father to our future kids. Hopefully this marriage will work out between us.

2 Hours Later

(The Wedding Begins)

I walking down the isle and I saw Ronnie looking at me. It made me want to cry because how my baby was looking at me. I saw all of Ronnie's family and I saw my family too. I finally made it to where my bride maids were standing. The pastor ask,“who give this woman hand in marriage?”

Then my dad say,“I do.” My dad sat down and Ronnie grab both of my hands. I saw tears running down his face as he look at me and I wipe them off his face. The pastor ask us to gave our vows. Then after that he ask Ronnie, “do you take this woman to be your loving wedding wife to cherish and to love her. To love and to hold her through thick and thin. For rich and for poor.”

“Yes I do,” Ronnie said.

“Janae do you take this man to be your loving wedding husband to cherish and love him. To love and to support him through thick and thin. For rich and for poor,” The pastor said.

I do,” I said.

“Now I pronounce you man and wife and you may kiss the bride,” He said and Ronnie kiss me. Then we both walk down the isle and the bridesmaids and groom men follow.

The Next Day

Candace’s POV

I'm so happy that my brother got married. They decided to go to their honey moon next week to Jamaica. Hopefully its beautiful out there when they get out there. Now August is going back on tour leaving me alone with our baby girl. We argue all morning about letting Ameriah and I go on your with him.

He kept saying it's just for 4 days and he said he will come back. Also, he kept promising he will take us with him. So he saw that I was pissed and he leave.
I had too carry Ameriah too preschool and after I did that I went to our therapist. I went in Adrian’s office and I saw Adrian trying to feel on Traci.

I thought that was pretty weird because how she was looking at him. Then when she left she wave at me and I wave back. Adrian look at me and said,“long time no see.” I nod my head yeah and I said,“I see you're doing something different with your hair.” He got up out of his chair and sat on his desk near me.

He grabs my left hand and kisses it. It was sweet and all but I made up my mind that I belong with another man. Although we have I differences but I still love my husband. So I told Adrian,“I came here to tell you I can't have any more affairs with you because I belong to another man. I will still love you but not in that way. I will come clean and tell August.” I tried to walk away and Adrian tried kiss me and I push away.

Then he said,“that's how it is.” I nod my head and said,“yeah that's how it is.” I walk out his office and I left

Adrian's POV

When Candace told me that it really made me pissed. Like why would she start it and try to end it. I really want to know why would she do this to me. Why would she leave me now by myself right now.

A Few Hours Later

I got home and I saw my house was a mess. I know that Travis doesn't clean after himself but I'm tried of cleaning after him. I went to the kitchen to get a beer and Travis came in. Then I unloose my tie and Travis said,“what's up with you.”

“I'm good,” I said while drinking my beer.

“Okay just asking,” He said and he left out.

Then I grab me another beer and I went to the living room.

Hey you guys this is my new update to this story hopefully y'all like this. I will update more often because I have a few weeks at home for the Christmas break.

Please read, comment what you think, and vote.


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