Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears

73 3 1
By pknelson1

"When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew."

~William Shakespeare


That night I found myself slumped down in my seat at the dinner table, pushing my food around the plate. I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything, I was missing Wes like crazy again and I had just seen him three hours ago. I could feel the same lost and gapping feeling creeping up on me like before. I knew it had to do with the bond and the next step, Wes said this would happen if we didn't complete the next part soon. It terrified me even though I knew I loved him but I couldn't make myself utter those words out loud.

"Adelle, are you feeling okay? You've barely touched your dinner," My mom's concerned voice broke through my consuming thoughts.

"Oh, I feel fine, just not that hungry I guess," I shrugged my shoulders and tried to look more involved with dinner.

Looking up I saw my mom share a look with my dad, not meant for my eyes but I saw it anyway. My dad slightly shook his head. What was going on? I peeked back at mom to see a look of panic flash in her eyes. She mouthed 'later' then stood up and started to clean up the kitchen. I looked back to my plate before speaking,

"Can I be excused?" I looked to my dad.

"Sure," there were tired lines creasing my dad's forehead. I put my plate in the sink then trudged up to my room with a heavy heart.

Right as my foot hit the top step I was washed over by Wes. Everything righted itself and I was finally able to breath. Basically sprinting to my room I burst through the door and into Wes's arms, burying my face in his neck, inhaling his calming scent.

"I missed you too," Wes chuckled and pressed his lips to my forehead and drew me closer. I melted into his arms and let him hold me. I didn't need to pretend in front of Wes.

"What's wrong?" Wes asked as he drew me over to my bed. I crawled up next to him and he wrapped his arms around me so I was laying with my head on his chest.

"I think my parents are keeping something from me," I mumbled.

"Why do you think that?" Wes ran his hands through my hair.

"At dinner they shared this weird silent conversation and my mom got all panicky and left the table," I closed my eyes as Wes massaged neck.

"Do you think they know?" He didn't need to elaborate, I knew he was talking about us and Time Travel.

"They know something," I shrugged, too tired now to care.

"We'll worry about it later."

I nodded my head and we sat in easy silence until Wes spoke,

"We have to go to Ireland," he said it so nonchalant I was sure I misunderstood.


"It's not safe for you here, we need to go to Ireland where they won't find us," Wes had turned on his side and was looking at me with decision in his eyes.

"You're serious," I realized.

Wes nodded.

All drowsiness I was feeling before, washed away and I was left fully awake.

"Wes, I can't just leave," I shook my head, completely in shock.

"Your parents are going to have to know sooner or later what is going on, they will want you to go."

"No, my dad would never let me," my mind was whirling with all of this. It was too much to process after what had happened back at Wes's apartment.

"Adelle, there is no way I'm going to let you stay here and risk you getting taken by the Cumacht," Wes shuddered and looked at me with tearful eyes. "I need to protect you, I lo-"

"Adelle?" My mom's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Crap," I looked to Wes in panic. "Hide!"

Wes smirked at me before sliding silently off the bed, then crossed my room to the closet. He ducked inside and once I was positive there was no sight of him I got up and opened the door to my mom.

"Yeah?" I asked, confused why she came up.

"I wanted to see how you were doing," my mom walked into my room and sat down on my bed. I internally cringed; she wanted to talk.

"I'm good," I sat down next to her.

"How was the dance last night?" I was so confused.

"It was really fun," I lied, images of Wes being beat up flashed through my mind and I winced slightly.

"That's good," my mom trailed off. What did she really want to talk about?

We were both quiet, lost in our own thoughts. Mine travelled down the road of Wes and how my parents were being so lenient with him. Questions came to mind that I really wanted to ask and I felt that this time was as good as any.

"Why are you and dad being so lenient with Wes?" I got out quickly, not looking at her.

"What?" She seemed startled at my question.

"Why are you and dad so laid back with Wes?" Again, I didn't look at her.

Mom sighed before talking, "I think it's time we talked-"

I cut her off, "I already had the birds and the bees talk, I don't need it again!" I was mortified, knowing that Wes could hear everything.

"Oh no not that talk!" My mom burst out laughing, I nervously laughed along.

"So what talk then?"

