The tale of Yuki Hatake

By Lilystone3

334K 9.7K 1.8K

Yuki is a normal ninja but she has a huge secret that she is hiding from everyone. she is just like Naruto bu... More

The tale of Yuki Hatake
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
authers note
Chapter 19
Authors note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapert 37

2.4K 86 1
By Lilystone3

Sasuke’s pov.

          Yuki was looking a little pale which made me worry about her a little. I felt my heart drop when she shakes her head no after I asked her if she has ever been on a boat. That means that Naruto, Sakura and I would have to do all that is needed. “Yuki why don’t you sit here by me as we run the boat. You can sit there and learn all that you will need to know.” I say as I take the ruttier. Yuki nods still looking sick before sitting down and we get underway. We were quiet as we work which was fine with me but on the other hand I really wanted to hear Yuki saying something. she had been really quiet since this mission started and it made me wonder why that was. I had thought of pulling Yuki up and having her stand in front of me to teach her how to steer the boat  but I didn’t want to make Sakura jealous of Yuki then start a fight over who has a right to me. I sigh a little before going back to what I was doing.

Yuki’s pov.

          So far I wasn’t getting sea sick so I started watching what the others were doing. Naruto and Sakura were tying some ropes that looked like they were attached to the sail and when I looked up at Sasuke he had this look like he wanted to do something but shakes his head before sighing a little and looking ahead. When they started talking about Ibiki-chan I stood up and walked over to Sakura and Naruto. “Ibiki-chan? Why bring him up?” I ask as I look them over. “Chan? Why call him that Yuki?” Naruto asks and I shake my head a little. “He was there when I became a genin and trained me a little before the final part of the exams.” I mumble before looking away from them. he then started asking if Ibiki was alive before a arrow wized past his face. “a surprise attack?!?!” I ask as I walk closer to the boy we were to protect. There was no way I would let Ibiki-chan’s family get hurt. Sasuke comes up with a plan and Naruto relised that he didn’t have anything to cut the ropes with but the knife that Idate has. Sasuke throws a knife at him then when the ropes were gone but then there were ninja coming from the wood works.

          Sasuke tells us that the real ones are in there with the clones. Sakura being her stands protectively in front of the kid but he wouldn’t let a ninja protect him. I sigh and follow Sasuke’s directions which to be honest it wasn’t too hard to do but it did annoy me a little that we had to rely on him so much. Soon oil was raining down and when the ship caught fire I was a little afraid because that means the ship might sink and we would have to swim. “there is no other option we have to swim from here.” Sasuke says and Sakura was busy trying to get Idate’s attention. ‘Yuki calm down I’m not going to let you die. Now just take a deep breath and when I tell you to jump do so.’ Yuriko says. I shake a little not because of the fire but because of the water.  I was a little shocked when Sakura pulled the mast out of the boat and swings it around like it was nothing. I saw them all jumping and before Sasuke jumps he looks over at me.

          “Yuki hurry up and jump!” Sasuke yells as he jumps. I couldn’t bring my body to move at all. ‘Yuki jump!’ Yuriko screams in my head and I do just as she asks. I hold my breath as I hit the water just like Kakashi had taught me but I was having a hard time finding my way to the surface. ‘I’m going to die. I’m going to run out of air and die.’ I think as I start to panic a little wishing that Kakashi was here to pull me up and out of the water. ‘Yuki calm down. I’ll help you now breath out slowly and push straight up.’ Yuriko tells me in a demanding tone. I know she was trying to help me and I needed to do as she asks of me or I really would die. When my head poops out of the water I take a deep breath and look around to see where my team was. I wasn’t a strong swimmer so I would hold them back if they saw me struggling right now. ‘If I make it home from this I will hit Lady Tsunade so hard she will regret ever sending me on a mission were water is involved.’ I think as I start swimming in the direction I think the others might be going. I had to make it or the others might split up to find me and protect him and they couldn’t do that at all.

Sakura’s pov.

          Sasuke was looking around trying to find Yuki. We had promised to keep an eye on her for Kakashi-sensei. She didn’t jump with the rest of us and we hadn’t seen her yet. “Do you think that Yuki doesn’t know how to swim?” Naruto asks which makes Sasuke stop moving before shaking his head. “Kakashi-sensei would make sure she could do stuff like that. She might have gotten turned around but she will catch up to us.” Sasuke says. “Yeah she got turned around is all. I bet that she will be on land about the same time as us.” Naruto says before giving a close eyed smile. I sigh not really understanding why they think she got turned around. Yuki had looked terrified of the water which makes me think that she couldn’t swim at all. I just hope that she makes it back ok so we don’t have to explain to Kakashi-sensei why his daughter didn’t come back.

