No way to escape my alpha mate

By dreambigger3713

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Hello My name is Ashlen Calhoun. My dad used to abuse me ever since my mother died in a tragic accident. One... More

No way to escape my alpha mate
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Authors note
chapter 16
Important please read
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20

chapter 4

13.5K 427 6
By dreambigger3713

Chapter 4 –


I hear her start to stir in her sleep again and glance over to see her looking at me. “Drew, why are you laying on the floor?” she asks, her voice soft and quiet.

“Well Princess you’re sleeping in my bed.” I chuckle.

“I could have slept in the floor, all you had to do was wake me up.” She says, her voice still quiet

"I'm not that mean, you needed to sleep on a real bed. I noticed the bruises and scars, how did you get those?" I ask, lowering my voice.

"Oh, t-those, t-they're nothing." She stutters, obviously lying.

“Ashlen, don’t lie to me. now tell me how you got them” I growl.

“N-no, it doesn’t matter.” She whimpers. I get up from my position on the floor and hover above her, our faces only an inch apart. The protectiveness in my wolf is taking over and I can tell it’s starting to scare her but I can’t stop it. She is my mate after all!

“Tell me.” I growl. She closes her eyes then open them again. “Who did this to you?” I demand.

“How do you know someone did this to me, I could have fallen.” She retorts.

“Ashlen, I know you’re lying. Now tell me the truth!” I bark

“M-my dad.” She confesses.

“I’m going to kill him!” I growl and run out of the room. I sprint down the hallways ignoring all of the noise I make. I slam open the door to the Beta’s room. “LUKE!” I bellow and he jerks up right from his bed alarmed.

“WHAT?!!” he screeches rubbing his eyes.

“Ashlen! Her dad! H-he…” I can’t even get the words out. It was pure torture to even think that my mate’s father did that to her. I flop down on his bed and scream into the duvet.

“Drew! Come on speak to me, what did her dad do?” Luke asks patting my back.

“H-he a-a-ab…” I can’t even make out the word.

“Abused her?” he fills in and I nod. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Drew what are we going to do?” he asks.

“Kill him.” I growl and now all I can see is red. I’ve been told that when I’m mad my eyes turn as black as night and if it’s true they are probably as black as black can be. I get up and storm into my so called office that holds all pack records and everything with Luke right behind me. I grab the book of local pack members and slam it down onto my mahogany desk.

“Luke I want you to go ask Ashlen her full name, her dad’s and where she lived.”
I bark.

“Ok, I’ll be right back.” He runs down the hall and out of my sight. Once I find out who this man is, he is going to die. I will rip the flesh from his body for hurting my mate. In a minute tops Luke is pack. “Her full name is Ashlen, Marie, Calhoun. Her dad is Michele Calhoun. They lived in our pack area.” He states.

“D-did you just say her dad was Michael Calhoun?” I question. He nods sorrowfully. I let out a eerie growl and punch the wall in anger, my fist creating a hole. My office was an addition to the old school so it didn’t have the brick walls thankfully. I slump down into the giant leather seat and groan, this wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought.

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