She instantly sobered, "It's a talk that Wes needs to hear too, call him and then your father and I will explain everything," mom smiled a little sadly, her eyes shining, and then walked out, shutting the door quietly behind her.

I still sat on my bed, utterly confused as to what had just happened, when I felt the bed dip with Wes sitting next to me.

"I wonder what they need to tell us?" I voiced out loud, not looking at Wes.

"I don't know," he seemed a little distant.

"You need to come in from the front door," I looked at him now.

"Yeah," Wes robotically nodded his head, a faraway look in his eyes as he got up to climb out the window.

I caught his arm before he could slip away, "Hey."

"Yes?" He turned his face to mine, the moonlight making his eyes glow.

I bent down and kissed him softly, pulling his bottom lip between mine, before backing away with a small smile. "See you soon."

"See you soon," Wes grinned broadly before dropping out of sight.

I absentmindedly turned back to my room and halfheartedly put some things away, waiting to hear Wes knock on the door. A few more dull minutes passed before the doorbell rang. A smile tugged at my lips and I skipped quickly down the stairs and skidded to a stop in front of the door.

"I got it!" I yelled to my parents then opened the door, letting in the scent of crisp fall air and Wes.

Wes pulled me to him, wrapping me in his arms like he had not just saw me only five minutes before.

"I like it when you kiss me," his husky whisper stirred the hairs on my neck, making me shiver.

"That makes two of us," I breathlessly answered.

"Adelle close the door, it's cold outside," my dad's voice came from the living room.

With flaming cheeks I pulled Wes inside and locked the door. He took off his coat and hung it on the hook before grabbing my hand and dragged me into my own home.

"Good evening, Mr. Montgomery," Wes smiled and shook my dad's hand before turning to my mom, "Mrs. Montgomery," he went to shake her hand as well but she went right for a hug, weird.

"It's so good to see you Wes!" My mom smiled warmly before taking a seat next to my dad on the small couch. I motioned Wes over to sit across from my parents.

"So, what did you need to talk to us about?" I asked straightforward.

My mom looked to my dad who nodded encouragingly. My mom took a deep breath then spoke,

"Wes we know you're a Time Traveler."

I sucked in a sharp breath and stared disbelieving. Wes sat up straighter, looking as shocked as I felt.

My mom continued, "I know this must be a huge shock and I assume you've told Adelle, judging by the look on her face," mom stopped again and looked at me, "You're a Time Traveller too."

That broke me out of my haze, "I know."

"What?" This threw off my mom, I guess she thought I wouldn't have known.

"Wes told me a couple weeks ago," I explained.

"Oh well that makes everything easier to explain."

"Explain what?" I asked.

Mom looked at dad, signaling that it was his turn to talk.

My dad cleared his throat then spoke, "You must understand that this is so hard for your mother and I to explain. We never thought this day would come so soon."

I was starting to get nervous. I reached over and took Wes's hand in mine.

"Dad just get it out," I was shaking now, fearing the worst.

"Almost twenty years ago your mother and I were touring through Ireland for work. At the time I was working with the Time Travel Council to eradicate the terrorist group called the Cumacht," Wes's hand spasmed around mine. My dad continued, "We aren't Time Travelers," he motioned to he and mom, "but my family had always worked with them, we helped keep the Time Traveling community hidden from the rest of the world. While working with them we became really close to some of the people there," he looked to Wes, "Especially your parents."

Wes sucked in a breath but said nothing, I leaned into him more, knowing he needed me close.

My dad kept talking, "We also were particularly close to another couple, Malachi and Evelyn LeRoy. We mostly worked with them and the Paynes. Two and a half years after working with them, Evelyn found out she was pregnant. It was a very good time in the Time Traveling world, Margaret and Joseph were also expecting and after losing their first child too her gift," Wes was shaking next to me. "They were overjoyed to find out they were having a boy."

I spoke up, "Dad what does this have to do with me?"

"Just let me finish."

