The Silent Storm. [✔]

By sashabwrites

520K 16.7K 6K

He's ruthless. He's powerful. He's demanding. He's in pain. Twenty-six year old African-American journalist V... More

The Silent Storm❌
Chapter One❌
Chapter Two❌
Chapter Three❌
Chapter Four ❌
Chapter Five❌
Chapter Six ❌
Chapter Seven (Part 2) ❌
Chapter Eight ❌
Chapter Nine ❌
Chapter Ten ❌
Chapter Eleven ❌
Chapter Twelve ❌
Q/A (For Fun)
The Interview(For Fun)
Chapter Thirteen ❌
Chapter Fourteen ❌
Authors Note.
Chapter Fifteen ❌
Chapter Sixteen ❌
Chapter Seventeen ❌
Chapter Eighteen ❌
The End :)

Chapter Seven (Part 1) ❌

22.2K 875 270
By sashabwrites

Italy's Republic Day.

~No one who, like me, conjures up the most evil of those half tamed demons that inhabit the human beast, and seeks to wrestle with them, can expect to come through the struggle unscathed~


We all came back to The Catalona around midnight with Gigi drunk as a sailor and Macro and Thomas cracking up. "Waiiiit we have to leave now! ORA!!!" Gigi yelled hanging onto her big brother. "Reasons why I came with you guys. I don't want you to hang out with a drunken Gigi." Thomas said pointing back at me.

I chuckled. "Yeah".

"Victoria you are the most silent woman I've ever met. Do we make you uncomfortable?" Marco asked concerned for my well being. "No its just my personality. I don't talk much unless I have too".

Gigi had jumped off of Marco's back yelled something in Italian and ran to her room. I noticed there was security guards up her on this floor. It wasn't part of the hotel...just living quarters for them. "I settle her down see you guys tomorrow" Thomas sighed going his own way.

Now it was the giant and me.

"So where are you from ?" Marco asked trying to make conversation. "Washington" I asked looking up at him.

"'s just up the road from here. Beautiful and lots of culture" Marco answered while reminiscing his early childhood with me until we went inside the dark penthouse.

"Well I think Lorenzo went to bed by now. It's kinda late. I'll catch up with you tomorrow Victoria" Marco said. I nodded as he leaned down kissing my cheek and left as I locked the doors after him.

So far I was liking everyone else...

I turned back and head straight to my room. I went inside and turned on the light as I kicked off my shoes and undress.

In my peripheral vision I could see Lorenzo standing by the doorway just looking at me.

I nearly jumped out of my skin in fright. His lips twitched hiding in his amusement.

"You're going to have to get use to me popping up out of nowhere. I'm known for that" Lorenzo stated. "Well could you not? I almost had a heart attack" I exclaimed with a little anger coming out.

"Is that what you call shouting? How were you on the debate team" He asked. "In high school they used me as the researcher and stop digging up my personal information" I told him.

I bend down to pick up my pajama pants and place them on a little oblivious to the fact that Lorenzo just got a great angle of my ass but, who cares...everyone's seen ass in their life.
"What took you so long?" Lorenzo spoke up after a moment of silence. For someone who wants a companionship he sure is able to talk to me like one of his men.

"I was with your cousins eating" I replied with it sounding more like a question. "I know but, it doesn't take five hours to eat. I really wanted to talk to you but, I couldn't" He responded in a voice that was unreadable.


"I'm not going to be here tomorrow morning or afternoon so your free for the day but, you will have dinner with me. Am I understood?" Lorenzo asked me with eye contact so heavy.

I couldn't speak but I nodded.

Lorenzo didn't say anything else. All he did was close my door and that was it. No goodnight or anything.

Is it wrong for me to ask him why is he the way he is?


Today I woke up feeling a hundred times better than yesterday.

It was another sunny day in Rome and everyone down stairs were celebrating for some reason.

I went downstairs to see Jenny dancing with some men twirling her around as a crowd gathered and watched getting in a few ladies to join. I stood at a distance as the band played cultural music with Italian colors (white, red, and green) all over the streets.

Jenny had made eye contact with me as her eyes filled with joy as she rushed over to me. "Victoria! You had went complete ghost on me after the other night. I thought you checked out and returned back to the states" Jenny said still in a jovial mood.

"Yeah sorry about that. I was just....really busy" I lied looking around the place seeing familiar faces of the men in black. They were obviously following me.