Sasuke’s pov.

          There was no way she would die because Kakashi had taught her to swim. I had been spying on them for a few hours and I could tell that she wasn’t a strong swimmer but she would be alright. I sigh a little not too happy about having to leave her behind like this but we had a job to do. Hopefully she will hold out long enough for us to finish our job before we could go look for her. I turn my head a little and notice some cherry blossoms petals in the water floating past us. “that’s weird.” Sakura mumbles as we swim. Naruto turns a little to see what was behind us but doesn’t say anything. Naruto then starts to ask Sakura about the wound she received and all I could think of is if Yuki was alright and where were these flowers coming from? Then Naruto is pulled under the water so I dive down with Sakura to save him.

Yuki’s pov.

          I let Yuriko take over me for a while because I was having a hard time with the waves. ‘I’m sending out some flowers to see how long it will take to get to land and to find your team.’ Yuriko tells me. I nod my head as I float on my back. I would start swimming again in a few once I felt I had my strength back. I then feel a pull on my back so I flip over as fast as I could my kekki genkai shining as I look around. There was nothing grabbing at me but I frown a little as I look into the water. ‘Your team needs you!’ Yuriko screams in my head. I take a deep breath before diving under the water and swimming as far as I could before having to take a breath. I was swimming harder and longer than I ever had and it was starting to take a tole on me. I push my head up above water again and gasp for breath as I do so water rushes into my mouth making me cough it up.

          There was no way I would make it there in time to help my team or even save them if they were hurt. My sides hurt a lot and I was starting to get light headed. ‘I can’t do this anymore Yuriko. I know they can take care of themselves.’ I think as I wrap my hands around myself trying to make the pain leave as fast as I could.  I could feel the water spinning under me and it was trying to pull me down. I try my hardest to swim out of it but I then feel hands on my legs before giving a small scream. “Yuki?” Sasuke asks as his head pops up next to me. “Sasuke are you ok?” I asks as he holds onto me to keep me from going under the water. I was glad that he was holding me up because there was no way I would be able to keep my head above the water for much longer.

          “Sasuke thank you.” I say as I start to feel my head spin more. “Yuki your eyes.” Sasuke says and I shake my head a little. ‘my kekki genkai.’ I think before I close my eyes which were hurting a lot. Now I understood why my head was hurting. “it’s just my kekki genkai.” I wheeze as I look up at the sky. There was no way I would be able to finish this mission without hurting myself or my team. “Yuki get on my back. I’ll carry you the rest of the way.” Sasuke says and a few seconds later Naruto comes running past us with Sakura on his back and she was unconscious. I nod and let him pick me up before running to the land that wasn’t far from us. He puts me down before walking calmly over to where Naruto and Sakura are. I cough a little bit forcing some water out and felt horrible like I was going to throw up but I take a deep breath letting the air rush in and just lay there hoping my head would stop spinning  soon. I had released my kekki genkai as soon as I was on Sasuke’s back. I close my eyes as they look over Sakura and jump up when I hear Sakura making a fuss on Naruto doing CPR on her.

          “We need to hurry and meet up with Idate.” Sasuke says before he starts to walk away. Sakura was right behind him and leaving Naruto behind them. I sigh a little before looking at the blond also known as Naruto who was now getting up. I take a few shaky steps after them before feeling my legs give out. There was no way I would be able to finish this mission with how I was now. If anything I was going to have to make a clone or two so I could get out of this. The rest of my team was out of eye sight now and I give a small sigh as I drag myself over to a little cave to rest for a while before trying to get home. Once there I lay there shivering a little but I didn’t have the energy to start a fire before falling asleep.

Sasuke’s pov.

          We had just finished our mission and look around to see where everyone was. It was then that I realized that Yuki wasn’t with us and hadn’t been in a while. Naruto looks around before having a confused look on his face. “Where is Yuki?” Naruto asks after looking over at Sakura and myself. “she wasn’t around in the last few fights we had. Sasuke do you remember when the last time you saw her was?” Sakura asks as she puts a finger to her chin. ‘the last time I saw her was when I carried her out of the water.’ I think and that frightened me a little. “Did she get poisoned and we forgot to help her?” Naruto asks as he scratches the back of his head. “Idate we found her.” Someone says as they carry Yuki over to where Idate was standing. Naruto runs over to pick her up and I relax a little seeing her safe.

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