I nodded and he continued, "But when both Evelyn and Margaret were due, the Cumacht began to wreck through the land, they were coming dangerously close to Blackrock and the city was in a state of panic. Your father," my dad looked at Wes, "was assigned by the Council, to oversee Blackrock and it was his duty to keep it safe, so with me, Malachi, and a few other men we went to intersept the Cumacht at the north end of the city, leaving your mother, Evelyn, and Gwen at the estate. That night we were immensely out number by the Cumacht, they swept through our front lines like they were toy soldiers. That left only Malachi, Joseph, me, and seven other men. It was ten to twenty. I had never been more scared in my life then in that moment. We met the Cumacht in the middle and fought until Joseph was able to engage the leader, Liam Knightly. Joseph killed him but not without price, Malachi was struck by an arrow. It went straight through his heart. He died with Evelyn's name on his lips."

My mom wiped away tears and looked at me with a look I couldn't decipher.

"I still don't understand," I didn't know how this was connected to Wes and I.

"When Joseph and I got back to the estate, Margaret had given birth to Weston," again he looked at Wes. "And Evelyn had given birth to a baby girl, only living long enough to entrust your mother and I with raising the baby as our own. Evelyn then joined Malachi in death." My father looked at me with tears in his brown eyes.

Realization dawned on me,

"No," I whispered, too scared to say it out loud.

"The baby's name was Adelle." The tears fell loose from his eyes and I looked wildly to my mom who had matching tears of her own.

"Mom?" I couldn't speak over a whisper.

"Adelle you were born to Malachi and Evelyn LeRoy, we raised you on the wishes of your mother on her deathbed." My mom softly said, while tears coursed from her eyes.

I sat there. I didn't know how to react. How was I supposed to act? I was just told I was adopted. The thought almost made me laugh. Almost. I stared at the floor, dry eyed and numbed limbs.

"Adelle?" Wes's concerned voice reached my ears.

I jerked up my head to stare at him, I knew the anguish was palpable on my face.

"Did you know?" My whisper was barely audible.

"No," Wes shook his head, his eyes mirroring my own pain.

"Adelle we're so sorry," my mom was still crying, tears staining her cheeks.

"No," reality was seeping in now. "No," I shook my head, tears finally making an appearance.

"How could you keep that from me?" I screamed. "Why did you not tell me?" I was hysterical now, my heart racing and tears marring my vision. I went from standing to collapsing down on the couch, my shoulders heaving with each labored breath.

"Adelle!" Wes was becoming panicked, seeing me break down. His arms wrapped around my shaking frame as I slumped into him.

"Baby," I could hear my mom but I refused to acknowledge her, shrinking into Wes.

"Don't touch her!" Wes yelled, swinging me up into his arms and standing. Wes strode past my crying parents and out the front door, ignoring their cries to bring me back.

Wes tucked me into the passenger seat then got in and sped off to his apartment, his hand resting on my knee. Arriving at his apartment, Wes picked me up and continued up the stairs, up the elevator and through the front door. I remained in a mute stupor, laying in his arms while he locked the front door and turned on the living room lights. Wes walked into the living room and sat me down on the couch with a "I'll be right back."

I continued to stare out the window at the darkened forest, the twinkling lights of Ashland in the distance. I felt, rather than heard, Wes enter back into the room. My eyes remained on the window. I heard Wes sigh as he knelt in front of me, my gaze on the forest finally wavered and I turned my head to lock eyes with Wes. I was surprised to see the sadness in his gray eyes.

"I'm so sorry M' fihiorghra," he whispered gently.

A simple tear rolled down my cheek. Wes reached up and brushed it away with his fingertip. A shuddering breath escaped my lungs and I leaned into his touch.

"Why didn't they tell me?" My voice was hoarse.

"They probably thought they were protecting you," Wes replied in a whisper.

I couldn't suppress the harsh sob that slithered from my throat.

"Oh, Adelle," Wes brought both his hands up to frame my face, and gently -as if I was fragile china- pressed his lips to my forehead before drawing me into his arms, cradling me against his chest. I let myself be comforted by him, I took down my strong facade and just let myself rely on him, drawing in breaths scented with Wes. We didn't need words, not to comfort each other. I knew he was giving me his strength, just as I had when he was bleeding and broken on the night of the dance. His steady heartbeat soothed my erratic one, slowing it down until they were perfectly in sync. It was complete bliss. We hadn't had many moments where it was just us, where there wasn't anyone else, or people trying to kill me and I realized how much love I felt for him, already, within just a month he had burrowed into my heart and made a home. It was oh so perfect. I dared not speak, too afraid to break the fragile glass encasing us in the calm and quiet of the moonlit room where the only noise was our soft breaths and his heart beating beneath my ear.

