Flowers for a killer.

By Ghastler

108K 4.7K 1.9K

AU Naruto x Gaara Gaara realizes he's developed feelings for the ramen crazed wannabe hokage of konoha and n... More

On the mind...
A pleasant surprise...
Softer then silk...
Sweet as sugar...
A new home...
It's a long walk...
An ocean of silk...
A Helping Hand...
Better Days...
I Care Ok?...
His Touch...
Moving Day...
You Can't Deny It...
Honey Tea And Something Sweeter...
No time for regrets...
In the arms of another...
Healing Touch...
Promise - Ch.29
Figure it out - CH.30
Comfort - CH.31
Trust and Dumplings - CH.32
Rain - CH.33
Comfort zone - Ch.34
Love In Understanding - Ch.35


4.6K 225 155
By Ghastler

"Sorry. it's nothing."

Naruto fumbled on his words,the red tinge that made him feel fuzzy and strange,slowly leaving him.
Looking down at his food,his appetite remained although he couldn't bring himself to take another bite. The redhead had filled his mind with strangely pleasant thoughts.
A date? Between the two of them? It could work,couldn't it?
No. He loved sakura,she was the one for him and even if he knew it wasn't true he held onto that dying dream. In all she was a gilded lilly, Far too good to be true.

Then again,when had sakura ever given him the notice that she even liked him? All she ever did was smack him around when ever he got too close to her or her precious "dick head".
Looking at the vessel before him he wondered if it would really be all that bad to let that flower go and pick a new one. A rose.
The sheer thought of his crimson haired friend being placed as a rose made the blond laugh outwardly, perking the attention of the other.

"What now?"
Gaara asked,slowly becoming more and more intrigued with the other's silence. He barely knew the other but in the short time he had already grown custom to the blonds constant chatter and never ending laughter. Taking a moment to chew and swallow a dumpling he moved himself to better hear his friend.

"Sorry ... I was just thinking, you know."

"And what where you thinking?"

"Your just like a rose!"

"A ... Rose?"
Gaara stared blankly at the other,obviously confused and requiring an explanation,Which the blond before him was more then eager to supply.

"Yeah a rose! you're beautiful, nice to have around and you can protect yourself! your just like a rose!"
Naruto was so proud of himself with his explanation,but his pride soon turned to shock as he saw the visible blush encasing the redhead's face.
The sand armour had all but crumbled away from the vessel's featured revealing a blush almost as red as the vessel's hair. It was only then that naruto realised what he had said that made the other so flustered.

"Uhh, Did I say beautiful? I meant cute! err ... wait. Handsome? Manly? I'm sorry I ... I ..."
Now he was blushing like a mad fool,completely embarrassed and cursing himself for saying such foolish things.
'Great! now he's gonna think I'm even dumber then before! what was i thinking calling him beautiful?!'
Naruto wanted to hit his head on the table,he felt like an idiot and wanted to scream. However it got him thinking. Was it really this easy to make the other so flustered and pink? He was kinda cute when he was blushing.

"A rose ..."
Gaara's soft whisper was still loud enough to rip the blond from his thoughts. Leaving him to stutter a bit as to an answer.

"Yeah. A rose. Gaara I'm sorry,I didn't mean to offend you or anything."

"you didn't"

"I didn't?"

"No, I like roses. You really think im like a rose?"

"... Yeah."

"Thank you."

Naruto was dumbfounded. He really though he had upset the other,or worse had shy'd him away from being his friend. But he was being thanked? This made no sense to the blond. Why was he being thanked for saying something stupid? He just called a once stone cold killer a rose! so why was he being thanked of all things!?

"Why ... Are you thanking me?"

"It's the first compliment I've ever gotten that wasn't ... Monster"
Gaara sighed in content. He really did choose a good person to crush on. If this could indeed be called a crush. Looking to the other he wanted to confess it all,Share all his secrets, his feelings. But he stopped himself. His fear holding him back. A fear that if he gave out his heart,it would be forever wounded.
The scars from his past still loomed as do all scars that plague such an innocent item of the mind. A heart to some is nothing more then a machine that sustains life, to others it is a symbol of affection and adoration. to be given and received by someone special. These things and thoughts always confused the vessel when he was young. Torn between the two as if there was no alternate idea.

Looking back to the blond he set his thoughts and suffering aside. For now all that mattered to him was Naruto and his brilliant smile. Moving some dishes so he could rest his elbows on the table, he crossed his arms. Looking to the other who awaited his next words.

"If I am a rose ... Does that make you a sunflower?"
Gaara asked,purely intrigued by the thought.

"A sunflower? I guess yeah! Do i look nice like a sunflower?"

"Mmn ... No. You're more pleasing to the eye."
Gaara openly confessed, earning him a gabble of words and a dorky smile from the other. He really was pleasing to the eye,his every move, every emotion he expressed made the vessel want to get closer to the blond. It made him want to know him better.
Setting his chopsticks down on the now empty plate he moved it aside for the waiter who was cleaning it up. making room for their tea and placing the bill.

Paying it the redhead looked to his still embarrassed friend,tucked in the corner of the booth. He looked deep in thought. To the redhead it was cute. if that was an appropriate word and way to describe the other in this moment.

"Do you want me to leave you here?"
Gaara asked,getting a shocked gasp from the blond who stumbled to meet him at his side,scratching his hair. with a pleased huff, Gaara walked with the other out and into the cold night air. With the warmth of the sun gone it sent sharp unpleasant shivers up the vessel's spine.

"Fuck it's cold."
Gaara cursed. By nightfall in his home village he was usually inside, hiding away from the freezing desert temperatures. He felt foolish for not bringing a jacket with him. it was almost fall and close enough to winter that this little chill was cold enough to irk him.
drudging forward he grumbled his hatred for the cold.
Only when he was met with a sudden warmth and a flash of orange did he jump away in a means to protect himself.

Confusion hit him next after his guard relaxed. It was just Naruto,but something was different. Where was his jacket? Looking down upon his shoulders the redhead realised where the warmth had come from. Naruto had given him his jacket.

"Naruto ..."

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