"Well it's great to see you again. When are you leaving?"

That's up to Lorenzo. I wish I could say that. "I don't know. I'm loving the place but, I'm going to be here for a while" I lied again. My stomach started turning. I hated lying and I'm surprised she hadn't noticed yet.

"Oh forreal. You must have some money on you because its expensive as hell to stay here. I can barely afford a night here" Jenny chuckled making me smile. It's been a while since a smiled...well just fourteen hours ago when Thomas and Gigi were arguing but it was out of humor. I needed something genuine.

"I realized I don't have your number. What is it?" Jenny asked while fumbling for her phone. I easily took out my phone and opened up my contacts. I gave her my number and she gave me hers.

"718-743-8303" She said as I looked up at her. "You still have an American number?"

"Yup its been over ten years now. I only remember my number".

I nodded and exited out my contacts to home and saw a picture of Destiny and I as my screen saver. FUCK!

"Jenny I will catch up with you later" I said remembering about my family. "Okay. I'm here all day so you know where to find me" Jenny responded before we went our separate ways. I went into the elevator where one guy followed me inside.


"You know you don't have to follow my every move you know" I told him. "Catalona's orders" He replied keeping his eyes focused and not looking down at me. The man was huge also but not like Lorenzo and Marco....more like another Thomas to me.

The doors had opened up to the restricted area but, I didn't step out. "What's your name?".

"I don't have to give you personal information" He said keeping his composure that made me bit frustrated. "I'm Lorenzo's fiancé and I demand this right now" Another lie instantly came out my mouth.

"If your going to lie don't make your voice increase an octave, it gives it away. Also I know who you really are..."

The doors had closed leaving us in the elevator. "Well damn...thanks for the constructive criticism then" I replied sarcastic heading out. Right as the doors were closing he smirked a bit he said "It's Arturo".

"What?" I said rushing back and pressing for the elevators doors to open to see an empty one.

I sighed and returned back to the penthouse. His name was Arturo...

When I walked inside the lonely penthouse I noticed Lorenzo's door opened but didn't pay it any mind and head straight into my room. On the bed lied a simple pretty teal summerdress with a note attached from Lorenzo.


For you have seen that I'm out of town for Republic Day and you have probably seen the celebrations downstairs and all around town. You may enjoy yourself and don't mind the strange men following you...they are from me. Join me on the rooftop at eight sharp. Please wear this dress also.

p.s. take my card. Don't worry how much money is on it.


Hmm this dress wasn't half bad. It could use a woman's touch a little. I took his card and placed it in my purse just in case I had to use it. I logged onto my computer and the Skype as I dialed Veronica....

I waited a few moments before they answered the call. "Heyyy Des- Bryan?" I said confused to see Bryan on the screen.

"I missed you so much are you?" He asked. I could hear the desperation in his voice but, I decided to go along. "I'm fine...where is Destiny or Veronica" I asked blankly. "Veronica is giving Destiny a bath right now. So how's your trip?" He asked biting his lip trying to be sexy but, it wasn't fazing me.

"Listen Bryan...I can't be with you-". I was then interrupted by the sound of Thomas. "Victoria what are you doing locking up yourself in here they are having a ball downstairs" He said rushing over to me and sitting next to me like a child not knowing I was skyping someone. Bryan looked pissed off as his nostrils began flaring.

"Who the fuck is this Victoria" Bryan exclaimed angrily earning Thomas's attention. I tried so hard not to laugh. "I'm sorry but is my dear friend any of your concern?" I shot back. "So you do white men now".

"Is this your boyfriend or something?" Thomas asked feeling awkward that he was in the middle of the situation. "Nope not even close. He is my sister's husband actually".

"Wow Victoria so you're telling him our business"

I had have enough of him as I ended the call right there and closed my laptop. "If he is your brother in law then why is he acting like that" . "He told me a few weeks ago that he is 'in love' with me. I as trying to contact my niece and got him. Sorry about that"

Thomas shook his head understanding the situation. "Anyways what were you about to say again?"...

Sorry to cut this off short but, I wanted this to be a two part chapter of Italy's Republic day. Which is like Memorial day back in the US. Part two is going to be about Victoria and Lorenzo's date and meeting Arturo the mysterious security guard who is watching over Victoria....

I also want to go back and due a subplot for everyone back home in the US.


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