My thoughts were silent, I was calm, I was whole. Wes was reassuring, he was my gravity, he was the glue to piece back every shattered thing within me. I tightened my arms on his waist, somehow needing to be closer even though every inch of the front of me was pressed to him, my head coming to stop just below his chin. Our bodies fitting perfectly, his every contour was fitted by me and we were two matching jigsaw pieces. Wes sensed me needing to be closer and he picked me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist and my face was pressed to where his shoulder meets his neck.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered gently. I merely nodded.

Wes turned away from the couch and walked us down the hall and into his room. Setting me down on his bed he left into the bathroom then returned with a wet washcloth. Sitting cross-legged in front of me he ran the warm washcloth over my cheeks and eyes, washing away the salty residue that the tears left behind. Finishing with that he returned the cloth to the bathroom and disappeared into his closet. I watched all his movements from my curled position on his bed. He emerged from his closet holding a t-shirt of his.

"Here," Wes said softly, handing the shirt to me and then turned around so I could change.

I quickly slipped out of my jeans and sweatshirt and into his old shirt, it smelled just like him; sweet mint and his own type of cologne. Standing up from the bed, the t-shirt ended at mid-thigh. I crossed the room to where Wes stood looking out the window at the golden lights of Ashland in the distance, his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his jeans, head hung low. I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind and laid my forehead between his shoulder blades.

"I don't even know what to think anymore," my whisper broke the silence. "My whole world has fallen upside down and all I can think about is how my parents never told me and how my real parents never even got a chance to know me."

"I'm so sorry love, I never wanted any of this to happen," Wes turned around and his hands came up to frame my face, leaning his forehead against mine.

"How am I supposed to face them after tonight?" My eyes burned with the threat of more tears.

"Adelle, you have to forgive them."

"Why?" It was so hard to imagine at the moment.

"Because they're the only parents you have, they love you and raised you and even though they weren't honest, they are still your parents and are at least alive," Wes met my eyes with tears in his.

My lip quivered, "I'm so sorry Wes. I'm being so selfish," I shook my head, my eyes closed.

"Just please forgive them, you don't know how much time you have with them. I never appreciated mine enough and now I can never again tell them how much I love them," a silver tear spilled from his eye. I couldn't stand it. His tears. With a soft sob I covered his lips with mine.

With a hand behind his head I pulled Wes closer. His hands captured my waist and he lifted me up against him, holding me to his chest so I could feel his heart beating against mine. Wes sought to deepen the kiss and I let him, his lips pulling at mine, caressing them, parting them. The taste of mint on my tongue was the only thing I could register. The taste of Wes overwhelmed me. Breaking away from my lips to breath, Wes only continued his kiss down my neck. Tracing fire and tattooing the sensitive skin above my collarbone, whispering my name over and over again. My hands were in his hair now and I tugged until his lips were back on mine and I was able to forget everything except his name which escaped my throat as a sigh.

Slowly, Wes released my lips so we stood with our lips barely a centimeter apart and his hands still combing through my hair. Our breaths slowly returned to normal. Wes pulled back slightly, just so he could stare into my eyes. My breath caught and my heart skipped a beat at the look I saw. Wes was looking at me with adoration and something so tender, it made my heart swell and I was overcome by the feeling that this was right. Everything was right. I felt the tether from his heart to mine, the constant reassurance that he was mine forever and nothing could take him away.

"Adelle Montgomery I love you," Wes whispered those words with complete clarity and I felt it resonate deep in my soul. I gasped, my hands fluttering to my chest as I felt his emotions like they were my own. It was awe and hope and above all, love. He loved me.

"Wes," he had my hands back in his grasp and was smiling so brightly that everything was dimmed by comparison

"Adelle I love you and I will love you until the end of time and beyond. I will love you forever."

"I love you too," my whispered words had me finally breathing freely and Wes visibly relaxed into my arms. I couldn't stop saying it and it was as if my every worry and fear and problem was washed away at those three magnificent words.

We stood like that, just staring at each other, feeling each others emotions, grinning like fools because we weren't hurting anymore and our souls were so intertwined that every breath and heartbeat was in tandem.

Eventually Wes tugged me over to the bed and we laid down so my head was laying on his heart and his arms were wrapped tightly around me. Leaning down, Wes pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"Sleep," his gentle command drifted to my ears and I slowly drifted away, Wes surrounding me and our love filling the air.


It was two AM and I was still awake, too riled up to sleep and way too caught up in Adelle and how when I inhaled, the air was scented by her and how she was pressed against my side and how I could feel her every breath and her two small hands that were always cold were captured in mine and I couldn't imagine any other place I would rather be.

I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to enjoy this calm moment before the storm that was bound to hit. With a sigh I looked up to the ceiling and traced my fingertips up and down Adelle's arm, reveling in the softness of her skin. It had been such a great sense of relief to say those three words to her. My soul was finally at peace and as soon as we got to Ireland we were completing the vows. Nothing could stop us.

I must had dozed off because the next thing I knew I was flying upright as Adelle's scream pierced the night.

"Adelle!" I turned to where she laid to see her tossing in the blankets, her eyes clenched tight as she continued to fight whatever monster was in her dream.

"Adelle," I called again, trapping her flailing hands in mine. I drew her up against me and folded her into my arms, pressing her head to my chest to hear my heartbeat so she knew that I was there.

She finally relaxed against me, her hands clenched in my shirt as her breathing slowly turned back to normal.

"Wes," she sounded so broken.

"I'm right here," I whispered, combing aside her hair and kissing her forehead.

Adelle was silent, with the exception of a few sniffs and hiccups.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly. Adelle was quiet for a few minutes before she spoke.

"I saw my real parents. They were talking to me but then my father was pierced by an arrow and- and he fell to his knees and there was blood everywhere and on my hands and my mom was sobbing and she had blood on her and then they turned into my parents now and they were dead-" Adelle broke off in a sob. "Their eyes were just staring at me but there wasn't any life in them."

I felt her tears fall hot onto the skin of my neck and my arms tightened around her quaking frame, my heart nearly splitting in two because I felt every drop of her pain.

"They're not dead Adelle, they're right here in Ashland and we're going to see them tomorrow and everything is going to be okay," I whispered, desperately needing to cure her pain. Needing her to be okay and not cry because I could not stand the sight of tears dripping off her long, nearly invisible eyelashes and falling onto the small freckles that were sprinkled across her cheeks.

I rubbed slow circles on her back, pressing my lips to her neck.

"It's going to be okay," I repeated.

Adelle nodded and laid her head down on my shoulder. I eased back against the pillows and held her to me, my arms tight around her waist and my arm for her pillow.


Rolling over the next morning my fingers sought out Adelle's warm body next to mine but only found empty air. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes and looked around my room, trying to locate Adelle. It took a moment but finally the sound of pots clanging and the smell of breakfast hit me. I got out of bed and walked out the door to find Adelle, stretching my sore muscles.

Walking into the kitchen I wasn't ready for the sight before me; Adelle was making breakfast, her long, bare legs showing beneath my old t-shirt, her hips saying to the music that played softly in the background. Silently I made my way to the kitchen and like magnets my arms went to wind around her waist, my lips going to the sensitive skin behind her ear. Adelle jumped, but then melted against me.

"Good morning love," I murmured, burrowing my nose in her thick, sweet smelling hair.

"'Morning," Adelle said with a laugh and turned around in my arms to press a soft but sweet kiss to my lips then broke from my grasp to turn off the burner and started making up our plates.

I went and sat down at the small breakfast nook that was to the left of the kitchen, while Adelle brought over our plates. We sat in comfortable silence until I chose to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

"So, we should probably go see your parents today," I cautiously suggested, fearing another round of tears.

"Yeah I need to talk to them," Adelle said with an even tone. I was surprised to see her this calm.

"Okay, we'll go after breakfast."

I helped Adelle put away the extra food and wash the dishes then we got dressed, Adelle in her jeans and another old t-shirt of mine. Setting off to her house, Adelle nervously bounced her knee. I stilled its motion with my hand.

"It's going to be okay, I'll be there the whole time," I smiled reassuringly. Adelle merely grimaced.

Pulling up to the front of the house I ran around and opened Adelle's door then with her clutching my hand we walked up the driveway and to the front door. Adelle tested the handle to see that it was unlocked. Slipping off her shoes Adelle walked further into the house with me hovering right behind her.

"Mom?" She called.

"Adelle?" Came her mom's worried voice, followed by the sounds of footsteps.

Turning the corner into the living room Adelle's parents were getting up from the couch, soon Mrs. Montgomery was flying across the room and drawing Adelle into her arms. I looked up to see Mr. Montgomery walking towards us, his eyes trained on me. I was dead meat. Glancing away for a second I looked to Adelle to see her still being held by her mom but whispering 'sorrys' over and over. Her mother hushing her gently. I looked back to her dad and the sight made me swallow nervously. I took an unconscious step towards Adelle, a wrong move on my part because Mr. Montgomery was right in my face, seething.

"How dare you take my daughter like that!" He screamed. I flinched away.

"Steven!" Mrs. Montgomery shrieked, breaking away from Adelle and putting a restraining hand on her husband's arm.

"Dad!" Adelle yelled and wedged her body between me and her dad, making him back up.

"Steven, you know it was his instinct! He thought Adelle was being threatened, she was hurting, so he did what was in his blood to do: he protected his Soulmate!"

"That is no excuse!" Adelle's dad roared.

"Dad, it's not his fault! I went willingly, he was just protecting me," Adelle remained planted in front of me.

Gently I moved her to my side and spoke, "Mr. Montgomery, I'm sorry that I caused you both grief, my actions were irrational but I'm not sorry that I took Adelle with me. Yes, it was a knee-jerk reaction but I had too. Like your wife said; it is in my blood to do everything in my power to protect my Soulmate."

Adelle's hand had found mine and she squeezed it reassuringly, then pulled us around her still standing parents, to sit down on the couch. Her parents took her example and sat opposite of us. This was like deja vu of last night. It was several moments of awkward silence until Adelle broke it.

"So I'm sorry for how I reacted last night and I want you guys to know that I forgive you for not telling me. I know you just wanted to protect me." Adelle looked both to her mother and father as she spoke.

"Oh, honey you don't have to apologize, we are the ones who should be sorry but thank you," her mother came over and drew Adelle into her arms. I was hit suddenly with a longing for my own mother, what I wouldn't give to hug her one last time.

Adelle's dad came over as well and hugged both Adelle and her mother. After a few moments they all broke apart with Mrs. Montgomery wiping away a few stray tears.

"So Weston, how would you like to stay for lunch?" Adelle's mother turned to me.

I didn't hesitate to answer, "I would love to."

Authors Note:

Hi my lovely readers!! Once again I would like to apologize for the long wait but this was actually not as long as it usually takes to write a chapter! Whoo Hoo!! So this chapter is a little shorter but holy crap it was emotional! And talk about that scene in his bedroom! They finally said those three wonderful words!! Forgive me if it was a little anticlimactic but I have no experience with these things so yeah, but I thought it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Each chapter I write it feels as though I'm finally getting into the groove of my characters and who they are and how I want the story to progress!! I'm so excited for this chapter and I know I say this every time but I was seriously in love with chapter 13!! It was so emotional and Wes and Adelle got their so completely adorable and awe worthy moments and that always makes me so happy to write! And shout out to Jordan for giving a ton of feed back on Time Again, it means so much to hear what you have to say! Thanks girl!

Moving on, so the songs I chose for this chapter was 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran, 'Wake Me Up' by Ed Sheeran, 'Good For You' by Selena Gomez, 'Cry With You' by Hunter Hayes, 'Then' by Brad Paisley, and lastly, 'Lay Me Down' by Sam Smith ft. John Legend. These are all the songs I listened to while writing chapter 13 and I love all of them and think they represent this chapter so well!

I know there is another irish word in this chapter and I'll add what it means:

. M' fhiorghra = My true love

And that's it for this chapter.

Thank you guys so so so much!! I'm in love with writing and it's what I want to do forever so thank you for taking the time to read Time Again. It means the world to me so until next time!!

~ Pknelson1

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